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Restorative Justice with Young People who PERSIST in their offending: the Challenges and the Successes.

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Presentation on theme: "Restorative Justice with Young People who PERSIST in their offending: the Challenges and the Successes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restorative Justice with Young People who PERSIST in their offending: the Challenges and the Successes

2 Priority Youth Offender Project Driven/Supported by Local Government Youth Justice Agency And Probation Board Collaborative Advantage

3 Who? Young People who persist in their offending commit a serious offence cause considerable harm are leaving custody * High incidence of substance misuse/ mental ill-health/family breakdown

4 Why? Combine resources Share information Minimise duplication Reduce delay Enhance confidence of - public/those harmed - stakeholders - young people/families reduce re-offending, (including) seriousness and frequency

5 What? Efficiency and Effectiveness in Youth Justice System Better service to and outcomes for:- -Young people (in conflict with the law) -Victims -Communities

6 What’s Working? Intensive support and supervision Increased collaboration/alignment Circles of Support and Accountability Enhanced co-ordination with other statutory services Closer liaison and integration with youth custody Family inclusion and empowerment Creative, evidence based practice

7 Circles of Support & Accountability -Achieve goals -Strengthen relationships -Active participation of all Reduce obstacles to desistance through -Partnerships -Co-ordination -Co-operation -Combination

8 Challenges Two cultures with different:- - Ethos - Legislation - Systems – assessment/process/IT Unavoidable/insurmountable - Duplication - Multiple Orders - Competition - Confusion

9 Challenges (cont.) PERSISTENT offenders: how many ‘chances’ do they deserve? LACK of REMORSE: should we continue with the process? VALUE for MONEY: could the case be dealt with more cheaply? VICTIM RE-VICTIMISATION: are we putting this at risk? PROFESSIONAL CREDIBILITY: will we be damaging our reputation?

10 Padraig D.O.B.08/05/94 (16) Offences: 1. 20/04/10 – Theft of blazer and mobile phones, with 1 co- accused, from 4 schoolgirls 2. 19/08/08 – Theft from Spar 3. 26/07/10 – Interfere with motor vehicle and Criminal Damage Referred 08/02/11 YCs 08/03/11 and 15/03/11 Returned 21/03/11 Recommendation – Custody with Youth Conference Plan

11 Criminal Record Burglary 02/03/06YCO 02/03/07 Assault 28/11/05PO 09/07/07 Handling 03/03/07 Handling 04/06/06 Resisting 12/06/07CRO 09/01/08 Burglary 26/06/07 Burglary 17/3/07PO 26/03/08 Interfere MV 29/09/07 Burglary 26/06/07ACO 05/11/08

12 Criminal Record (cont.) Theft 25/03/08 Theft 17/07/08 Resisting 08/08/08JJCO 27/07/09 Theft 19/08/08 Theft 18/08/08 Theft 13/11/08

13 Criminal Record (cont.) Going equipped 11/06/10 Disorderly behaviour 09/07/10 Receiving SG 11/07/10 Burglary 23/07/10 Taking a motor vehicleJJCO 08/11/10 Riotous behaviour Wrongfully entering Criminal Damage 22/10/07 Theft 29/8/08

14 New Referral 20/01/11Attempted Robbery Possession of Knife Possession of a screwdriver Resisting Arrest What, do you consider, best way forward?

15 Paul’s Journey….

16 Background- Age – 17years Previous Offending & Risk-taking Behaviours Youth Court–Burglary & Car Theft Agreed to Youth Conference Risks- Alcohol & Drug Misuse, Paramilitary Threat, Family Relationships, Homelessness, Unstructured Lifestyle & Limited Motivation.

17 1.Paul will make £200.00 financial restitution to Mrs Smith within 7 months of order being imposed. 2.Paul will complete a minimum of 10 sessions with the Impact Car Crime Programme. To commence within 4 weeks of order being imposed. 3.Paul will maintain weekly contact with staff from PYOP (Priority Youth offender Project) for a period of 4 months. To commence immediately upon order being imposed. 4.Paul will undertake 120 hours of community service within 6 months of order being imposed. Youth Conference Plan

18 Circle of Support & Accountability Paul Louise Volunteer Ben PYOP Angie Extern Coaching Prog SisterMotherHostel Jackie Drugs Counsellor Anne IMPACT

19 MonTuesWedThurFriSatSun AM 10am- 12pm PYOP Contact Ben 10.30am -2.30pm Bus Prog 10am- 12noon PYOP Contact Ben 10.30- 4.30pm Young Entrepreneur Prog Family Group Meeting Free Time Extern Coaching Prog 10.30 - 1pm PM 1pm- 2.30pm IMPACT Prog 2.30pm – 4.30pm GO For It Prog 1.30- 2.30pm FASA – 2.30- 4.30pm Essential Skills Training Young Entrepreneur Prog Contd. 12- 2.00pm – Jackie Drugs Counsellor 3-5pm Meet with Volunteer Extern Coaching Programme 2-5pm Free Time Eve Hostel Meet with Volunteer 4.30- 6.30pm Drop in Centre Hostel Activity Night Hostel Hostel Activity Hostel

20 Circles of Support & Accountability Plan Managing Substances- 1)Continue contact with Drugs Counsellor & continue to record on daily journal 2)Keep Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs Drug free days (Hostel Staff to monitor daily and feedback at 6six week review) Managing Mental Health- 1)YP agreed to receive TC at 8.30pm Tues, Thurs & Sat/Sun (7.00pm) (Previous psychologist and manager of Children's Home) 2)Personal advisor & PYOP Key worker to organise x4 social activities as identified & agreed by YP (Aspirations/Dreams) Training and Employment- 1)Personal advisor – agreed to set up meeting with NIACRO Youth Employability Scheme 2)PYOP key worker – Referral to Extern Coaching Programme Family Contact- 1)Social worker agreed to liaise with mother to explore possibilities of live video-link at next circles meeting Accommodation- 1)Hostel Manager, S-Worker & Personal advisor agreed to explore options of maintaining placement & identify other independent living accommodation

21 Current Situation… Recently moved back into family home Emotional & mental Health significantly improved Ongoing participation in various PYOP programmes Order successfully completed and no further offending!

22 Does It Work?...

23 Young People Comments… “ “ People are interested and care for my future” “I know there is always someone there for me” “They are ready to go that extra mile” “The Conference really made me think”

24 Any Questions?

25 For further information- Please Contact Yvonne Adair (YJA) – Project Manager Tel: 028 90820800 Or visit Youth Justice Agency Website:

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