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12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 1 Operational Semantics ­An overview The language of programs The computation mechanism.

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1 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 1 Operational Semantics ­An overview The language of programs The computation mechanism Choices and their impact

2 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 2 Atoms and Herbrand Bases ­The basic constructs of programs and queries are atoms (predicates). Syntacticaly, atoms are similar to functions, but defined over predicate symbols rather than function symbols. ­Given  the term universe TU F,V (over variables V and Function symbols F)  a ranked alphabet  of predicate symbols the term base TB ,F,V is (over , F and V) is the smallest set A of atoms such that 1.p  A, if p   (0) 2.p(t 1,t 2,...,t n )  A if p   (n) with n  1, and t 1,t 2,..., t n  TU F,V ­Given the Herbrand Universe, H UF, and the ranked alphabet  of predicate symbols: Herbrand Base HB (over  and F) :  TB ,F,V

3 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 3 Programs and Queries ­From atoms, both programs and queries can be constructed.  Query :  finite sequence of atoms B 1, B 2,..., B n.  Empty Query :  empty sequence of atoms. -An empty query is denoted by □  H  B (definite clause) :  -H (the clause head) is an atom, -B (the clause body) is a query.  H  (unit clause) :  -The clause body is empty  (Definite) program :  finite set of definite and unit clauses  Horn Clause :  Clause or a negated query

4 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 4 Intuitive Meaning of Clauses and Queries ­Clauses are obtained from the atoms by connecting them with Boolean connectives. Hence their intuitive meaning: ­A clause H  B 1,.., B n can be understood as the formula  x 1,...,  x k (B 1 ...  B n  H); or  x 1,...,  x k (  B 1 ...   B n  H) where x 1,...,x k are the variables occurring in H  B 1,.., B n.  A Unit clause, H , encodes  x 1,...,  x k H. ­A query, A 1,..., A n, can be understood as the formula  x 1,...,  x k (A 1 ...  A n ) ; or   x 1,...,  x k (  A 1 ...   A n ) where, x 1,...,x k are the variables occurring in A 1,..., A n.  The empty query, □, is equivalent to true.

5 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 5 Queries and Negated Queries ­Informally, one is interested in assessing whether a query is a logical consequence of a program. This is indeed equivalent to assess that the negation of the query is contradictory with the program. ­Hence   x 1,...,  x k (A 1 ...  A n )   x 1,...,  x k  (A 1 ...  A n )   x 1,...,  x k (  A 1 ...   A n )   x 1,...,  x k (false   A 1 ...   A n )   x 1,...,  x k (false   (A 1 ...  A n )   x 1,...,  x k (false  (A 1 ...  A n ) ­A negated empty query is equivalent to false (since the empty query is equivalent to true) ­The computation mechanism of logic programming proves either  that a query is a logical consequence of the program  that the negation of the query, together with the program, entails false.

6 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 6 What is computed ­A program P can be understood as a set of axioms. ­A query Q can be interpreted as the request for finding an instance, Qθ, which is a logical consequence of P. ­A successful derivation provides such a θ (by composition of the substitutions performed at each derivation step) ­Hence, the derivation is a proof of Qθ (from P)., i.e. P |- Qθ

7 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 7 How it is computed ­A computation is a sequence of derivation steps. ­In each step an atom A is selected from the current query and a program clause H  B is chosen. ­If A and H are unifiable, and θ is an mgu of A and H, then A is replaced by B in the query, and θ is applied to the resulting query. ­The computation is successful if it ends with the empty query. ­The resulting answer substitution is obtained by composition of the mgus of each step.

8 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 8 SLD-Derivations (proposicional) ­The schema described assumes that  atoms in the query are selected according to some Selection rule,  derivations are a (Linear) sequence of resolution steps, and that  the clauses in the program are all Definite clauses. ­The sequence of resolution steps is thus known as an SLD-derivation. ­ In the propositional case (no variables), given A program P A query A, B, C (where A means it contains zero or more atoms). A clause B  B  B is the selected atom in the query  The resulting query ( A, B, C ) is called the SLD-resolvent. ­The notation A, B, C  A, B, C may be used in this case.

