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1 Klicka här för att ändra format på bakgrundstexten Nivå två Nivå tre Nivå fyra Nivå fem 1 Copyright Universum 2010 University Report Universum Student.

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1 1 Klicka här för att ändra format på bakgrundstexten Nivå två Nivå tre Nivå fyra Nivå fem 1 Copyright Universum 2010 University Report Universum Student Survey 2010 Spanish Edition Universidad de Sevilla Engineering/IT Copyright Universum 2010

2 2 2 Universum around the world Universum partners with 1,500 universities to conduct research on the career and employer preferences of top talent. Universum surveys annually over 300,000 students and 80,000 professionals worldwide. The group head office is located in Stockholm and the regional head offices are located in Philadelphia (America), London (Europe) and Shanghai (Asia).

3 333 About us Our role is threefold: 1) we provide students with information on companies, 2) support career services in their role and 3) help companies to develop their employer value. Universum is an international organisation, with its head- quarters in Stockholm, Sweden and operates in the field of employer branding and talent research. Our purpose is to improve the communications between students, career services and employers. We believe that career choice is one of the most important decisions in a student’s life. We therefore want to provide students with information and support career services in their role. We also believe that companies need to under- stand student expectations, to adjust their offering and working environment to attract potential candidates and meet their resourcing needs.

4 4 Agenda Methodology & key findings University experience Students' career & communication preferences Employer rankings Global top findings 1 2 3 4 5

5 5 Klicka här för att ändra format på bakgrundstexten Nivå två Nivå tre Nivå fyra Nivå fem 5 Copyright Universum 2010 Methodology & key findings 1 University Report Universidad de Sevilla Engineering/IT

6 6 Methodology 1 Field period: November 2009 to April 2010 No. of educational institutions included: 24 Weighting and data cleaning: To achieve a realistic perspective of the university landscape, we set targets by main field of study and educational institution based on official statistics. To get an accurate representation and fair distribution of responses, we weight the aggregated results by main field of study at each academic institution. Finally, a data cleaning process is done to guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the data. Target group: University undergraduates and post-graduates, studying for degrees in business, engineering, IT, humanities, Law and natural sciences. Data collection: Data collection was carried out via our online survey. The online link was distributed primarily via university contacts (career centres and the educational institutions). Students received an email or in some cases a letter containing the survey’s link which allowed them to access the online questionnaire. Data protection: Universum abides to national data protection laws. All answers remain anonymous and all data is analysed on an aggregated basis only.

7 7 Comparison groups analysed in this report Group 2: Base of the group: Total (Engineering/IT) Number of respondents: 2 316 Group 1: Base of the group: Universidad de Sevilla Number of respondents: 166 1

8 8 Key findings - Universidad de Sevilla Gender:  34% women and 66% men Grade (self-assessment):  6,4 (of 10) 1 Top actual communication channels:  Media articles  Employer websites  Advertisements on the Internet Top job functions:  Engineer  Research and development function  Project Manager Top preferred industries:  Construction  Engineering/manufacturing  Computer software Top career goals:  To have work/life balance  To be competitively or intellectually challenged  To be secure or stable in my job Average age:  22,5 years

9 9 Key findings - Total (Engineering/IT) Gender:  36% women and 64% men Average age:  23,4 years Grade (self-assessment):  6,6 (of 10) 1 Top actual communication channels:  Media articles  Advertisements on TV  Employer websites Top job functions:  Engineer  Research and development function  Project Manager Top preferred industries:  Engineering/manufacturing  Telecommunications  Computer software Top career goals:  To have work/life balance  To be competitively or intellectually challenged  To be secure or stable in my job

10 10 Age & Gender SURVEY QUESTIONS: What is your year of birth? What is your gender? Average Age: Gender: 1

11 11 Nationality SURVEY QUESTION: What is your nationality? 1

12 12 Academic performance SURVEY QUESTION: Please grade your academic results on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 represents "excellent results", 5 stands for "Average" 1

13 13 Areas of study - Engineering SURVEY QUESTION: What is your major(s)/main area(s) of study? 1

14 14 Areas of study - IT SURVEY QUESTION: What is your major(s)/main area(s) of study? 1

15 15 Participating students - Educational institutions - Total (Engineering/IT) (1/1) 1 SURVEY QUESTION: Which educational institution do you attend? PLEASE NOTE: Only educational institutions with at least 30 respondents in the targeted population are presented in the table.

