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The World of Business and Accounting

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1 The World of Business and Accounting
Chapter 2

2 Section 1

3 Free enterprise system
People are free to produce the goods and services they choose.

4 Money supplied by investors, banks, or owners of a business.
Capital Money supplied by investors, banks, or owners of a business.

5 3 Types of Business Operations

6 Provides a service for a fee Hair Salons Repair Shops Lawn Companies
Service Business Provides a service for a fee Hair Salons Repair Shops Lawn Companies

7 Merchandising Business
Sells a finished product Department Stores Car Dealers Publix Walgreens

8 Manufacturing Business
Buys raw materials (wood, iron, steel, oil) and transforms them into a finished product Bakery Paper Mill Steel Mill Oil Company

9 3 Types of Business Organizations

10 Sole Proprietorship One Owner Disadvantages Limited expertise
Easy to set up All profits go to the owner Owner has total control Few regulations to follow Limited expertise Hard to raise money Owner has all the risks Hard to attract talented employees

11 Partnerships Two or more owners Disadvantages
Easy to start Skills and talents are pooled More money available Conflicts between partners Profits must be shared Owners share all risks

12 Corporations Business organization that is recognized by law to have a life of its own Advantages Disadvantages Easier to raise money Easy to expand Easy to transfer ownership Losses limited to investment Costs more to start up Complex to organize More regulation Higher taxes

13 Section 2

14 Accounting System Is designed to collect, document, and report financial transactions affecting the business.

15 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
A set of rules that all Accountants use to prepare their reports.

16 Summarized information about the financial status of a business.
Financial Reports Summarized information about the financial status of a business.

17 2 Groups use financial reports
1. External Users Financial Accounting - focuses on reporting information to external users. Ex. Investors, Banks, Government 2. Internal Users Management Accounting - focuses on reporting information to internal users. Ex. Managers, Owners

18 3 Accounting Assumptions

19 Exists independently of its owner’s personal holdings.
Business Entity Exists independently of its owner’s personal holdings.

20 A time period covered by an accounting report.
Accounting Period A time period covered by an accounting report.

21 Going Concern The assumption that a business entity will continue to operate for an indefinite time.

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