9 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 9 SLD-Derivations (example) ­Given program 1.happy :- sun, holidays. 2.happy :- snow, holidays. 3.snow :- cold, winter. 4.cold :- winter 5.precipitation :- holidays. 6.winter. 7.holidays. ­The following is an SLD-derivation of query ?- happy ?- happy(clause 2) ?- snow, holidays(clause 3) ?- cold, winter, holidays(clause 4) ?- winter, winter, holidays(clause 6) ?- winter, holidays(clause 6) ?- holidays(clause 7) ?- □

10 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 10 SLD-Derivations (non proposicional) SLD derivations can be extended to first-order predicates (with variables). Given A program P A query A, B, C A clause c  P A variant H  B of c, variable disjoint with the query An mgu θ of B and H ­SLD-resolvent of A, B, C and c wrt. B with mgu θ :  (A, B, C) θ ­SLD-derivation step :  (A, B, C)  θ c (A, B, C) θ ­input clause:  variant H  B of c, “clause c is applicable to atom B”

11 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 11 SLD-Derivations (example) Example: Given program 1.add(X,0,X). 2.add(X,s(Y),s(Z)) :- add(X,Y,Z). the following is an SLD-derivation of query ?-add(s(0),W, s(s(s(0)))). ?-add(s(0),W, s(s(s(0)))). (Variant a of Clause 2) {Xa/s(0),W/s(Ya),Za/s(s(0))} ?-add(s(0),Ya, s(s(0))). (Variant b of Clause 2) {Xb/s(0),Ya/s(Yb),Zb/s(0))} ?-add(s(0),Yb, s(0)). (Variant c of Clause 1) {Xc/s(0),Yb/0} ?- □

12 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 12 SLD-Derivations (example) ?-add(s(0),W, s(s(s(0)))).(2a) {Xa/s(0),W/s(Ya),Za/s(s(0))} ?-add(s(0),Ya, s(s(0))).(2b) {Xb/s(0),Ya/s(Yb),Zb/s(0))} ?-add(s(0),Yb, s(0)).(1c) {Xc/s(0),Yb/0} ?- □ ­Composing the substitutions, (θ 2a ) (θ 2b ) = { Xa/s(0), W/s(s(Yb)), Za/s(s(0)), Xb/s(0), Ya/s(Yb), Zb/s(0)) } (θ 2a ) (θ 2b ) (θ 1c ) = {Xa/s(0),W/s(s(0)),Za/s(s(0)), Xb/s(0),Ya/s(0),Zb/s(0)), Xc/s(0),Yb/0 } the answer W = s(s(0)) is obtained.

13 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 13 SLD-Derivations Steps 1.Selection:  Select an atom in the query 2.Renaming:  Rename (if necessary) the clause 3.Instantiation  Instantiate query and clause by an mgu of the selected atom and the head of the clause 4.Replacement  Replace the instance of the selected atom by the instance of the body of the clause

14 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 14 SLD-Derivations ­A maximal sequence of SLD-derivation steps Q 0  θ 1 c 1 Q 1  θ 2 c 2 Q 2... Q n  θ n+1 c n+1 Q n+1... is an SLD-derivation of P  {Q 0 } :   Q 0, Q 1,..., Q n+1,... are queries, each empty or with one atom selected in it;  θ 1, θ 2,..., θ n+1,... are substitutions;  c 1, c 2,..., c n+1,... are clauses of P;  For every SLD-derivation step, standardisation apart holds.

