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Physics Students’ View on Knowledge Society ‘ Possible’ Consequences of Today EDUCATION over Tomorrow Society A Student Perspective Liviu BÎLTEANU [RO/FR]

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Students’ View on Knowledge Society ‘ Possible’ Consequences of Today EDUCATION over Tomorrow Society A Student Perspective Liviu BÎLTEANU [RO/FR]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Students’ View on Knowledge Society ‘ Possible’ Consequences of Today EDUCATION over Tomorrow Society A Student Perspective Liviu BÎLTEANU [RO/FR] International Association of Physics Students (IAPS), Commissariat à Énergie Atomique, Saclay (CEA), France,

2 Outline 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Towards A Society of Knowledge; 1.2. Information versus Knowledge. 2. BOLOGNA PROCESS and the INTELLECTUAL PLANS 2.1. Scientific Knowledge for a New Society; 2.2. Physics a Change in Reasoning. 2.3. Encompassing Philosophy 3. CONCLUSIONS: A NEW REVOLUTION

3 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Towards A Society of Knowledge Antiquity /Middle AgesMilitary Force RenaissanceExploration of New Territories Industrial RevolutionNatural Resources TodayKnowledge


5 1.2. Information versus Knowledge INFORMATION Dynamic Comibination of Processes on knowledge (stockage, retrieving, combination etc) KNOWLEDGE INTELLECT SOCIETY

6 1.2. Information versus Knowledge INFORMATION Dynamic Comibination of Processes on knowledge (stockage, retrieving, combination etc) KNOWLEDGE INTELLECT SOCIETY 1. INTORDUCTION

7 2. BOLOGNA PROCESS and the INTELLECTUAL PLANS STEPS by EUPEN Universitie s EU Commissio n Industry Students What we want What we offer How we see How to do How we help

8 2. BOLOGNA PROCESS and the INTELLECTUAL PLANS 2.1. Scientific Knowledge for a New Society Bologna Process was triggered by the economical reasons and aims the creation of a common employability area and increase progress; Science is the main reason for technological progress; Integrative and holistic conception of the education cycles has direct impact on the graduates vision on the society. Future fundamental issues of the society: ethics, environment, energy … can be solved via scientific approach.

9 2. BOLOGNA PROCESS and the INTELLECTUAL PLANS 2.2. Physics – A Change in Reasoning Systemic Competences may increase the interdisciplinary feature of Physics (education). Physics produces strong paradigms solving problems in Economy, Engineering and, even, Humanities.

10 2. BOLOGNA PROCESS and the INTELLECTUAL PLANS 2.3. An Ecompassing Philosophy Answers to Fundamental Questions related to our evolution; (Antropology) Sensitive Spiritual Issue like GOD and Religion Unification of theories (Epistemology)

11 3. CONCLUSION The STEPS of a New ‘Revolution’ Implementation of a self-improving Education system; Economic boom in the EEA and neighbour areas; Fundamental changes in mentality leading to a new ‘Holistic Renaissance’ One of the dangers A non-homogenous distribution of academic professionals

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