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How to write a ”winning” senior lecturer application Anna Strömberg, docent, lektor Avd för omvårdnad, IMV Anställningsnämnden, HU.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write a ”winning” senior lecturer application Anna Strömberg, docent, lektor Avd för omvårdnad, IMV Anställningsnämnden, HU."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write a ”winning” senior lecturer application Anna Strömberg, docent, lektor Avd för omvårdnad, IMV Anställningsnämnden, HU



4 Qualifications - Competence ► PhD or equal competence ► University pedagogical education or equal competence  LUK -Lärande, undervisning och kunskap  DUO -Design, utvärdering och organisation för lärande ► Pedagogical skills

5 Criteria for judgement ► Scientific skills:  Independent research  Research planning, administration and leadership ► Achieving goals in research through collaboration with other researchers ► Ability to inform the public about research ”tredje uppgiften”

6 Criteria for judgement ► Pedagogical skills through:  Broad and deep knowledge within the area of the appointment  Ability to spread an active interest and engagement for the subject  Ability to structure and organise a mass of knowledge into courses  Ability to activate students to independent learning  Ability to communicate with students and other teachers  Ability to renewal

7 Criteria for judgement ► Administrative skills shown through experience of developing and leading activities and staff

8 CV 1-2 pages  Personal- and contact information  Education and exams  Other background information  Previous and ongoing employment  Parental leave Think about including references, certificates of education, exams and employment

9 Attested copies ► Do not forget that copies need to be attested

10 Scientific production ► Publications  Original articles  Review articles, book-chapters  Guidelines  Editorials, invited papers  others ► Docent competency ► Active participation in scientific congresses:  Abstracts  invited speaker, keynote speaker, (chairperson)  member of scientific committees ► 10 most important papers for the experts to evaluate

11 Scientific collaboration ► Collaboration preclinical and clinical research ► Local - within and between faculties at the university ► National - with other universities or partners ► International ► Guest researchers, post docs (name, affiliation, time)

12 External Grants ► Open national or international competition with a high scientific quality peer review ► Recommended grants for several years ► Grants from different sources ► All received grants should be documented with principal investigator (PI), amount and time

13 Research supervision and education ► Ongoing supervision of PhD students (and licentiate students) ► Graduated PhD students (and licentiate students) ► (master students) ► Main or co-supervisor ► Post doc ► Lecturer, tutor, course leader and examiner of research courses

14 Evaluations ► Editor, member of editorial board ► Expert committees at other universities, national or international or for grants ► Opponent, dissertation committees (betygsnämnd)

15 Evaluation of scientific production ► Write a short research programme and comment different aspects of your own research  Role  Independence  Productivity ► Quantity ► Quality  ”impact factor”  Citations  Clinical impact  Scientific impact

16 Content of Application ► Academical, pedagogical and administrative portfolio with well documented activities in all areas ► Letter of intent  Very important to clearly express what you want to do in this position in research, teaching and administration

17 Letter of intent  Experience of research  Research philosophy and ethics  Principal line and parallel tracks in research  Planned/ongoing research program  Visions and future plans  Research  Teaching  Administration

18 Procedure of the application The application should be labelled with a registration number and sent in time to: Linköpings universitet Registrator 581 83 Linköping

19 Poor quality ► Unclear and messy format  Poor layout ► different format ”cut and paste” ► lack of headlines  Mixture of Swedish and English language ► Content unclear or inexact  Missing years in employment  Wrong names on co-authors or journals ► Content and layout are not following the given format ► To detailed and long  Not important or irrelevant information included  E.g. mixture of peer-review and populistic journals Not spending enough time to make a relevant CV or trying to impress with non-impressive merits trying to impress with non-impressive merits

20 Good quality ► Follow given format and content  1 page = 1 page, 10 publications = 10 publications ► Clear, but personal disposition  Attractive layout  Headlines ► As short as possible  No repetition  Clarify and simplify with figures and tables if possible  ”less is more” Courage to put forward and document strengths in a relevant way !

21 To think about…  Setting up an academic portfolio ► Summarize the merits you have ► Decide on the best format and content ► Look at the CV of others, ask mentors, discuss with colleagues ► Have different version: complete, short, Swedish, English, for specific applications ► To maintain a high quality CV takes time, less time if it is done on a “daily” basis  Application time ► What merits is asked for? ► What is the best way to report these merits? ► Do not write your CV in the last minute  My future goals (research, grants, positions) ► What merits do I need and how do I get them?

22 Do not forget important things, but do not include everything…

23 Procedure ► Complete applications that have been sent to registrator on time are sent out to experts (sakkunniga) ► Assessment of experts (sakkunniga) ► Telephone conference or meeting with the experts and ”anställningsnämnden” ► Most highly ranked applicants (sometimes all applicants) are called for an interview ► Interviews (experts and ”anställningsnämnden” present) ► Experts independently rank the applicants in a written statement ► The appointment to the post is advised by ”anställnings- nämnden”, but the decision is made by the rektor

24 An application is like the top of the iceberg Much of the personality and skills are under the surface Prepare well! What will be asked? What is your message? Bring up other things/extend/clarify Be positive and honest! Interview

25 Research Education Administration

26 Promotion ► The employment as a senior lecturer ”lektor” can be seen as a career employment with the possibility of promotion to professor when the applicant has the qualification asked for ► Promotion is a possibility, but not a right!

27 Do not start too late… … the end will be stressful Read the instructions carefully! Ask some colleagues to read and give feed-back!


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