16 16 Copyright Universum 2008 2 University experience Universidad de Sevilla Engineering/IT Copyright Universum 2010 University Report

17 17 Satisfaction - Career Advisory Service services SURVEY QUESTION: How do you perceive the following services offered by your Careers Advisory Service? Scale from Yes, agree to No, disagree THINK ABOUT: Are your students aware of the Career Advisory Service? What does the Career Advisory Service offer today? What potential areas can the Career Service Advisory Service focus on in the future? The table is sorted by the number of students who have answered “Yes, agree” 2

18 18 Satisfaction - Teachers/lecturers/tutors SURVEY QUESTIONS: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your study environment regarding the following factors? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied) THINK ABOUT: Are your students rather satisfied or dissatisfied with the above aspects? Did satisfaction significantly increase or drop compared to last year? 2 Satisfaction - Choice of courses

19 19 Satisfaction - Reputation of the university SURVEY QUESTIONS: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your study environment regarding the following factors? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied) 2 Satisfaction - Environment of the university THINK ABOUT: Are your students rather satisfied or dissatisfied with the above aspects? Did satisfaction significantly increase or drop compared to last year?

20 20 Satisfaction - Student life SURVEY QUESTIONS: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your study environment regarding the following factors? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied) 2 Satisfaction - University contacts with the business community THINK ABOUT: Are your students rather satisfied or dissatisfied with the above aspects? Did satisfaction significantly increase or drop compared to last year?

21 21 Satisfaction - Quality of the education SURVEY QUESTIONS: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your study environment regarding the following factors? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied) 2 Satisfaction - Administration of the university THINK ABOUT: Are your students rather satisfied or dissatisfied with the above aspects? Did satisfaction significantly increase or drop compared to last year?

22 22 Satisfaction - Possibility to study abroad SURVEY QUESTIONS: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your study environment regarding the following factors? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied) 2 Satisfaction - Access to service facilities THINK ABOUT: Are your students rather satisfied or dissatisfied with the above aspects? Did satisfaction significantly increase or drop compared to last year?

23 23 Satisfaction - Access to boarding/apartments SURVEY QUESTIONS: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your study environment regarding the following factors? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied) 2 THINK ABOUT: Are your students rather satisfied or dissatisfied with the above aspects? Did satisfaction significantly increase or drop compared to last year?

24 24 Satisfaction - Universidad de Sevilla vs. Total (Engineering/IT) SURVEY QUESTION: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your study environment regarding the following factors? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied) THINK ABOUT: Are your students more or less satisfied compared to students at similar departments from other universities? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your university in the perception of your students? Are there any positive university aspects that should be pointed out more by university communication and marketing? 2

25 25 Overall satisfaction SURVEY QUESTION: How satisfied are you overall with your university? (Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied) THINK ABOUT: How satisfied are your students with the university? What differentiates your students from the other students? Why do you think they are more or less pleased? Which aspects might have the biggest impact on overall satisfaction? 2

26 26 Copyright Universum 2010 Students' career & communication preferences 3 University Report Universidad de Sevilla Engineering/IT

27 27 Preferred industries Top 30 (1/2) SURVEY QUESTION: In which industry would you ideally want to work when choosing your first employment after graduation? Please select a maximum of three alternatives THINK ABOUT: Do industry preferences reflect the labour market’s reality in your region? Do the student‘s preferences correlate with the main areas of study at your university? Are your students rather willing to go into academic research? 3

28 28 Preferred industries Top 30 (2/2) SURVEY QUESTION: In which industry would you ideally want to work when choosing your first employment after graduation? Please select a maximum of three alternatives THINK ABOUT: Do industry preferences reflect the labour market’s reality in your region? Do the student‘s preferences correlate with the main areas of study at your university? Are your students rather willing to go into academic research? 3

29 29 Preferred Job functions THINK ABOUT: Which job functions are most popular? Which job functions are you currently recruiting to? 3 SURVEY QUESTION: In which job function would you ideally want to work when choosing your first employment after graduation? Please select a maximum of three alternatives

