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Magnesium Chloride Dust Control Application Warm Springs Indian Reservation Road Maintenance 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnesium Chloride Dust Control Application Warm Springs Indian Reservation Road Maintenance 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnesium Chloride Dust Control Application Warm Springs Indian Reservation Road Maintenance 2004

2 Warm Springs Reservation Maintain approximately 100 miles of gravel roads for school bus access and residential use. We apply 700 tons of Magnesium Chloride in the spring at a cost of $65/ton thru the use of a contract with the lowest cost bidder. We typically have 3-4 bidders for these contracts each year. The contractor hauls the product from the railhead in Madras, Oregon to the various roads and applies with a distributor truck to the roadway

3 Warm Springs Reservation

4 Comparison of Road Service With Dust Abatement Less Surface Grading (once per year) Less Surface Loss due to keeping tight surface without loss of fines due to traffic Higher Travel Speeds and less washboard Without Dust Abatement More Frequent Bladings (3-4 times per year) More surface loss due to loss of fines and movement of aggregate to ditches and beyond Slower travel speeds and less user comfort

5 Product was delivered to rail head in Madras Oregon in seven 100 ton rail cars.

6 Product being transferred to delivery truck

7 Portable tank being filled by trailer… Note bottom vent plugged

8 Delivery Truck transferring product to portable tank

9 Water truck filling at water source

10 Water truck applying water to road

11 Water trucks applying water to roadbed

12 Grader preparing surface for product application

13 Distributor truck applying product

14 Distributor truck spraying intersection

15 Typical road after product application

16 End of Presentation Thank You

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