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Presentation on theme: "Adobe Photoshop CS Design Professional EFFECTS WITH FILTERS CREATING SPECIAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adobe Photoshop CS Design Professional EFFECTS WITH FILTERS CREATING SPECIAL

2 Chapter H2Creating Special Effects with Filters Learn about filters and how to apply them Create an effect with an Artistic filter Add unique effects with Stylize filters Alter images with Distort and Noise filters Use a Render filter to alter lighting Chapter Lessons

3 Chapter H3Creating Special Effects with Filters Filters alter the look of an image by altering pixels Use filters to apply special effects: –Realistic textures –Distortions –Changes in lighting –Blurring Understanding Filters

4 Chapter H4Creating Special Effects with Filters Applying Filters Apply filters to any layer except the Background layer Use commands on the Filter menu Adjust filter settings and preview the filter effect in the Filter’s dialog box

5 Chapter H5Creating Special Effects with Filters Learn About Filters and How to Apply Them Understanding the Filter Menu The Filter menu sorts the filters into 14 categories and sub- categories Many filters are memory-intensive: –Use of them may slow down the computer’s performance

6 Chapter H6Creating Special Effects with Filters Sample Filters Original Motion Blur Stained Glass Twirl Cross- hatch Neon Glow

7 Chapter H7Creating Special Effects with Filters Filter Tips Distort filters: –Completely reshape an image –Highly resource-demanding Pixelate filters: –Applied when the command is clicked –Do not include a preview box Digimarc filters: –Notify users that the image is copyright- protected

8 Chapter H8Creating Special Effects with Filters Filter Categories Render Sharpen Sketch Stylize Texture Video Other Digimarc Artistic Blur Brush Strokes Distort Noise Pixelate

9 Chapter H9Creating Special Effects with Filters Applying a Blur Filter Select the layer to blur Click Filter on the menu bar, point to Blur, then click Motion Blur Select Blur settings in the Motion Blur dialog box

10 Chapter H10Creating Special Effects with Filters Image in the Motion Blur Dialog Box

11 Chapter H11Creating Special Effects with Filters Create an Effect with an Artistic Filter 15 Artistic Filters Available Plastic Wrap Poster Edge Rough Pastels Smudge Stick Sponge Underpainting Watercolor Colored Pencil Cutout Dry Brush Film Grain Fresco Neon Glow Paint Daubs Palette Knife

12 Chapter H12Creating Special Effects with Filters Sample Artistic Filters Plastic Wrap Water- color Film Grain Original

13 Chapter H13Creating Special Effects with Filters Adjusting Filter Effects Use any of the functions listed under the Adjustments command on the Image menu For example, modify the color balance or the brightness/contrast of a layer before applying a filter

14 Chapter H14Creating Special Effects with Filters Add Unique Effects with Stylize Filters Using Stylize Filters Produce a painted effect by displacing pixels and heightening the contrast within an image Apply a stylize filter to an entire layer or to a specific area of a layer Use a marquee tool to define the area, then apply the desired filter

15 Chapter H15Creating Special Effects with Filters List of Stylize Filters Diffuse Filter: breaks up the image –Darken Only option: replaces light pixels with dark pixels –Lighten Only option: replaces dark pixels with light pixels Wind Filter: conveys directed motion Extrude Filter: converts the image into pyramids or blocks

16 Chapter H16Creating Special Effects with Filters Sample Stylize Filters Wind Extrude Glowing Edges Original

17 Chapter H17Creating Special Effects with Filters Reducing File Size Use filters to reduce file size For example, apply a slight Motion Blur filter to a grassy background: –Reduces the number of green colors that Photoshop must save in the image and so reduces the file size

18 Chapter H18Creating Special Effects with Filters Applying a Filter Flame area is selected Wind filter is applied

19 Chapter H19Creating Special Effects with Filters Alter Images with Distort and Noise Filters Understanding Distort Filters Distort filters create a 3-D effect or reshape an object: –Difuse Glow –Ocean Ripple –Glass –Wave –Ripple –Twirl

20 Chapter H20Creating Special Effects with Filters Sample Distort Filters Glass Zig Zag Wave Original

21 Chapter H21Creating Special Effects with Filters Understanding Noise Filters Noise filters give an image an appearance of texture Apply to an image layer or to the Background layer Rasterize a Type layer to convert it to an image layer before applying a noise filter

22 Chapter H22Creating Special Effects with Filters Optimizing Memory Layer masks and filters can be memory- intensive To offset resource loss, free up memory: –Adjust settings in the Preferences dialog box –Lower the number of states in the History palette –Use the Purge command to free memory used to story Undo commands, History states, and items on the clipboard

23 Chapter H23Creating Special Effects with Filters Changing Memory Settings Windows: –Click Edit on the menu bar, point to Preferences, then click Memory & Image Cache Macintosh: –Select the Photoshop application, click File on the menu bar, click Get Info, click the Show list arrow, click Memory, then change the amount of memory allocated to Photoshop in the Preferred Size text box

24 Chapter H24Creating Special Effects with Filters Alter Lighting with a Render Filter Understanding Lighting Effects Use the Lighting Effects filter in the Render category to set an atmosphere or highlight elements in an image Options: –Select the style and type of light –Adjust the properties of the light –Texturize the light

25 Chapter H25Creating Special Effects with Filters Using Lighting Style and Type A dozen lighting styles are available: –Spotlights –Floodlights –Full lighting Lighting types include: –Directional –Omni –Spotlight

26 Chapter H26Creating Special Effects with Filters Understanding Lighting Types Directional lighting: –Washes the surface with a constant light source Omni lighting: –Casts light from the center Spotlight lighting: –Directs light outward from a single point

27 Chapter H27Creating Special Effects with Filters Adjusting Light Settings Adjust light settings in the Lighting Effects dialog box:

28 Chapter H28Creating Special Effects with Filters Properties to Adjust Gloss property –Controls the amount of surface reflection on the lighted surfaces Material property –Controls the parts of an image that reflect the light source color

29 Chapter H29Creating Special Effects with Filters More Properties to Adjust Exposure property –Lightens or darkens the ellipse Ambience property –Controls the balance between the light source and the overall light in an image

30 Chapter H30Creating Special Effects with Filters Adding Texture to Light Use the Texture Channel to add 3-D effects to the lighting filter Procedure: –Select one of the three RGB color channels, then drag the Height slider to the relief setting required

31 Chapter H31Creating Special Effects with Filters Texture Added to a Lighting Effect

32 Chapter H32Creating Special Effects with Filters Chapter H Tasks Identify filter categories Apply filters Use Artistic filters Use Stylize filters

33 Chapter H33Creating Special Effects with Filters Chapter H Tasks Alter images with Distort and Noise filters Understand and minimize memory usage Understand and use lighting effects

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