30 30 Preferred size of employer THINK ABOUT: Do your students prefer to work for rather bigger or smaller companies? Do preferences related to employer size reflect the labour market’s reality in your region? SURVEY QUESTION: What size of employer would you prefer working for when choosing your first employment? Please select only one alternative 3

31 31 Career goals 2010 THINK ABOUT: Which of the career goals can you offer the opportunity to achieve to the largest extent? Can you communicate the most attractive career opportunities given what you can offer? SURVEY QUESTION: Below is a list of nine possible career goals. Which are most important to you? Please select a maximum of three alternatives 3

32 32 Career goals 2009 THINK ABOUT: Which of the career goals can you offer the opportunity to achieve to the largest extent? Can you communicate the most attractive career opportunities given what you can offer? SURVEY QUESTION: Below is a list of nine possible career goals. Which are most important to you? Please select a maximum of three alternatives 3

33 33 Preferred communication channels (Top 10) SURVEY QUESTION: How would you prefer to gather information about potential employers? Please select a maximum of three alternatives THINK ABOUT: Which communication channels have you used in your communication with the target group? Is there a mismatch between the channels you have used and their preferred ones? Are there any new possible channels to focus on in the future or to decrease your visibility in? 3

34 34 Actual communication channels (Top 10) SURVEY QUESTION: How have you mainly learnt about these employers? Please select as many as applicable THINK ABOUT: Which communication channels have you used in your communication with the target group? Is there a mismatch between the channels you have used and their actual ones? Are there any new possible channels to focus on in the future or to decrease your visibility in? 3

35 35 Copyright Universum 2010 Employer rankings 4 University Report Universidad de Sevilla Engineering/IT

36 36 Considered Employer ranking - Universidad de Sevilla Top 30 4 THINK ABOUT: Do students consider employers that are recruiting on your campus and with whom you may cooperate? Are important partners or sponsors of your university missing in this ranking? SURVEY QUESTION: Below is a list of employers. Which of these employers would you consider working for? If your favorite employer is not listed, you may add it into the bottom of the list as "Other Employer 1" or "Other Employer 2”.

37 37 Ideal Employer ranking - Universidad de Sevilla Top 20 4 THINK ABOUT: Which of the potential employers from the considered ranking are not short-listed by your students? SURVEY QUESTION: Please select five employers from the list below for which you would most like to work - your five Ideal Employers. Please select 1-5 companies.

38 38 Potential Applicants’ ranking - Universidad de Sevilla Top 10 SURVEY QUESTIONS: Please select five employers from the list below for which you would most like to work - your five Ideal Employers. Have you or will you apply to these employers? THINK ABOUT: Are there big differences in comparison to the Ideal Employer ranking? 4

39 39 Ideal Employer ranking - Total (Engineering/IT) Top 20 4 THINK ABOUT: Are the top ranked employers mostly located inside or outside your region? SURVEY QUESTION: Please select five employers from the list below for which you would most like to work - your five Ideal Employers. Have you or will you apply to these companies/organisations?

40 40 Copyright Universum 2009 Global top findings 5 University Report Universidad de Sevilla Engineering/IT

41 41 Global top findings CHINA Top 3 career goals: Business students 1.To be a leader or manager of people60% 2.To have work/life balance58% 3.To be secure or stable in my job40% Top 3 career goals: Engineering students 1.To be a leader or manager of people55% 2.To have work/life balance53% 3.To be a technical or functional expert48% Top 3 preferred industries: Business students 1.Commercial banking29% 2.Financial services25% 3.Auditing/accounting/taxation (corporate)22% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering students 1.Engineering/manufacturing21% 2.Academic research17% 3.Electronics14% Top 3 ideal employers: Business students 1.Bank of China16,4% 2.China Mobile16,1% 3.Procter & Gamble15,6% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering students 1.China Mobile17,1% 2.Google11,9% 3.SGCC11,6% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student5 475 Mechanical engineering student5 848 AUSTRIA Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance58% 2.To be competitively or intellectually challenged52% 3.To be entrepreneurial or creative/innovative39% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & IT students 1.To have work/life balance55% 2.To be competitively or intellectually challenged45% 3.To be a technical or functional expert42% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising29% 2.Management consulting25% 3.Government/public service13% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & IT students 1.Academic research28% 2.Computer software24% 3.IT consulting15% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Red Bull19,2% 2.McKinsey & Company11,6% 3.Google10,9% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & IT students 1.Google22,1% 2.Siemens Österreich17,6% 3.Microsoft16,0% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student30 149 Mechanical engineering student35 865 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

