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MadGraph + MadEvent Automated Tree-Level Feynman Diagram, Helicity Amplitude, and Event Generation + Tim Stelzer Fabio Maltoni.

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Presentation on theme: "MadGraph + MadEvent Automated Tree-Level Feynman Diagram, Helicity Amplitude, and Event Generation + Tim Stelzer Fabio Maltoni."— Presentation transcript:

1 MadGraph + MadEvent Automated Tree-Level Feynman Diagram, Helicity Amplitude, and Event Generation + Tim Stelzer Fabio Maltoni

2 Outline What is MadGraph? What’s New in MadGraph II? Example: W+ 3 jets FNAL What is MadEvent? Capability Future

3 What is MadGraph? Fortran computer program that: –Generates fortran helicity code (HELAS) to calculate tree level matrix elements –Includes color/symmetry factors –Creates postscript file of Feynman diagrams.

4 New in MadGraph II! User defined models –Standard Model –MSSM Unlimited external particles –Within reason! (12?) Color Flow Information –Helps interface with HERWIG/PYTHIA Jets + Required/Excluded particles –pp ~ > W+ W- b b~ j –pp~ > tt~ >W+ W- b b~ j // Z Phase Space Information

5 PP → W + 3 jets Enter Process: pp > e+ ve jjj Enter QCD Order: 4 Enter QED Order: 2 (…… wait 2 minutes) Generated 53 sub processes

6 What is MadEvent? Fortran computer program that: –Uses output from MadGraph –Generates Cross sections Events (Les Houche format) –W + 3 jets: First 10,000 unweighted events about 30 minutes.

7 Examples: Vector Bosons

8 Examples: Heavy Quarks

9 What about W+8 jets? Current Limitations –PP -> W + 5 jets (1 week) – 9999 diagrams (1000 is nice) –10 external particles (8 is easy) –7 summed particles (protons/jets) Future Improvements –Housekeeping –Phase Space (factor of 10 in speed!)

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