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Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Chapter Six Attitudes and Social Behavior.

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1 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Chapter Six Attitudes and Social Behavior

2 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 What are Attitudes? An attitude is an individual’s evaluation of a target –target might be a person, an issue, an object, a group, a behavior Attitudes always have a target –the thing toward which the attitude is held

3 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Three Parts of Attitudes Cognitive –our knowledge of the attitude target Affective –our feelings or beliefs toward the attitude target Behavioral –our intention to act toward the attitude target

4 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Aspects of Attitudes Attitudes influence behavior, behavior influences attitudes –a two-way relationship Attitudes can contain conflicting elements –affective and cognitive elements may be mixed, for example –this produces ambivalent attitudes Attitudes can be explicit or implicit

5 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Why Do We Evaluate? Object appraisal function –attitudes provide the rapid evaluation of people, objects, and events Value-expressive function –attitudes allow people to convey an identity to others

6 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Measuring Attitudes Self-report measures rely on people’s judgments of their attitudes –Likert scales –Thurstone scales –semantic differential scales –opinion surveys Self-reports assume that people know their attitudes and will report them honestly Ambivalent attitudes also pose a problem

7 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Concept Review

8 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Nonverbal Measures of Attitudes Behavioral measures rely on overt behavior to infer attitudes Physiological measures include measures of arousal and muscle action Implicit measures refer to automatic evaluations of a target

9 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Concept Review

10 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 How Do Attitudes Form? Affective sources of attitudes –evaluative conditioning: good feelings become associated with a previously-neutral object through classical conditioning –mere exposure: repeated exposure to an object can increase liking for that object Cognitive sources of attitudes Behavioral sources of attitudes

11 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Physiological Processes and Attitudes Alcohol myopia –intoxication reduces cognitive capacity, which narrows focus of attention –only the most obvious external cues will be attended to Attitude heritability –we encounter experiences that shape our attitudes partly because of inherited dispositional characteristics

12 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Attitudes Across the Lifespan Early experiences affect attitudes –parental socialization shapes attitudes –reference groups, such as peers, shape our attitudes –jeer pressure (the power of ridicule) can influence our attitudes Older people are not consistently more conservative than younger people

13 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6

14 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6

15 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 How Do Attitudes Affect Behavior? Rational choice –the theory of reasoned action argues that humans are rational decision makers guided by logical beliefs –IMB model and health information | motivation | behavioral skills an offshoot of reasoned action applied to AIDS-preventive behavior

16 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 How Do Attitudes Affect Behavior? Selective perception –attitudes can have a biasing effect people see what they expect to see Media coverage –the hostile media phenomenon describes how endorsers of both sides of an issue perceive the media as biased against them

17 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 When Do Attitudes Predict Behavior? Attitude strength –strongly held attitudes are better predictors of behavior Attitude controllability –lack of control can lead to attitude- inconsistent behavior Attitude-behavior match –measuring attitudes and behavior at the same level of specificity

18 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Concept Review

19 Social Psychology Alive, Breckler/Olson/Wiggins Chapter 6 Culture and Attitudes Individualism and collectivism shape attitudes Power distance shapes attitudes However, we are probably more alike than different –there are significant cross-cultural similarities in attitudes

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