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ECE Graduate Program Guidelines Brian Johnson Professor and Chair Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE Graduate Program Guidelines Brian Johnson Professor and Chair Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE Graduate Program Guidelines Brian Johnson Professor and Chair Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2 Overview u General requirements u Master of Science Degrees u Master of Engineering Degrees u Ph.D. Degrees u Theses and Presentations

3 General Graduate Requirements u Required paperwork at start of program: –Appointment of Major Professor and/or Committee Form –Study Plan Form »Complete in first or second semester »Can be updated »Legal document u ECE 591every semester

4 General Graduate Requirements u Maintain 3.0 GPA –Semester GPA versus –Cumulative GPA –You can’t graduate if cumulative GPA < 3.0 u Application for an Advanced Degree u You are responsible for submitting forms!

5 Master’s Degrees u Master of Science u Master of Engineering u EE and CompE u 30 credits –500 level courses –400 level courses –Breadth area requirement for EE –EE majors take at least 18 credits of ECE 5XX

6 MS Option u Major Professor –Committee member outside of ECE u Master’s thesis required –6 credits ECE 500 »Register ECE 500 in semester graduating –Written thesis »Quality of writing matters -- tech writers »Don’t treat major professor as proof-reader –Distribute 1-2 weeks before defense –“Request to Proceed with Final Defense” Form

7 MS Option u Oral presentation/defense u Expect corrections to thesis after defense u Don’t assume any of the following –That your committee is available the last days of the term –That your major professor will have free time to do review corrections at the last minute u UI Handbook for Theses and Dissertations: –

8 ME Option u Non-thesis Master’s degree u All coursework u Non-ECE Committee member not required u Technical Presentation/Oral Examination – Department requirement – Approximately 30 minute presentation – Written summary with references – Quality of presentation matters – Plan well in advance with Major Professor

9 Doctoral Degree u Admission requires major professor u No Ph.D. in Computer Engineering u Change of Curriculum form for current MS/ME –Must have signature of a major professor! u 78 credits beyond BS –At least 52 credits 500 and above –Up to 30 credits from Master’s –Up to 18-30 credits ECE 600 thesis

10 Doctoral Degree u Major Area u Two Breadth Areas –Must support thesis topic –One can be outside of ECE department u Preliminary examination –Written exams in major area and breadth areas –Oral exam –Thesis Research Proposal –Advancement to candidacy after passing

11 Thesis Outline u Introduction –Problem description –Describe proposed solution u Background/Literature (quality references) u Mathematical/Engineering Analysis u Modeling/Lab set up u Simulation and/or Hardware Results u Conclusion and Future Work u Appendices

12 Presentations u PowerPoint or similar –Avoid fancy transitions and backgrounds u Work from an outline u Large fonts - Use Arial or similar type u Each slide should have a “topic theme” u One line bullets u Use graphics u Pace and timing u Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse

13 Summary u Overview of ECE graduate requirements u Thesis outline u Presentation tips u You must take the initiative in this process

14 Resources u ECE Graduate Guidelines u UI College of Graduate Studies –

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