15 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 15 Standardisation Apart ­Variables in a clause are universally quantified. It is thus important that when a clause is used a variant of the clause is used with “fresh” variables that have not been previously “used”. ­This guarantees that the input clause is variable disjoint from the initial query and from the substitutions and input clauses used at earlier steps. ­Formally: Var(c’ i )  (Var(Q 0 )  j=1..i-1 (Var (θ j  Var(c´ j )) =  for i  1, where c’ i ( variant of clause C i  P) is the input clause used in the i-th SLD-derivation step Q i  θi+1 ci+1 Q i+1

16 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 16 Result of a Derivation ­Let ξ = Q 0  θ1 c1 Q 1  θ2 c2 Q 2... Q n-1  θn cn Q n be a finite SLD-derivation.  ξ is successful :  Q n = □  ξ failed :  Q n  □ and no clause is applicable to any atom of Q n. ­Let ξ be successful.  Computed Answer Substitution (CAS) of Q 0 (w.r.t. ξ) :  ( θ 1 θ 2... θ n ) | Var(Q 0 )  Computed Instance of Q 0 (w.r.t. ξ) :  Q 0 θ 1 θ 2... θ n

17 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 17 Choices ­A number of choices can be made in any SLD-derivation, namely 1.Choice of the renaming 2.Choice of the mgu 3.Choice of the selected atom 4.Choice of the program clause ­How do they influence the result?

18 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 18 Resultants: What is Proved after a Step ­To assess the impact of the choices, it is convenient to assess what is “logically” computed at each derivation step. ­Informally, to answer a query Q 1, requires answering a subsequent query Q 2. Hence if Q 2 is true for some substitution θ so is Q 1. More formally, Resultant Associated with Q 1  θ1 Q 2 :  Implication Q 1 θ 1  Q 2 ­Consider  A program P  A resultant R = Q  A, B, C  A clause c  A variant H  B of c, variable disjoint with R  An mgu θ of B and H SLD – Resolvent of resultant R and c wrt B with mgu θ :  Q  (A, B, C) θ SLD – Resultant step :  Q  A, B, C  θ c Q θ  (A, B, C) θ

19 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 19 Propagation ­Consider an SLD – Derivation ξ = Q 0  θ1 c1 Q 1... Q n  θn+1 cn+1 Q n+1... ­Resultantant of level i of ξ, R i :  Q 0 θ 1 θ 2... θ i  Q i for i  0 ­The resultant R i describes what is proved wrt to the initial query Q 0, after i derivation steps. In particular  Nothing has been proven in the begining R 0 : Q 0  Q 0  The query has been answered, if the derivation is successful R n : Q 0 θ 1 θ 2... θ n if Q n = □ (since □ = true)

20 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 20 Resultants: SLD - derivations ­The selected atom of a resultant Q 1  Q i is defined as the atom selected in Q i. Lemma 3.12 ­Assume that R  θ c R 1 and R’  θ’ c R’ 1 are two SLD – resultant steps such that  R is an instance of R’  In R and R’ atoms in the same positions are selected then R 1 is an instance of R’ 1. Proof: See [Apt97], page 55. Sketch: If R is an instance of R’, then θ = θ’σ (for some σ) and R = R’ σ.

21 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 21 Resultants: SLD - derivations Example: ­Let us consider  clause c: q(W,b):- s(W).  resultant R: p(a,Y) :- q(a,Z), r(Z,Y).  resultant R’: p(X,Y) :- q(X,Z), r(Z,Y).  atom q/2 is selected in both resultants. Now, if atom q/2 is selected in both resultants, it must be  θ = mgu(q(a,Z), q(W,b)) = {W/a, Z/b}, and from R, c and θ resultant R 1 : p(a,Y) :- s(a), r(b,Y).  θ’ = mgu(q(X,Z), q(W,b)) = {W/X, Y/b}, and from R’, c and θ’ resultant R’ 1 : p(X,Y) :- s(X), r(b,Y). thus confirming that R 1 is an instance of R’ 1. Moreover, it is θ = θ’ {X/a} and so R 1 = R’ 1 {X/a}

