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1 Multiuser Detection for CDMA Anders Høst-Madsen (with contributions from Yu Jaechon, Ph.D student) TRLabs & University of Calgary.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Multiuser Detection for CDMA Anders Høst-Madsen (with contributions from Yu Jaechon, Ph.D student) TRLabs & University of Calgary."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Multiuser Detection for CDMA Anders Høst-Madsen (with contributions from Yu Jaechon, Ph.D student) TRLabs & University of Calgary

2 Overview l Introduction n Communications Signal Processing l CDMA n 3G CDMA l Multiuser Detection (MUD) n Basics n Blind MUD n Group-blind MUD n Performance

3 Some Impression of a Changing Korea l Compared with 2 years ago n A lot has changed, fast l Internet n 90% of subway ads about internet n All ads have internet address l Cell phones n Everyman’s n Fashion item n Small! Even babies in Korea have mobile phones!

4 The Demands l “The future of the internet is wireless,” Steve Balmer, CEO Microsoft l Now n Internet through telephone n Wireless voice phones l Emerging n High-speed internet (ADSL, cable, satellite, fixed wireless) n Some wireless terminals (Nokia 9000, Palm VII, RIM Blackberry) n Web on wireless phones l Future n Wireless everything –Internet terminals –LAN, home networks –Devices (Bluetooth) n Wireless video phones? n More webphones than wired internet connections in 2004 (Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola) n All wireless phones web enabled from 2001 (Nokia)

5 The Constraints l Limited spectrum l Limited power l Complex channels n Multipath, shading n Interference: Other users, other electronics

6 Solutions l Efficient compression l Coding l Channel signal processing l Efficient, cost-controlled media access l Software radio l New standards for mobile communications 3rd generation systems n W-CDMA n cdma2000 l 4th generation by year 2010

7 The Communication Channel Com- pression TransmitterReceiver Speech Data Video Source coding Source coding Channel coding Channel coding Adaptive transmission Adaptive transmission Signal processing Signal processing l Channel Dispersion n (Low pass) filter effect (wireline filters, frequency selective fading) n Intersymbol Interference (ISI) n Non-linear distortions (power amplifiers) l Multipath n Slow fading n Time selective fading n Space-selective fading l Interference n External Interference (other electronics, communications, cars) n Multiple Access Interference (MAI) (other users using the same channel) n Echo (line hybrids, room microphones, hands-free mobiles)

8 The Wireless Channel Frequency-selective fading: ISI Doppler spread: Time-varying channel Space-selective fading: Beamforming Path loss

9 DS/CDMA † l Applications n US IS-95 standard n Korean cellular system n IMT-2000 (wide band (WB) CDMA) n Part of future European Frames standards l Principle n Users share frequency and time n Distinguished by unique code n Separated by correlation with code † Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access

10 3G CDMA l cdma2000 n North America, Korea? n Compatible with IS-95 n Promoted by Qualcomm n Long codes, synchronous l Wideband CDMA (WCDMA) n Europe, Japan n Compatible with GSM n Promoted by Nokia, Ericsson n Long/short codes, asynchronous n FDD and TDD modes

11 Long versus Short Codes l Principle n Code “infinite” l Applications n IS-95 n cdma2000 l Advantages n Interference averaged out l Disadvantages n Limited signal processing options l Principle n Code repeats on every symbol l Applications n W-CDMA (FDD)? n W-CDMA (TDD) l Advantages n More signal processing options n Higher capacity l Disadvantages n Without advanced processing, high interference Long CodesShort Codes

12 Multi-user Detection l Multiple-Access Interference (MAI) n Due to non-orthogonality of codes n Caused by channel dispersion l Multiuser detection n reduction of MAI through interference cancellation n 2-4 times capacity increase of cellular systems n Probably part of future wireless systems (cellular, satellite, WLAN) –Included in WCDMA TDD standard –Several companies involved: Siemens, Nokia, Nortel –Some field trials [Siemens]

13 History of Multi-user Detection Optimum Multi-user Detector Linear Multi-user Detector Subtractive Interference Cancellation Detector Decorrelating Detector Parallel IC Successive IC Blind MMSE Detector Blind Decorrelating Detector Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) Detector Group-Blind MMSE

14 Synchronous CDMA l K users with no ISI. l Sufficient to consider signal in single symbol interval, i.e., [0,T] l Received signal l where b k  {-1,+1} is the k’th user’s transmitted bit. n A k is the k’th user’s amplitude n s k (t) is the k’th user’s waveform (code or PN sequence) n n(t) is additive, white Gaussian noise.

