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C anada A Presentation to the 2011 Nordic Games Conference Brought to you by the letter “C”

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Presentation on theme: "C anada A Presentation to the 2011 Nordic Games Conference Brought to you by the letter “C”"— Presentation transcript:

1 C anada A Presentation to the 2011 Nordic Games Conference Brought to you by the letter “C”

2 C onsumers Audience attention is fragmenting across digital channels.

3 C ontent Stories now need to seek out these audiences across an increasing number of platforms.

4 C ollaboration More and more, producers are looking further and further afield for those missing pieces.

5 C onvergence This is the long-awaited possibility for media creators of all stripes to collaborate

6 C MF In Canada, such collaboration has been mandated... but that’s turning out to be quite a good thing.

7 C redits This co-operation is being increasingly supported by a range of tax credits and digital media incentives.

8 C o-Production Like our film and television counterparts, Canadian digital producers are now looking for international opportunities.

9 C entres of Excellence To find out more, please grab me during this session or at any time during the conference.

10 C anada Let me end with a stereotypically polite Canadian “thank you”.

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