22 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 22 Resultants: SLD-derivations ­A similar result can be obtained for SLD-resolvents Corollary 3.13 ­When Q  θ c Q 1 and Q’  θ’ c Q’ 1 are two SLD–resultant steps such that  Q is an instance of Q’  In R and R’, atoms in the same positions are selected then Q 1 is an instance of Q’ 1. Example: From Q: q(a,Z), r(Z,Y) and Q’: q(X,Z), r(Z,Y) if atom q/2 is selected in both resolvents, together with clause c: q(W,b):- s(W ), then Q 1 : s(a), r(b,Y) and Q’ 1 : s(X), r(b,Y)

23 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 23 Similar SLD-derivations ­Consider two (initial fragments) of SLD – derivations ξ = Q 0  θ1 c1 Q 1... Q n  θn+1 cn+1 Q n+1... ξ’ = Q’ 0  θ’1 c1 Q’ 1... Q’ n  θ’n+1 cn+1 Q’ n+1... ξ and ξ’ are similar :   lenght(ξ ) = lenght(ξ’ );  Q 0 and Q’ 0 are variants,  in Q i and Q’ i atoms in the same positions are selected (for i in 0.. n)

24 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 24 A Theorem on Variants Theorem 3.18: Consider two similar SLD – derivations ξ and ξ’. Then for every i  0, the resultants R i and R’ i of level i of ξ and ξ’, respectively, are variants of each other. Proof (by induction): Base case (i=0) : R 0 : Q 0  Q 0 and R’ 0 : Q’ 0  Q’ 0. But Q 0 is a variant of Q’ 0 (by definition of similar derivations), hence Q 0  Q 0 is a variant of Q’ 0  Q’ 0. Induction case (i  > i+1) : Let R i  θ i+1 c i+1 R i+1 and R’ i  θ’ i+1 c i+1 R’ i+1. Then R i is a variant of R’ i (induction hypothesis)  R i is an instance of R’ i and vice-versa (definition of variant)  R i+1 is an instance of R’ i+1 and vice-versa (lemma 3.12)  R i+1 is a variant of R’ i+1 (definition of variant)

25 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 25 Answer Substitutions of Similar SLD-derivations Corollary 3.19: Consider two similar SLD – derivations of Q 0 with computed answers substitutions θ and σ. Then Q 0 θ and Q 0 σ are variants of each other. Proof: If the derivations are successful, then their final resultants are ξ : Q 0 θ  □ and ξ ‘: Q 0 σ  □. Then, by theorem 3.18, Q 0 θ and Q 0 σ are variants. ­Hence,  Choices of type 1 (choice of a renaming)  Choices of type 2 (choice of an mgu) do not influence - modulo renaming – on the statement proved by a successful SLD–derivation.

26 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 26 Atom Selection in Queries ­Let INIT be the set of all initial fragments of all possible SLD-derivations in which the last query is non-empty. ­A selection rule, is a function which for every ξ <  INIT yields an occurrence of an atom in the last query of ξ < ­An SLD-derivation ξ is via a selection rule R if for every initial fragment ξ < of ξ ending with a non-empty query Q, R (ξ < ) is the selected atom of Q. Example: In Prolog, the rule used is “select the leftmost atom”

27 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 27 Switching Lemma Lemma 3.32 ­Consider an SLD-derivation ξ = Q 0  θ1 c1 Q 1... Q n  θn+1 cn+1 Q n+1  θn+2 cn+2 Q n+2... where  Q n includes atoms A 1 and A 2  A 1 is the selected atom of Q n  A 2 θ n+1 is the selected atom of Q n+1 Then for some Q’ n+1, θ’ n+1 and θ’ n+2 there is an SLD-derivation ξ’ = Q 0  θ1 c1 Q 1... Q n  θ’n+1 cn+1 Q’ n+1  θ’n+2 cn+2 Q n+2... where  A 2 is the selected atom of atoms Q n  A 1 θ’ n+1 is the selected atom of Q’ n+1  θ’ n+1 θ’ n+2 = θ n+1 θ n+2 Proof: see [Apt97, page 65].