15 Conventional detector Matched filter bank s 1 (t) s 2 (t) s K (t) t = i T y1y1 y2y2 yKyK Decision......... r(t)

16 Detection of CDMA signals l The signal is processed by cross correlation (or matched filtering): l In the conventional detector, the estimate of the k’th bit is l If the MAI term is not small, the error probability will be large l MAI can be kept small by n small cross correlation between codes ( small) n Power control (all A i same value) Desired signalMultiple Access Interference (MAI)noise

17 Signals on Vector Form l The signal is processed by cross correlation (or matched filtering):

18 Signals on Vector Form l The signal is processed by cross correlation (or matched filtering):

19 Signals on Vector Form l The signal is processed by cross correlation (or matched filtering):

20 Signals on Vector Form l The signal is processed by cross correlation (or matched filtering):

21 Signals on Vector Form l The signal is processed by cross correlation (or matched filtering): =1 =  12 =n 1 =n 2 RAbn

22 Detection of CDMA signals 2 l The output y=[y 1, y 2,...,y K ] T is sufficient statistic for b=[b 1, b 2,...,b K ] T

23 Optimum Multi-user Detector l Too complex : 2 K Comparison l Impractical l S. Verdú, Optimum multiuser signal detection, PhD thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Aug. 1984. Viterbi algorithm... output correlator

24 Linear Multi-User Detectors l Decorrelating detector l General linear detector l Linear MMSE detector n Minimizes n Gives n Lower bit error rate (BER) than decorrelating

25 Parallel Interference Canceller (PIC) l Received signal l Suppose b known: l Use initial estimate of b l Advantages n works for long codes n Each stage simple (no matrix inversion) l Problems n If bit wrong, magnifies MAI n Many stages needed

26 Blind Multiuser Detection l Traditional, non-blind MUD n Codes of all users known n Sufficient statistics l Blind MUD n Only code of desired user known n Similar to beam forming in antenna arrays n Works only for short codes n Mobile station

27 System Model - Synchroneous CDMA l Signal is sampled at chip rate (from matched filter) l Received signal on vector form b k (  1): transmitted bits l A k : received amplitude l s k : code waveforms l n: white, additive noise

28 Linear Detectors l Conventional detector l General linear detector:

29 The Decorrelating Detector l Choose w 1 so that l Detector:

30 l Choose w 1 to satisfy l Solution The MMSE Detector l Choose w 1 to satisfy

31 The MMSE Detector l Choose w 1 to satisfy l Solution =1 =0

32 The MMSE Detector l Choose w 1 to satisfy l Solution R

33 The Blind MMSE Detector l Choose w 1 to satisfy l Solution Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3Bit 4Bit 5Bit 6Bit... r1r1 r2r2 r3r3 r4r4 r5r5 r6r6 r... Chip rate sampling

34 Subspace Methods l Correlation matrix of received data l The correlation matrix for CDMA has EVD l The MMSE detector is given by:

35 Subspace Tracking l Computation of l Direct EVD n Estimate R: n Calculate EVD of R Find U s and  s from K largest eigenvalues l Singular Value Decomposition n Calculate SVD of [r 0 r 1... r n-1 ] Find U s and  s from K largest singular values l Subspace tracking n Low complexity methods of dynamically updating EVD/SVD n complexity O(MK 2 ) (e.g., F2) n or O(MK) (e.g., PASTd)

36 Group-Blind MUD l Multiple-Access Interference (MAI) n Intra-cell interference: users in same cell as desired user n Inter-cell interference: users from other cells n Inter-cell interference 1/3 of total interference

37 Blind Multi-User Detection l Non-Blind multi-user detection n Codes of all users known n Cancels only intracell interference l Blind multi-user detection n Only code of desired user known n Cancels both intra- and inter-cell interference

38 Group-blind MUD l Codes of some, but not all, users known l Cancels both intra- and inter-cell interference l Uses all information available to receiver l Decreases estimation error n Decreases BER l Potentially less computationally complex n Only one adaptive IC common to all users. n Adaptive IC can have lower complexity than pure blind IC

39 Group-Blind Hybrid Detector l Hybrid detector n Decorrelating among known users n MMSE with respect to unknown users n Has convenient, simple expression l Algorithm n Projection onto subspace of known codes n Orthogonal Projection n EVD n Detector

40 Group-Blind Detector

41 Performance Simulations l K=7 users with known codes l Variable number (4 or 10) of users with unknown codes l Purely random codes of length M=31 l SNR=20 dB l Ensemble of 50 different random code assignments is generated l Median signal to inference and noise ratio (SINR) n Over all code choices and known users n total ensemble of 350

42 Simulation Results 50100150200250300350400 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 SINR(dB) Bits Full Group-blind Blind Direct Non-blind Single user 1 2 l 7 Known users l 4 Unknown users l All same power

43 Simulation Results l 7 Known users l 10 Unknown users n 4 Unknown users with power 0dB n 6 unknown users with power -6dB 50100150200250300350400 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 SINR(dB) Bits Full Group-blind Blind Direct Non-blind Single user 2 1

44 Simulation Results, BER l 7 Known users l 4 Unknown users l Blocksize fixed at 200 l 20 different code matrices n Ensemble of 140 for each SNR value l Upper curve: 90- percentile l Lower curve: median

45 Summary l Multiuser Detection n Gives considerably performance improvement n Most useful for short codes n PIC also useful for long codes l (Group) blind MUD n For short code MUD n More useful in real environments l Future Developments n Further development of PIC n Practical, real-time implementation of MUD n Complexity reduction of (group-) blind MUD

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