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Johanna GOLD Rough Sets Theory Logical Analysis of Data. Monday, November 26, 2007
Introduction Comparison of two theories for rules induction. Different methodologies Same results?
Set of objects described by attributes. Each object belongs to a class. We want decision rules. Generalities
There are two approaches: Rough Sets Theory (RST) Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) Goal : compare them Approaches
Contents 1.Rough Sets Theory 2.Logical Analysis Of data 3.Comparison 4.Inconsistencies
Two examples having the exact same values in all attributes, but belonging to two different classes. Example: two sick people have the same symptomas but different disease. Inconsistencies
RST doesn’t correct or aggregate inconsistencies. For each class : determination of lower and upper approximations. Covered by RST
Lower : objects we are sure they belong to the class. Upper : objects than can belong to the class. Approximations
Lower approximation → certain rules Upper approximation → possible rules Impact on rules
Rules induction on numerical data → poor rules → too many rules. Need of pretreatment. Pretreatment
Goal : convert numerical data into discrete data. Principle : determination of cut points in order to divide domains into successive intervals. Discretization
First algorithm: LEM2 Improved algorithms: Include the pretreatment MLEM2, MODLEM, … Algorithms
Induction of certain rules from the lower approximation. Induction of possible rules from the upper approximation. Same procedure LEM2
For an attribute x and its value v, a block [(x,v)] of attribute-value pair (x,v) is all the cases where the attribute x has the value v. Ex : [(Age,21)]=[Martha] [(Age,22)]=[David ; Audrey] Definitions (1)
Let B be a non-empty lower or upper approximation of a concept represented by a decision-value pair (d,w). Ex : (level,middle)→B=[obj1 ; obj5 ; obj7] Definitions (2)
Let T be a set of pairs attribute-value (a,v). Set B depends on set T if and only if: Definitions (3)
A set T is minimal complex of B if and only if B depends on T and there is no subset T’ of T such as B depends on T’. Definitions (4)
Let T be a non-empty collection of non- empty set of attribute-value pairs. T is a set of T. T is a set of (a,v). Definitions (5)
T is a local cover of B if and only if: Each member T of T is a minimal complex of B. T is minimal Definitions (6)
LEM2’s output is a local cover for each approximation of the decision table concept. It then convert them into decision rules. Algorithmprinciple
Among the possible blocks, we choose the one: With the highest priority With the highest intersection With the smallest cardinal Heuristics details
As long as it is not a minimal complex, pairs are added. As long as there is not a local cover, minimal complexes are added. Heuristics details
Illustration through an example. We consider that the pretreatment has already been done. Illustration
Data set AttributesDécision CaseHeight (cm)HairAttraction 1160Blond- 2170Blond+ 3160Red+ 4180Black- 5160Black- 6170Black-
For the attribute Height, we have the values 160, 170 and 180. The pretreatment gives us two cut points: 165 and 175. Cut points
[(Height, 160..165)]={1,3,5} [(Height, 165..180)]={2,4} [(Height, 160..175)]={1,2,3,5} [(Height, 175..180)]={4} [(Hair, Blond)]={1,2} [(Hair, Red)]={3} [(Hair, Black)]={4,5,6} Blocks [(a,v)]
G = B = [(Attraction,-)] = {1,4,5,6} Here there is no inconsistencies. If there were some, it’s at this point that we have to chose between the lower and the upper approximation. First concept
Pair (a,v) such as [(a,v)]∩[(Attraction,-)]≠Ø (Height,160..165) (Height,165..180) (Height,160..175) (Height,175..180) (Hair,Blond) (Hair,Black) Eligible pairs
We chose the most appropriate, which is to say (a,v) for which | [(a,v)] ∩ [(Attraction,-)] | is the highest. Here : (Hair, Black) Choice of a pair
The pair (Hair, Black) is a minimal complex because: Minimal complex
B = [(Attraction,-)] – [(Hair,Black)] = {1,4,5,6} - {4,5,6} = {1} New concept
Through the pairs (Height,160..165), (Height,160..175) and (Hair, Blond). Intersections having the same cardinality, we chose the pair having the smallest cardinal: (Hair, Blond) Choice of a pair (1)
Problem : (Hair, Blond) is non a minimal complex. We chose the following pair: (Height,160..165). Choice of a pair (2)
{(Hair, Blond),(Height,160..165)} is a second minimal complex. Minimal Complex
{{(Hair, Black)}, {(Hair, Blond), (Height, 160..165)}} is a local cover of [(Attraction,-)]. End of the concept