28 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 28 Independence of Selection Rule Theorem 3.33 ­Let ξ be a successful SLD-derivation of P  {Q 0 }. Then for every selection rule R, there exists a successful SLD-derivation ξ’ of P  {Q 0 } via R such that  CAS of Q 0 (wrt ξ) = CAS of Q 0 (wrt ξ’)  ξ and ξ’ are of the same length ­Hence, choices of type 3 (choice of a selected atom) have no influence in case of successful queries.

29 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 29 Independence of Selection Rule Proof Sketch (of Theorem 3.33): (By induction on the number of derivation steps) Base case (i=1) :  If the derivation has only one step, than Q 0 has a single atom and any rule must select it. Induction case (i  > i+1) : ­Assume that the first i steps of the successful derivation ξ are similar to the first i steps obtained by using rule R.. ­Assume further that in the i+1 th step ξ selects atom A in Q i, whereas rule R selects atom B. ­Since B must be selected in some subsequent step j of ξ (i +1  j  n), it is ξ = Q 0 ... Q i [A]  θi+1 ci+1 Q i+1... Q j [B]  θj+1 cj+1 Q j+1... Q n-1  Q n = □ ­Applying the switching lemma j-i times to ξ the successful derivation ξ’ is obtained ξ’ = Q 0 ... Q i [B]  σi+1 c’i+1 Q’ i+1 [A]... Q’ n -1  Q n = □. for which the first i+1 steps are similar to those obtained by using rule R.

30 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 30 SLD-Trees and Search Space Selection rule R variant independent :  ­For all initial fragments of SLD-derivations that are similar, R chooses the atom in the same position of the last query. Examples:  Prolog’s rule “select leftmost atom” in the query is variant independent.  A selection rule such as “select the rightmost atom with predicate symbol p with arity k, otherwise select the leftmost atom” is also variant independent  A selection rule such as “select leftmost atom if variable X appears in the query, otherwise select rightmost atom” is not variant independent

31 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 31 SLD-Trees and Search Space SLD-Tree for P  {Q} via selection rule R :  ­The branches are SLD-derivations of P  {Q} via R ­Every node Q with selected atom A has exactly one descendant for every clause c of P, which is applicable to A.  This descendant is a resolvent of Q and c wrt A. SLD-Tree successful :  An SLD-tree that contains the success leaf □. SLD-Tree finitely failed :  An SLD-tree that is finite and not successfully. The SLD-Tree via “leftmost selection rule” corresponds to Prolog’s strategy for searching for solutions..

32 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 32 The Branch Theorem Theorem 3.38 ­Consider an SLD-tree T for P  {Q 0 } via a variant dependent selection rule R. Then every SLD-derivation of P  {Q 0 } via R is similar to a branch in T. ­Hence, choices of type 4 (choice of a program clause) have no influence on the search space as a whole. ­Nevertheless, the same search space can be searched differently by different strategies. For example,  If an infinite branch is to the “left” of any success node, the “left to right depth first search” of Prolog does not succeed (no termination).  If the order of the clauses is changed, than it is as if Prolog were “right to left depth first search”, thus finding the solution (before entering the endless loop).

33 12 October 2006 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming 33 The Branch Theorem Proof Sketch (of Theorem 3.38): ­Let ξ = Q 0  Q 1  Q 2... be an SLD derivation of P  {Q 0 } via R ­By induction on i  0, a branch (with nodes Q’ 0, Q’1, Q’ 2,...) in T similar to ξ should be found: Base case (i=0) :  Q’ 0 = Q 0 (in particular they are variants). Induction case (i  > i+1) : ­By induction hypothesis, Q 0 ... Q i is similar to Q’ 0 ... Q’ i ­By definition of T, the existence of Q’ i implies the existence of Q’ i+1 (apply the same clause as to Q i ). ­By variant independence, in Q i and Q’ i atoms in the same position are selected, so Q 0 ... Q i+1 is also similar to Q’ 0 ... Q’ i+1..

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