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Layered Organization in the Coastal Ocean (LOCO) Brief Program Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Layered Organization in the Coastal Ocean (LOCO) Brief Program Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Layered Organization in the Coastal Ocean (LOCO) Brief Program Overview

2 LOCO Program Objectives Describe the spatial and temporal scales of thin layers Understand the processes that lead to the formation, maintenance, and destruction of thin layers

3 Kinds of Thin Layers AcousticalBacterialBioluminescent ChemicalMarine snowMicrozooplankton OpticalPhytoplanktonPhysical ToxinsZooplanktonBubbles (?)

4 Quicklook Sites Orcas Island WA (2) Cape Perpetua, OR Santa Barbara (3) & Rincon CA Oceanside CA Pensacola FL Destin FL Charleston SC Monterey Bay CA Exploration of Fourteen Coastal Ocean Sites 2001 - 2003 McManus, Holliday, Greenlaw, Donaghay, Sullivan Corpus Christi TX Terrabone Bay LA

5 Process Study Area (arrow)

6 Surface Chlorophyll Distribution


8 TAPS Profiling Mode

9 TAPS Data - 700 kHz - Monterey Bay LOCO Site

10 LOCO Principal Investigators Brian Concannon / Jennifer Prentice (NAVAIR) –Mapping thin layers with shipboard LIDAR Tim Cowles (OSU) –Fine-scale planktonic vertical structure: horizontal extent and the controlling physical processes Percy Donaghay & Jim Sullivan (URI) –4-D Assessment of Thin Layer Structure, Dynamics and Impacts Margaret McManus (UHI) / John Ryan (MBARI) / Mark Stacey (UCB) –Quantify interactions of physical, biological and optical properties of thin layers Al Hanson (URI & SubChem Systems) –The Role of Nutrient Gradients in the Episodic Formation, Maintenance and Decay of Thin Plankton Layers in Coastal Waters

11 LOCO Principal Investigators Van Holliday / Charles Greenlaw (BAE Systems) –Moored zooplankton acoustics; multi-beam fish / fish larvae sensor; multi-frequency acoustical sensor for photosynthesis related bubble formation in thin layers Dave Fratantoni (WHOI) –Physical context for thin layers, measured with AUVs (Gliders) Lou Goodman (UMASSD) / Ed Levine (NUWC Newport) –REMUS - based turbulence measurements and mapping Jan Rines (URI) –Characterization of phytoplankton species (in and out) of thin layers Kelly Benoit-Bird (OSU) –Predator / prey interactions in thin layers; horizontal migration and dynamics of of predator distributions

12 Cowles, OSU Moored Up-looking Sounders LIDAR Profiler Shipboard ADCP Not to scale High-resolution vertical profiling Cowles & Benoit-Bird, (OSU); Concannon & Prentice (NAVAIR) Slow- Drop Profiler

13 AUV & Shipboard Survey Area (“Plan A”) McManus (UHI) / Ryan (MBARI) / Stacey (UCB) LOCO CIMT MBARI AUV Track

14 LOCO Process Study Site Donaghay / Sullivan / Rines (URI) Holliday / Greenlaw (BAE Systems); Goodman (UMASSD) / Levine (NUWC) ORCAS TAPS ADCP’s Fish Scan Bubble Scan

15 Large Ships & Small Boats R/V Shana Rae Length: 52’ R/V Paragon Length: 32’ R/V Soquel Point Length: 22’ Visualize a very tiny boat R/V New Horizon Length: 170’ R/V Robert Gordon Sproul Length: 125’

16 Schedule & Ship Support (2005)

17 Thin Layers in East Sound, Puget Sound, WA

18 Thin Layers of Zooplankton in Monterey Bay

19 LOCO 2006 LOCO 2006 Site(s) tbd after the 2005 Montery Bay Field Work

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