(Hair, Red) → (Attraction,+) (Hair, Blond) & (Height,165..180 ) → (Attraction,+) (Hair, Black) → (Attraction,-) (Hair, Blond) & (Height,160..165 ) → (Attraction,-) Rules
Contents 1.Rough Sets Theory 2.Logical Analysis Of data 3.Comparison 4.Inconsistencies
Work on binary data. Extension of boolean approach on non- binary case. Principle
Let S be the set of all observations. Each observation is described by n attributes. Each observation belongs to a class. Definitions (1)
The classification can be considered as a partition into two sets An archiveis represented by a boolean function Φ : Definitions (2)
A literal is a boolean variable or its negation: A term is a conjunction of literals : The degree of a term is the number of literals. Definitions (3)
A term T covers a point if T(p)=1. A characteristic term of a point p is the unique term of degree n covering p. Ex : Definitions (4)
A term T is an implicant of a boolean function f if T(p) ≤ f(p) for all An implicant is called prime if it is minimal (its degree). Definitions (5)
A positive prime pattern is a term covering at least one positive example and no negative example. A negative prime pattern is a term covering at least one negative example and no positive example. Definitions (6)
Example 110 010 101 100 001 000
is a positive pattern : There is no negative example such as There is one positive example : the 3rd line. It's a positive prime pattern : covers one negative example : 4th line. covers one negative example : 5th line. Example
symmetry between positive and negative patterns. Two approaches : Top-down Bottom-up Pattern generation
we associate each positive example to its characteristic term→ it’s a pattern. we take out the literals one by one until having a prime pattern. Top-down
we begin with terms of degree one: if it does not cover a negative example, it is a pattern If not, we add literals until having a pattern. Bottom-up
We prefer short pattern → simplicity principle. we also want to cover the maximum of examples with only one model → globality principle. hybrid approach bottom-up – top-down. Objectives
Hybrid approach We fix a degree D. We start by a bottom-up approach to generate the models of degree lower or equal to D. For all the points which are not covered by the 1 st phase, we proceed to the top-down approach.
Extension from binary case : binerization. Two types of data : quantitative : age, height, … qualitative : color, shape, … Extension to the non binary case
For each value v that a qualitative attribute x can be, we associate a boolean variable b(x,v) : b(x,v) = 1 if x = v b(x,v) = 0 otherwise Qualitative data
there are two types of associated variables: Level variables Interval variables Quantitative data
For each attribute x and each cut point t, we introduce a boolean variable b(x,t) : b(x,t) = 1 if x ≥ t b(x,t) = 0 if x < t Level variables
For each attribute x and each pair of cut points t’, t’’ (t’<t’’), we introduce a boolean variable b(x,t’,t’’) : b(x,t’,t’’) = 1 if t’ ≤ x < t’’ b(x,t’,t’’) = 0 otherwise Intervals variables
Example 1greenyes31 4blueno29 2blueyes20 4redno22 3redyes20 2greenno14 4greenno7
Example 1 4 2 4 3 2 4 a000 b111 c100 d111 e110 f100 g111
Example green blue red green a100 b010 c010 d001 e001 f100 g100
Example yes no yes no yes no a1 b0 c1 d0 e1 f0 g0
Example 31 29 20 22 20 14 17 a11 b11 c10 d11 e10 f00 g00
Example 1 4 2 4 3 2 4 a000 b000 c110 d000 e011 f110 g000
Example 31 29 20 22 20 14 17 a0 b0 c1 d0 e1 f0 g0
Example a0001001110000 b1110100110000 c1000101101101 d1110010110000 e1100011100111 f1001000001100 g1111000000000
A set of binary attributes is called supporting set if the archive obtained by the elimination of all the other attributes will remained "contradiction-free". A supporting set is irredundant if there is no subset of it which is a supporting set. Supporting set
We associate to the attributea variable such as if the attribute belongs to the supporting set. Application : elements a and e are different on attributes 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13 : Variables
We do the same for all pairs of true and false observations : Exponential number of solutions : we choose the smallest set : Linear program
Positive patterns : Negative patterns : Solution of our example
Contents 1.Rough Sets Theory 2.Logical Analysis Of data 3.Comparison 4.Inconsistencies
LAD more flexible than RST Linear program -> modification of parameters Basic idea
RST : couples (attribute, value) LAD : binary variables Correspondence? Comparison blocks / variables
For an attribute a taking the values : Qualitative data RSTLAD
