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As part of the portfolio activity we will examine technologies that encompass enhancing existing technologies in areas such as 3G and develop new technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "As part of the portfolio activity we will examine technologies that encompass enhancing existing technologies in areas such as 3G and develop new technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 As part of the portfolio activity we will examine technologies that encompass enhancing existing technologies in areas such as 3G and develop new technologies for 4G. Immersive presence and virtual remote collaboration systems will be the areas focused on for the mid-to long-term research. The navigation and interaction with information over the fixed and more importantly wireless networks, including the Internet will be a key part of this programme. This will help to make the man-machine interface a more enjoyable experience. Some of the key activities are as follows: An IPv6 wireless test-bed for applications in PAN with service discovery and context aware issues PAN and BAN using ultra wide band (UWB) communications Advance audio-visual processing for 3D capturing, rendering and interaction Acoustic modelling and synthesis Video content adaptation using transcoding and link adaptation for improved quality of service (QoS) Highly scalable model based coding for low rate video transmission Multi-modal interfaces and human computer interaction Wireless sensors based human motion capture and tracking Example of transmitted video quality improvements possible with wireless link adaptation techniques Content adaptation by transcoding: Combined rate adaptation and error resilience insertion for transmission over UMTS. 445  128kb/s error-free transcoded 445  128kb/s non-resilient transcoded 445  128kb/s error-resilient transcoded INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS PORTFOLIO PARTNERSHIP "Our overall vision is to drive forward science and technology at the component and sub-system level, informed by system level solutions to commercial applications, with the ultimate goal of improving the health, wealth and vitality of humankind in the era of all-pervading personal information exchange". The Integrated Electronics Portfolio Partnership at the University of Surrey brings together unique expertise in Nanotechnology, Mobile Communications and Medical Imaging. Awarded by EPSRC, at over six million pounds, it was the largest first round award made. The Partnerships enable world-class research centres to apply for five years of continuous funding, enjoying maximum flexibility to move funds between topics, maximise benefits to research activities, and support outreach initiatives to business. Our vision for the future is inspired by research on how people live, work and play in society. A major driver is people’s need to communicate and exchange information electronically, either for social or personal reasons, or as a tool for carrying out business. Radical alternatives to established electronic technologies promise to revolutionise applications in wireless multimedia communications and medical imaging systems. Through the use of novel materials, such as carbon nanotubes and their composites, and the exploitation of system level RF integration techniques and advanced information processing, futuristic new concepts such as wearable multimedia communicators and wrap-around medical diagnostic systems are envisaged. Applications could be in the domestic environment, in the medical sector or in the office. They could relate to retail and purchasing, learning and entertainment, or the control and monitoring of personal health and well-being. S.R.P. Silva, B.G. Evans, M. Petrou and A. Kondoz School of Electronics and Physical Sciences Scanning Electron Microscopy images of laser nano-structured Ni films with different thicknesses, for use as catalysts for carbon nanotube growth. (a) 6.5 nm thick film (b) 8.2 nm (c) 11.5 nm and (d) 15 nm. Plot of thermionic emission current versus current flowing through a nanotube. Secondary electron micrograph, and schematic of a carbon nanotube construction of the letters A, T and I. The nanotubes were placed in the order shown numerically (1-6) and the connections made in the alphabetical order shown in the schematic diagram. 300nm Contact: The Nanotechnology research will be truly multi-disciplinary, bringing together Electronics, Physics, Biology, Computing and Engineering. One objective is to produce devices to functionalise carbon nanotubes. Expertise unique to Surrey on low temperature growth will be utilised in conjunction with large area plastic substrates for applications such as wrap-around displays, solar cells, large area sensors, and composites for aerospace and automobile sectors. We will also explore new device structures and novel architectures that will attempt to exploit one-dimensional conduction, and will examine devices to interface directly to biological systems. The focus of the systems integration and circuit design activities is to push the upper frequency limit of radio frequency and optoelectronic transceiver modules. Future wireless multimedia communication systems are expected to exploit the millimetre-wave spectrum. The research will investigate use of the nano-electronic devices for these and other applications such as medical imaging systems based on bioelectric magnetic interactions. Low Temperature Growth of Carbon Nanostructures Carbon Nanotube Manipulation: Fabricating Three-Dimensional Structures Using pulsed laser ablation and laser annealing to growth and characterise advanced materials for carbon based electronic devices Low Temperature Poly-Si TFTs and Circuits for CNT-AMFED System Integration Improvement for amorphous carbon mobility Excimer Laser Crystallised Thin Film Silicon for Photovoltaics Thermionic Emission from Nanotubes Resonant Tunnelling and Switching in Amorphous Carbon Quantum Wells and Superlattices © The Integrated Electronics Portfolio Partnership, 2005. Produced by Stephen Lyth We use high order statistics to allow clinicians go beyond the limitations of the human vision system and make visible data characteristics which are invisible to the human eye. We also use 3D texture analysis to characterise tissue. We use photometric stereo techniques for 3D-surface and colour reconstruction, of particular relevance to the representation of human faces for plastic and reconstructive surgery. 3D Data Analysis and Object Representation Starting from 2D or 3D image data we construct finite element models of 3D objects, with applications in Medicine and Industry. We are using dynamic programming and optimisation techniques for constructing models from volume or surface data. We have already applied these techniques to extract all seismic horizons simultaneously from seismic data. A Blinov and M Petrou. “Horizon extraction from 3D seismic data” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, June 2005. We have used 3D volume texture analysis and showed that there are statistically significant differences in the grey matter tissue characteristics between schizophrenics and normal controls. V Kovalev, M Petrou and J Suckling, 2003. “Detection of structural differences between the brains of schizophrenic patients and controls” Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, Vol 124, pp 177--189. 3D Seismic data. 3D horizons identified. A single horizon is shown here alongside two cross- sections of the original data. Examples of invisible border detection for box- (left column) and sphere-shaped (right column) test objects (characteristic axial slices of 3D images are shown).

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