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Mammalian Reproductive Strategies. Prototheria (monotremes)

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Presentation on theme: "Mammalian Reproductive Strategies. Prototheria (monotremes)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mammalian Reproductive Strategies

2 Prototheria (monotremes)

3 Metatheria (marsupials)

4 Eutheria (placentals)

5 Patterns of Social Behavior Sociability: important characteristic for most primates Continuous interactions among a group of individuals

6 Advantages of Group Living 1. Observational learning. – Reduces necessity of individual trial-and- error learning. 2. Possibile genetic resistance to disease and parasites. 3. Efficient location of food resources 4. Increases the reproductive fitness of group members.

7 Social groupings

8 What kind of social grouping?

9 Polygyny: one reproductively mature (RM) male, several RM females Gelada baboon

10 Lip retraction: threat display

11 Individuals are solitary Males are intolerant of one another. Single male establishes a large territory. Contains several females Each female has her own separate home range

12 Polygyny Extensive home ranges

13 Overlapping territories Multi-male; multi-female groups

14 Multi-male, multi-female groups Non-aggressive

15 Human societies extremely diverse Monogamy Polygamy – polygyny and polyandry For most of human evolution - and for most women in the world today, menstruation is a rare occurrence Repetitive pregnancies and long periods of lactation

16 Fundamental intersexual reproductive strategies Female. Maximize resources available to her and her offspring. Female primates spend most of their adult lives pregnant, lactating, and caring for offspring. High energy demands. Male. Produce many offspring and make sure they are yours. Non-human primates: androgen levels fluctuate in response to female receptivity.

17 Mammalian female reproductive cycle Hormonal suppression of sexual cycles Female primates

18 Nonhuman Cultural Behavior Learned behavior shared between generations. t Chimpanzees: tool use Spearing of bushbabies Termite fishing with modified stems and twigs. Have a preconceived idea of what the finished tool needs to be in order to be useful. May make the tool in advance of the opportunity for use. Preparing for the future. Requires planning and forethought.


20 Meat component of chimpanzee diet



23 Bone review


25 Genetic similarities and differences Human and ape chromosomes

26 A phyletic classification of families



29 mtDNA 4,700 base sequence Genes for 11 tRNAs 6 proteins Human-chimpanzee relationship 10 23 more likely than Chimpanzee-gorilla relationship Y DNA Base sequence for Testis-specific protein Y Autosomal DNA Base sequence of Beta-globin gene cluster

30 A cladistic classification of families


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