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Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I1 Announcements Attendance sheet is going around – be sure you sign it! First part of.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I1 Announcements Attendance sheet is going around – be sure you sign it! First part of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I1 Announcements Attendance sheet is going around – be sure you sign it! First part of essay assignment (choosing a topic) is posted on the website. Check it out!

2 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I2 Overview of today’s topics Review of composition relationship. Details of code elements of the composition relationship in code. Introduction to the association relationship. If time permits: –mutator methods –accessor methods –an alternate way to code the association relationship

3 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I3 Composition A whole-part relationship (e.g. Dog-Tail) Whole and part objects have same lifetime –Whole creates instance of part in its constructor In Java code, involves 3 changes to whole class: –Declaration of instance variable of part class/type –Instantiation of part class in whole class constructor –Assignment of new part instance to instance variable

4 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I4 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); }

5 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I5 Important points about composition Whole has responsibility for creating its parts (which is why instantiation of parts happens in constructor of whole). Whole can communicate with parts. This is why an instance variable is declared: to establish a name for the newly created object.

6 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I6 And now the gory details and vocabulary review

7 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I7 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Class definition is shown in green:

8 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I8 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Instance variable name is shown in green:

9 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I9 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Instance variable declaration is shown in green:

10 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I10 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Access control modifiers are shown in green: Note that access control modifier of _tail is private, not public.

11 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I11 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Constructor definition is shown in green:

12 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I12 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Header of constructor definition is shown in green:

13 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I13 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Access control modifier in header of constructor definition is shown in green:

14 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I14 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Name of constructor in header of constructor definition is shown in green:

15 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I15 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Parameter list in header of constructor definition is shown in green:

16 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I16 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Instantiation of class Tail is shown in green:

17 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I17 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } ‘new’ operator in instantiation of class Tail is shown in green:

18 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I18 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Use of constructor in instantiation of Tail class is shown in green:

19 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I19 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Argument list in instantiation of class Tail is shown in green:

20 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I20 Dog – Tail example in Java public class Dog { private Tail _tail; public Dog() { _tail = new Tail(); } Assignment of new Tail instance to instance variable is shown in green:

21 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I21 Association Also called “knows a”. A relationship of knowing (e.g. Dog-Collar as opposed to Dog-Tail) No necessary lifetime link We’ll look at two different implementations of “knows a”: –The first we will see today, and is very similar to our implementation of “has a”. –The second, which we will see next time, is a bit more complex but is also more flexible.

22 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I22 First implementation In Java code, the first involves 3 changes to the “knowing” class: –Declaration of instance variable of the “known” class/type (because the “knowing” object will want to communicate with the “known” object). –Assignment of existing “known” instance to the instance variable (because the instance variable must refer to an object). –Parameter of “known” class in “knowing” class constructor (because the creator of an instance of the “knowing” class needs to supply an instance of the “known” class).

23 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I23 Dog – Collar example in Java public class Dog { private Collar _collar; public Dog(Collar collar) { _collar = collar; }

24 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I24 Lifetime Notice in this first implementation that although the “knowing” class (the Dog) does not create an instance of the “known” class (the Collar), there is a lifetime dependency: the Collar object must exist before the Dog object can be created (since a Collar object must be used in the constructor of the Dog object).

25 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I25 Lifetime (continued) This occurs in this particular implementation of the relationship, but is not an essential characteristic of the relationship.

26 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I26 Association relationship We’ve seen one implementation of “knows a”: public class Dog { private Collar _collar; public Dog(Collar collar) { _collar = collar; } Now we will see a more flexible implementation.

27 Fall 2007CSE 115/503 Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I27 Essence of association We use an association relationship when we want to model that one object can communicate with another object (as in the composition relationship) but –there isn’t any lifetime link between the two objects, or –the objects in the relationship can change over time (think of Clifford’s collar).

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