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WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA. Women’s Roles & Status: Traditional Consensus  Mongol domination had negative effect  During Muscovite period things.

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2 Women’s Roles & Status: Traditional Consensus  Mongol domination had negative effect  During Muscovite period things got worse A Closer Look  Picture of women’s lives less bleak  But women still subject to patriarchal system

3 WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA Women of the Nobility  Seclusion of elite women in TEREM  Lived in separate quarters  Only ventured out in close carriages

4 WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA The TEREM  Theories of origin:  Means to protect women from Mongol raids  “Borrowed” from Mongols  Result of misogyny of Orthodoxy + practical desire to strictly control female sexuality

5 WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA Orthodoxy & Women  Idealization of virginity & docility  Promotion of female subordination  Women increasingly associated with sex & sin

6 WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA Was the Terem all bad?  Opportunities/advantages  Arrangement of marriages/alliances  Control over reproductive power  Secure environment

7 WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA Women’s Legal Rights & Status  Changes in property rights  Changes in criminal laws  Divorce increasing difficult (for women)  Laws did not stop abuse The Domostroi Sudebnik

8 WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous  Elaborate, multi-room houses  Oldest women = “sovereign lady of household”  Boyar women used wet nurses  Children seen as little adults  Married very young

9 WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA Women of the lower social orders  No seclusion  Status derived from contribution to household economy  Lives full of hard work  Girls went to work at very young age

10 WOMEN & FAMILY IN MUSCOVITE RUSSIA Lifestyles of the not-so-rich-and- famous  Small, dark, one-room houses  Public mingling of sexes  Wells  Dances  Taverns

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