42 42 Global top findings FINLAND Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance66% 2.To be competitively or intellectually challenged48% 3.To be secure or stable in my job37% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.To have work/life balance70% 2.To be a technical or functional expert59% 3.To be secure or stable in my job41% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising24% 2.Management consulting21% 3.Entertainment/media/public relations14% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.Engineering/manufacturing25% 2.Academic research17% 3.Engineering consulting16% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Nokia23,4% 2.Finnair19,8% 3.L'Oréal13,3% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.VTT20,6% 2.Nokia15,4% 3.Ympäristökeskukset14,0% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student31 858 Mechanical engineering student35 243 DENMARK Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance54% 2.To be competitively or intellectually challenged50% 3.To be a leader or manager of people41% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.To have work/life balance67% 2.To be dedicated to a cause or serve greater good49% 3.To be competitively or intellectually challenged43% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising24% 2.Management consulting20% 3.Commercial banking12% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.Academic research24% 2.Healthcare17% 3.Environmental/conservation16% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Vestas18,7% 2.A.P. Møller - Mærsk17,4% 3.Novo Nordisk15,4% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.Novo Nordisk23,8% 2.Novozymes16,3% 3.Københavns Universitet14,9% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student48 285 Mechanical engineering student53 953 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

43 43 Global top findings GERMANY Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance60% 2.To be competitively or intellectually challenged46% 3.To be a leader or manager of people42% Top 3 career goals: Engineering students 1.To have work/life balance56% 2.To be a technical or functional expert42% 3.To be a leader or manager of people41% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Management consulting23% 2.Marketing/advertising22% 3.Automotive15% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering students 1.Automotive35% 2.Aerospace/defence22% 3.Energy/power20% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Porsche15,2% 2.Deutsche Lufthansa13,3% 3.BMW Group13,1% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering students 1.Audi24,2% 2.Porsche22,6% 3.BMW Group19,9% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student40 088 Mechanical engineering student43 363 FRANCE Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance60% 2.To have an international career47% 3.To be a leader or manager of people45% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & IT students 1.To have work/life balance67% 2.To be a leader or manager of people45% 3.To have an international career39% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising25% 2.Management consulting18% 3.Entertainment/media/public relations15% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & IT students 1.Aerospace/defense21% 2.Engineering/manufacturing19% 3.Energy/power18% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.LVMH20,0% 2.L'Oréal19,1% 3.Air France13,5% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & IT students 1.EADS21,6% 2.Veolia Environnement14,2% 3.EDF13,1% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student31 976 Mechanical engineering student34 360 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

44 44 Global top findings HONG KONG Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance61% 2.To have an international career39% 3.To be secure or stable in my job41% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.To have work/life balance60% 2.To have an international career37% 3.To be secure or stable in my job43% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Government/public service26% 2.Financial services24% 3.Accounting (public)20% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.Government/public service34% 2.Engineering consulting16% 3.Academic research13% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.HKSAR government28,5% 2.HSBC27,8% 3.Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd16,3% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.HKSAR government42,0% 2.MTR Corporation26,0% 3.Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd18,4% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student15 782 Mechanical engineering student15 846 HOLLAND Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance54% 2.To be a leader or manager of people50% 3.To be entrepreneurial or creative/innovative49% Top 3 career goals: Engineering/Nat. Science/IT students 1.To have work/life balance52% 2.To be entrepreneurial or creative/innovative48% 3.To be a technical or functional expert45% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising30% 2.Management consulting28% 3.Entertainment/media/public relations14% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering/Nat. Science/IT students 1.Academic research28% 2.Engineering/manufacturing17% 3.Engineering consulting17% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.KLM15,6% 2.Rabobank13,3% 3.Shell13,2% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering/Nat. Science/IT students 1.Philips19,7% 2.Shell15,4% 3.TNO13,0% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student28 694 Mechanical engineering student29 163 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

