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United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund Unite For Children Megan Maher Picture:

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund Unite For Children Megan Maher Picture:"— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund Unite For Children Megan Maher Picture:

2 “25,000 children die everyday from preventable causes. We believe that number should be zero. Join Us.” Quote: http://www.unicefusa.org Picture:

3 UNICEF HISTORY AND BEGINNINGS: “The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS.” Content: Quote: Picture:

4 UNICEF HISTORY AND BEGINNINGS: “The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS.” Content: Quote: o Founded: December 11, 1946 by UN Picture:

5 UNICEF HISTORY AND BEGINNINGS: “The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS.” Content: Quote: o Founded: December 11, 1946 by UN o Responds to emergency needs of children in post-war countries Picture:

6 UNICEF HISTORY AND BEGINNINGS: “The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS.” Content: Quote: o Founded: December 11, 1946 by UN o Responds to emergency needs of children in post-war countries o Works in 191 Countries Picture:

7 UNICEF HISTORY AND BEGINNINGS: “The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS.” Content: Quote: o Founded: December 11, 1946 by UN o Responds to emergency needs of children in post-war countries o Works in 191 Countries o ~60% of UNICEF funding comes from governments. Picture:

8 WHAT UNICEF DOES….. Focus Areas: 1. Child Survival and Development 2. Basic education and Gender equality 3. HIV/AIDS in Children 4. Child Protection 5. Policy Advocacy and Partnerships Pictures and content:

9 1.Child Survival and Development o Evidence Based child survival, nutrition, and environmental interventions Content: Picture:

10 1.Child Survival and Development o Evidence Based child survival, nutrition, and environmental interventions o Problem: In 2007 an estimated 9.2 million children worldwide under the age of 5 died of largely preventable causes Content: Picture:

11 1.Child Survival and Development o Evidence Based child survival, nutrition, and environmental interventions o Problem: In 2007 an estimated 9.2 million children worldwide under the age of 5 died of largely preventable causes o UNICEF’s Solution: low-cost and low-technology methods o Ensure all children have access to basic education o Break cycle of poverty to increase survival Content: Picture:

12 2. Basic education and Gender equality o Free compulsory quality education for all children Picture:; Content:

13 2. Basic education and Gender equality o Free compulsory quality education for all children o Problem: Too many world’s children lack access to the fundamental human right of education Picture:; Content:

14 2. Basic education and Gender equality o Free compulsory quality education for all children o Problem: Too many world’s children lack access to the fundamental human right of education o UNICEF’s solution: provide quality access for growth, transformation, innovation, opportunity, and equality. o Education provides qualities and skills needed for healthy lifestyles, protection from AIDS/HIV and other STDs, safe practices Picture:; Content:

15 3. HIV/AIDS in Children o Mother-to-Child Transmission, Pediatric Treatment, Prevention Content: Picture:

16 3. HIV/AIDS in Children o Mother-to-Child Transmission, Pediatric Treatment, Prevention o Problem: HIV/AIDS leads to poverty, homelessness, school drop outs, discrimination, loss of life opportunity, and early death Content: Picture:

17 3. HIV/AIDS in Children o Mother-to-Child Transmission, Pediatric Treatment, Prevention o Problem: HIV/AIDS leads to poverty, homelessness, school drop outs, discrimination, loss of life opportunity, and early death o UNICEF’s Solution: Unite for Children, Unite Against AIDS organization to draw attention Content: Picture:

18 4. Child Protection o Protecting children from violence, exploitation, and abuse Picture: Content:

19 4. Child Protection o Protecting children from violence, exploitation, and abuse o Problem: 300 million children worldwide are subjected to violence, exploitation, abuse, child labor, marriage, mutilation, etc Picture: Content:

20 4. Child Protection o Protecting children from violence, exploitation, and abuse o Problem: 300 million children worldwide are subjected to violence, exploitation, abuse, child labor, marriage, mutilation, etc o UNICEF Solution: Child Protection Plan, Human rights agreements, creation of protective environment for children in partnerships with governments Picture: Content:

21 5. Policy Advocacy and Partnerships o Data, policy analysis, leveraging resources, child participation Pictures:, Content:

22 5. Policy Advocacy and Partnerships o Data, policy analysis, leveraging resources, child participation o Problem: Policies must stand up against the standards set out in the convention on the rights of the child and the elimination of discrimination Pictures:, Content:

23 5. Policy Advocacy and Partnerships o Data, policy analysis, leveraging resources, child participation o Problem: Policies must stand up against the standards set out in the convention on the rights of the child and the elimination of discrimination o UNICEF’s solution: Monitoring so that fulfillment of children’s rights is at the center of global and country-level policy debates. Programs for poverty reduction and human development Pictures:, Content:

