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Following Autonomous Mobile Robot

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Presentation on theme: "Following Autonomous Mobile Robot"— Presentation transcript:

1 Following Autonomous Mobile Robot

2 Outline 機器人架構 跟隨機器人運作流程 LED法 ODCS-SIFT法(hybird法)

3 機器人架構

4 機器人架構 連線方法

5 跟隨機器人運作流程

6 Human Following Behavior of an Autonomous Mobile Robot Using Light-Emitting Device

7 LED法



10 參數說明 L︰兩個LED在影像上的距離 u︰兩個LED在影像上與縱軸的距離 d︰LED與robot實際的距離
θ︰the angle made X straight line connecting the camera and the device.

11 參數間的關係

12 LED法改進 1.wide-angle lens or omni-directional camera
2.using more cameras pointing to different directions. 3.making the camera turning on.

13 LED法流程圖

14 ODCS-SIFT法 Object Dominant Color Set (ODCS):it can indicate the original image with least color feature. Scale-invariant feature transform (or SIFT) :an algorithm in computer vision to detect and describe local features in images. The algorithm was published by David Lowe in 1999.


16 SIFT範例(1/6)

17 SIFT範例(2/6)

18 SIFT範例(3/6)


20 SIFT範例(5/6)


22 Verification voting φ= 某顏色出現的比例 ψ= 原圖與ODCS-database 中的 圖,做每一個像素的
”bitwise AND”比較後,相同的 比例.



25 Experiment

26 Conclusion This is a foundation for robot to detect object.
The main shortage is all of the parameters are off-line calculated and cannot update automatically.

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