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“Mythbusters” By Brittany LaBelle. What is a Myth?  A traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some, with or without a determinable basis of.

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Presentation on theme: "“Mythbusters” By Brittany LaBelle. What is a Myth?  A traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some, with or without a determinable basis of."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Mythbusters” By Brittany LaBelle

2 What is a Myth?  A traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation

3 What are some of the myths from reconstruction?  Myth: The Klan was a small group of renegades from southern society’s fringes.  Myth: Everyone in the south was happy before the war.  Myth: The black legislators elected during reconstruction were all corrupt.  Myth: Southern whites thought slaves were happy.

4 Myth: Everyone in the south was happy before the war?  People said that everyone in the south was happy before the war but the truth is slaves were part of the south and they weren't happy at all. But they also lost very much such as a ordered civilization, this hierarchical society, this sense of a nation where everybody knew who they were and where they should be.

5 Myth: The Black Legislators elected during reconstruction were all corrupt.  Just because African Americans gained legal power during reconstruction doesn’t mean that they were all corrupt. Whites will use any excuse that they could get as soon as African Americans gained power which was rightfully deserved

6 First African American Legislators During reconstruction.  Jefferson Long  Robert Smalls  Charles E. Nash  John A. Hyman  Jeremiah Haralson  Alonzo J. Ransier  James T. Rapier  John R. Lynch  Josiah T. Walls  Richard H. Cain  Benjamin S. Turner  Robert B. Elliott  Robert C. De Large  Joseph H. Rainey  John Willis Menard

7 Myth: The Klan was a small group of renegades from southern society’s fringes.  Renegade: One who rejects a religion, cause, allegiance, or group for another.  But actually the Klan was made up of well-known doctors and lawyers and store clerks who were friendly to the black people in daytime but at night time they would seek revenge and try to kill the blacks for no reason.

8 What is the purpose to cover identity for KKK  The KKK's hooded costumes were meant to protect the anonymity of its members and promote fear of an "unknown" terror among blacks. The costumes were also crucial to the KKK's desire to invoke the rituals and traditions of secret white, male brotherhoods of the past.

9 Pictures of Klu Klux Klan

10 Myth: Southern whites thought slaves were happy.  How can they think that slaves are happy when they had to bend down everyday before and during the war Just to satisfy the products needed for the white people. Slaves didn’t deserve how they were treated even if they thought that slaves were happy. Back then the slaves did not give them no intention to think that.

11 Works cited =tPzaWmfUTihGWM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=99&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkkk%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den representatives.jpg representatives.jpg

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