45 45 Global top findings ITALY Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance57% 2.To be a leader or manager of people43% 3.To have an international career41% Top 3 career goals: Engineering/IT/Nat. Science students 1.To have work/life balance54% 2.To be secure or stable in my job43% 3.To have an international career35% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising30% 2.Management consulting21% 3.Investment banking15% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering/IT/Nat. Science students 1.Engineering/manufacturing28% 2.Engineering consulting18% 3.Energy/power17% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Ferrari15,0% 2.Apple13,8% 3.Giorgio Armani12,6% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering/IT/Nat. Science students 1.Ferrari21,2% 2.Google16,6% 3.Apple13,2% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student20 027 Mechanical engineering student21 772 INDIA Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To be a leader or manager of people48% 2.To be secure or stable in my job43% 3.To have work/life balance35% Top 3 career goals: Engineering students 1.To be a technical or functional expert49% 2.To be a leader or manager of people40% 3.To be secure or stable in my job37% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Accounting (public)31% 2.Financial services20% 3.Auditing/accounting/taxation (corporate)13% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering students 1.Electronics22% 2.Computer software20% 3.Engineering/manufacturing20% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.State Bank Of India9,5% 2.ICICI Bank8,3% 3.Reliance Industries8,0% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering students 1.Google17,0% 2.Microsoft14,9% 3.Intel13,7% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student5 574 Mechanical engineering student6 456 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

46 46 Global top findings POLAND Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To be a technical or functional expert63% 2.To have work/life balance47% 3.To be secure or stable in my job44% Top 3 career goals: Engineering students 1.To be a technical or functional expert72% 2.To have work/life balance47% 3.To be secure or stable in my job45% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising26% 2.Accounting/auditing/taxation (corporate)20% 3.Management consulting16% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering students 1.Engineering/manufacturing40% 2.Construction26% 3.Automotive13% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.PricewaterhouseCoopers14,4% 2.Ernst & Young14,3% 3.L'Oréal12,7% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering students 1.Toyota14,7% 2.Skanska13,9% 3.Budimex12,2% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student10 430 Mechanical engineering student11 926 NORWAY Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance56% 2.To be secure or stable in my job50% 3.To be competitively or intellectually challenged39% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.To have work/life balance63% 2.To be secure or stable in my job50% 3.To be a technical or functional expert39% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising22% 2.Financial services18% 3.Management consulting18% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.Engineering/manufacturing38% 2.Engineering consulting27% 3.Chemical/petroleum18% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.StatoilHydro27,0% 2.Ernst & Young15,1% 3.PricewaterhouseCoopers14,1% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.StatoilHydro35,8% 2.Aker Solutions19,1% 3.Sintef14,6% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student43 447 Mechanical engineering student47 513 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

47 47 Global top findings SINGAPORE Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance59% 2.To be competitively or intellectually challenged50% 3.To have an international career38% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.To have work/life balance65% 2.To be secure or stable in my job45% 3.To be dedicated to a cause or serve greater good35% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Financial services32% 2.Investment banking21% 3.Management consulting18% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.Engineering/manufacturing20% 2.Engineering consulting16% 3.Government/public service15% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Goldman Sachs18,2% 2.Singapore Airlines17,1% 3.Deutsche Bank16,9% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.ExxonMobil16,6% 2.Google15,9% 3.Singapore Airlines15,4% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student17 534 Mechanical engineering student18 094 RUSSIA Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To be a technical or functional expert52% 2.To have work/life balance44% 3.To be autonomous or independent38% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.To be a technical or functional expert69% 2.To have work/life balance43% 3.To be secure or stable in my job37% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising24% 2.Financial services17% 3.Commercial banking17% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.Engineering/manufacturing18% 2.Academic research17% 3.Energy/power15% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Gazprom36,0% 2.Lukoil15,7% 3.BMW13,4% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & Nat. Science students 1.Gazprom35,1% 2.Lukoil14,7% 3.BMW12,0% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student8 978 Mechanical engineering student9 936 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