24 UNICEF’s REASONS WHY: 1. Children have rights 2. The world has set goals for children 3. Children demand a voice 4. Poverty reduction starts with children 5. The people of the world say YES for children 6. Children should not be dying from preventable causes Picture:

25 In 2007: 420,000 children were newly infected with HIV Picture and Content:

26 In 2007: 290,000 children died of AIDS Picture and Content:

27 In 2007: Children under 15 accounted for 2.1 million of the estimated 33.2 million people living with HIV Picture and Content:

28 “UNITE FOR CHILDREN UNITE AGAINST AIDS is a global Campaign to alert the world to the fact that children are missing from the global AIDS agenda. “ Picture and Content:

29 o UNITE FOR CHILDREN, UNITE AGAINST AIDS was created by UNICEF Picture and Content:

30 o UNITE FOR CHILDREN, UNITE AGAINST AIDS was created by UNICEF o Provides a platform to limit the impact of the disease on children and help to halt the spread of HIV /AIDS Picture and Content:

31 o UNITE FOR CHILDREN, UNITE AGAINST AIDS was created by UNICEF o Provides a platform to limit the impact of the disease on children and help to halt the spread of HIV /AIDS o Puts the protection, care, support, and treatment of children a central focus of the HIV and AIDS agenda. Picture and Content:

32 THE CAMPAIGN: Purposes: o Campaign for education and health services to be strengthened o Work towards the elimination of fees for primary education and health services

33 THE CAMPAIGN: Purposes: o Campaign for education and health services to be strengthened o Work towards the elimination of fees for primary education and health services o Provide a platform for child advocacy on global AIDS issues o Mobilize international resources o Advocate governments, donors, and organizations to help reach goals

34 THE CAMPAIGN: Purposes: o Campaign for education and health services to be strengthened o Work towards the elimination of fees for primary education and health services o Provide a platform for child advocacy on global AIDS issues o Mobilize international resources o Advocate governments, donors, and organizations to help reach goals o Provide a child-centered framework for the Four P’s by 2010

35 The 4 P’s Priority Areas: o Offer appropriate services to 80% of women in need of preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission

36 The 4 P’s Priority Areas: o Offer appropriate services to 80% of women in need of preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission o Provide pediatric treatment to 80% of children in need

37 The 4 P’s Priority Areas: o Offer appropriate services to 80% of women in need of preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission o Provide pediatric treatment to 80% of children in need o Prevent Infection by reducing the percentage of children living with HIV globally by 25%

38 The 4 P’s Priority Areas: o Offer appropriate services to 80% of women in need of preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission o Provide pediatric treatment to 80% of children in need o Prevent Infection by reducing the percentage of children living with HIV globally by 25% o Protect and support 80% of children in the most need affected by HIV/AIDS

39 Millennium Development Goals o By 2015, UNCIEF strives to significantly reduce from half to two-thirds the numbers of: o people living on less than a dollar a day and who suffer from hunger Picture and Content:, “UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2006”

40 Millennium Development Goals o By 2015, UNCIEF strives to significantly reduce from half to two-thirds the numbers of: o people living on less than a dollar a day and who suffer from hunger o children without a complete course of primary education Picture and Content:, “UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2006”

41 Millennium Development Goals o By 2015, UNCIEF strives to significantly reduce from half to two-thirds the numbers of: o people living on less than a dollar a day and who suffer from hunger o children without a complete course of primary education o the mortality rate of those under 5 Picture and Content:, “UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2006”

42 Millennium Development Goals o By 2015, UNCIEF strives to significantly reduce from half to two-thirds the numbers of: o people living on less than a dollar a day and who suffer from hunger o children without a complete course of primary education o the mortality rate of those under 5 o the maternal mortality rate Picture and Content:, “UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2006”

43 Millennium Development Goals o By 2015, UNCIEF strives to significantly reduce from half to two-thirds the numbers of: o people living on less than a dollar a day and who suffer from hunger o children without a complete course of primary education o the mortality rate of those under 5 o the maternal mortality rate o unsafe water usage Picture and Content:, “UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2006”

44 Millennium Development Goals o By 2015, UNCIEF strives to significantly reduce from half to two-thirds the numbers of: o people living on less than a dollar a day and who suffer from hunger o children without a complete course of primary education o the mortality rate of those under 5 o the maternal mortality rate o unsafe water usage o the spread of AIDS and HIV Picture and Content:, “UNICEF State of the World’s Children 2006”

45 “I know AIDS is out there; I have seen and lived with it. If I could speak to the world, I would thank those people that have helped children like me. Because of them I have three meals, a safe, warm place to sleep, an education, and most of all I have people around me that love and care for me. I am very thankful for that.” --Frida, an orphan living at the UNICEF-supported Anglican Children’s Project in Lusaka, Zambia. Quote: Picture:

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