Discretization : convert numerical data into discrete data. Principle : determination of cut points in order to divide domains into successive intervals : Quantitative data
RST : for each cut point, we have two blocks : Quantitative data
LAD : for each cut point, we have a level variable : ... Quantitative data
LAD : for each pair of cut points, we have a interval variable : ... Quantitative data
Correspondence : Level variable : Quantitative data
Correspondence : Interval variable :
Three parameters can change : Right hand side of constraints: coefficients of the objective function: coefficients of the left hand side of the constraints: Variation of LP parameters
We try to adapt the three heuristics : The highest priority The highest intersection with the concept The smallest cardinality Heuristics adaptation
Priority on blocks -> priority on attributes Introduction as weights in the objective function Minimization : choice of pairs with first priorities The highest priority
Pb : in LAD, no notion of concept ; everything is done symmetrically, the same time. The highest intersection
Modification of the heuristic : difference between the intersection with a concept and the intersection with the other. The highest, the better. The highest intersection
Goal of RST : find minimal complexes: Find blocks covering the most examples of the concept : highest possible intersection with the concept Find blocks covering the less examples of the other concept : difference of intersections The highest intersection
For LAD : difference between the number of times a variable takes the value 1 in and in. Introduction as weights in the constraints : we choose first the variable with the highest difference. The highest intersection
Simple : number of times a variable takes the value 1. Introduction as weight in the constraints. The smallest cardinality
Two calculations to be introduced : The highest difference The smallest cardinality Difference of the two calculations Weight of the constraints
Before : everything is 1. Pb : modification of the weights of the left hand side has no signification. Right hand side of the constraints
Average of compared to the number of attributes. Average of in each constraint Inconvenient : not a real signification Ideas of modification
Not touch the weight in the constraints: introduce everything in the coefficients of the objective function: Ideas of modification
Contents 1.Rough Sets Theory 2.Logical Analysis Of data 3.Comparison 4.Inconsistencies
Use of two approximations : lower and upper. Rules generation: sure and possible. For RST
Classification mistakes: positive point classified as negative or the other way. Two different cases. For LAD
All other points are well classify : our point will not be covered. If the number of non covered points is high: generation of longer patterns. If this number is small : erroneous classification and we forgot the points for the following. Pos. Point classified as neg.
Terms covering a lot of positive points : also some negative points. Probably wrongly classified : not taken into account for the evaluation of candidates terms. Neg. Point classified as pos.
We introduce a ratio. A term is still candidate if the ratio between negative and positive points is smallest than: Ratio
An inconsistence can be considered as a mistake of classification Inconsistence : two « identical » objects differently classified. One of them is wrongly classified (approximations) Inconsistencies and mistakes
Let consider an inconsistence in LAD : two points : two classes : There are two possibilities : is not covered by small degree patterns is covered by patterns of Equivalence?
We have only one inconsistence. The covered point is isolated ; it’s not taken into account. Patterns of will be generated without the inconsistence point -> lower approximation 1 st case
A point covered by the other concept patterns is wrongly classified. It’s not taken into account for the candidate terms. It’s not taken into account for the pattern generation of -> lower approximation 2 nd case
Not taken into account for but not a problem for For : upper approximation 2 nd case
According to a ratio, LAD decide if a point is well classified or not. For an inconsistence, it’s the same as consider: The upper approximation of a class The lower approximation of the other On more than 1 inconsistence : we re- classify the points. Equivalence?
Conclusion Complete data : we can try to match LAD and RST. Inconsistencies : classification mistakes of LAD can correspond to approximations. Missing data : different management
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