48 48 Global top findings SPAIN Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance66% 2.To be competitively or intellectually challenged43% 3.To be entrepreneurial or creative/innovative41% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & IT students 1.To have work/life balance72% 2.To be secure or stable in my job44% 3.To be entrepreneurial or creative/innovative37% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising32% 2.Management consulting20% 3.Investment banking19% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & IT students 1.Telecommunications23% 2.Engineering/manufacturing20% 3.Computer software18% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Grupo Santander16,9% 2.INDITEX16,7% 3.Google15,9% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & IT students 1.Google25,7% 2.Iberdrola16,4% 3.Apple16,0% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student25 720 Mechanical engineering student22 090 SOUTH AFRICA Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To be a leader or manager of people58% 2.To be entrepreneurial or creative / innovative34% 3.To be secure or stable in my job33% Top 3 career goals: Engineering/Technology students 1.To be a technical or functional expert44% 2.To be a leader or manager of people41% 3.To be competitively or intellectually challenged31% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Accounting (public)30% 2.Auditing / accounting / taxation (corporate)26% 3.Financial services20% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering/Technology students 1.Engineering / manufacturing35% 2.Engineering consulting28% 3.Mining18% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Absa21,2% 2.KPMG17,7% 3.South African Reserve Bank (SARB)15,2% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering/Technology students 1.Eskom28,2% 2.Sasol25,8% 3.Anglo Platinum22,6% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student20 059 Mechanical engineering student28 029 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

49 49 Global top findings SWITZERLAND Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance59% 2.To be competitively or intellectually challenged45% 3.To be a leader or manager of people44% Top 3 career goals: Engineering students 1.To have work/life balance58% 2.To be entrepreneurial or creative/innovative40% 3.To be a leader or manager of people39% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising31% 2.Management consulting23% 3.Private banking16% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering students 1.Energy/power21% 2.Engineering consulting17% 3.Construction17% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Nestlé21,5% 2.Google17,0% 3.Credit Suisse15,7% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering students 1.ABB23,6% 2.ALSTOM14,9% 3.Siemens12,6% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student57 853 Mechanical engineering student60 844 SWEDEN Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance55% 2.To be secure or stable in my job48% 3.To be autonomous or independent44% Top 3 career goals: Engineering students 1.To have work/life balance61% 2.To be secure or stable in my job43% 3.To be competitively or intellectually challenged34% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising23% 2.Accounting/auditing/taxation (corporate)22% 3.Commercial banking19% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering students 1.Engineering consulting19% 2.Energy/power18% 3.Management consulting14% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.IKEA21,9% 2.Hennes & Mauritz15,9% 3.Ernst & Young13,2% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering students 1.Google12,5% 2.Sony Ericsson12,3% 3.ABB12,3% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student32 368 Mechanical engineering student34 050 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

50 50 Global top findings UNITED STATES Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance68% 2.To be secure or stable in my job55% 3.To be a leader or manager of people43% Top 3 career goals: Engineering students 1.To have work/life balance60% 2.To be secure or stable in my job46% 3.To be competitively or intellectually challenged37% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Accounting (public)24% 2.Accounting/auditing/taxation (corporate)22% 3.Marketing/advertising19% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering students 1.Engineering/manufacturing31% 2.Engineering consulting26% 3.Energy/power18% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.Google17,8% 2.Ernst & Young17,3% 3.PricewaterhouseCoopers14,8% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering students 1.NASA19,0% 2.Lockheed Martin Corporation14,8% 3.Google13,7% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student35 498 Mechanical engineering student43 250 UNITED KINGDOM Top 3 career goals: Business/Commerce students 1.To have work/life balance54% 2.To be a leader or manager of people42% 3.To be competitively or intellectually challenged41% Top 3 career goals: Engineering & IT students 1.To have work/life balance51% 2.To be a technical or functional expert42% 3.To be competitively or intellectually challenged40% Top 3 preferred industries: Business/Commerce students 1.Marketing/advertising24% 2.Financial services23% 3.Investment banking21% Top 3 preferred industries: Engineering & IT students 1.Engineering consulting19% 2.IT consulting18% 3.Computer software16% Top 3 ideal employers: Business/Commerce students 1.J.P. Morgan14,2% 2.PricewaterhouseCoopers14,0% 3.Goldman Sachs13,7% Top 3 ideal employers: Engineering & IT students 1.Google20,3% 2.Microsoft19,2% 3.Apple14,6% Average expected annual salary in Euro Marketing student25 995 Mechanical engineering student27 520 Source: Universum Student Survey 2009, conducted in 20 countries worldwide 5

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