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SESSION TITLES First Session: Cell Group 101: Understanding the Life of the Cell Seventh Session: Prayer: Plugging into the Power Source Sixth Session:

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Presentation on theme: "SESSION TITLES First Session: Cell Group 101: Understanding the Life of the Cell Seventh Session: Prayer: Plugging into the Power Source Sixth Session:"— Presentation transcript:


2 SESSION TITLES First Session: Cell Group 101: Understanding the Life of the Cell Seventh Session: Prayer: Plugging into the Power Source Sixth Session: The Myth of the Perfect Cell Leader Fourth Session: Penetrating the City through Cell Evangelism Second Session: How to Lead a Great Cell Meeting so People Come Back Fifth Session: Developing Cell Multiplication Eyes Third Session: The Spirit-filled Cell Group



5 What are some of the common reasons that you’ve used (or heard others use) for not being able to lead a cell group?

6 CELL LEADER SURVEY  700 cell leaders in 8 countries surveyed  Same factors in each culture!  What does and does not make groups grow  700 cell leaders in 8 countries surveyed  Same factors in each culture!  What does and does not make groups grow

7 PERSONALITY PERSONALITY What kind of personality is necessary to multiply a cell group?

8 Potential cell leaders who tag themselves as “introverts” often say they lack the necessary ingredients to grow a healthy small group. healthy small group. PERSONALITYPERSONALITY

9 The survey shows that both extroverted and introverted leaders successfully multiply cell groups The survey shows that both extroverted and introverted leaders successfully multiply cell groups PERSONALITYPERSONALITY

10 ENCOURAGEMENT ENCOURAGEMENT GOD WILL USE THE PERSONALITY THAT HE’S GIVEN YOU Psalm 139:13— “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” Jeremiah 1:5-- “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart”

11 GIFTEDNESS GIFTEDNESS What spiritual gifts are needed to multiply a cell group? What spiritual gifts are needed to multiply a cell group?


13 GIFTEDNESSGIFTEDNESS  The survey shows no connection between spiritual giftedness and success in multiplication.  Successful small group leaders rely on the giftedness of everyone in the cell.

14 Mikel Neumann in the book Home Groups for Urban Cultures says: “ Two people were mentioned to us as productive home group planters. They had started three or more groups, and the leadership seemed a bit puzzled. The woman was exceptionally shy, and the man had trouble expressing himself. I was impressed that it is not outstanding speaking gifts that bring a new home group into existence. Caring and prayer... are the keys to starting new groups. These leaders allowed other people to participate, recognizing that others had gifts that needed to be used” (page 82).

15 1 Corinthians 4: “For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?” 1 Corinthians 4: “For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?” BE ENCOURAGED BY YOUR UNIQUENESS

16 GENDER GENDER ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE NOTE: More than 70 percent of the cell leaders in David Cho’s church are:



19 EDUCATION EDUCATION ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE The educated and uneducated are equally effective in multiplying cell groups

20 ENCOURAGEMENT ENCOURAGEMENT Cell leader, be encouraged. Whether you’re male or female, educated or uneducated, married or single, shy or outgoing, a teacher or an evangelist, you can grow your cell group.


22  Demosthenes, the greatest orator of the ancient world, stuttered! The first time he tried to make a public speech, he was laughed off the rostrum.  Julius Caesar was an epileptic.  Demosthenes, the greatest orator of the ancient world, stuttered! The first time he tried to make a public speech, he was laughed off the rostrum.  Julius Caesar was an epileptic. WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE? WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE?

23  Beethoven was deaf, as was Thomas Edison.  Charles Dickens was lame; so was Handel.  Homer was blind; Plato was a hunchback.  Sr. Walter Scott was paralyzed  Beethoven was deaf, as was Thomas Edison.  Charles Dickens was lame; so was Handel.  Homer was blind; Plato was a hunchback.  Sr. Walter Scott was paralyzed WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE? WHAT’S YOUR EXCUSE?

24 COMMON THREAD IN THESE PEOPLE  They refused to hold on to the common excuses for failure.  They turned their stumbling blocks into stepping stones.  They refused to hold on to the common excuses for failure.  They turned their stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

25 LORGIA HARO: Housewife with Non-Christian Husband

26 1995: Started Cell 2001: 12 new cells; 14 baptized; 70+ in church; Husband converted and baptized

27 RISKING FOR JESUS Don’t criticize Peter: At least he stepped out of the boat “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus” (Mt. 14:27-32).

28 In what area (s) do you need to step out of the boat? (e.g., join a life group, actively make your life group grow, prepare yourself for life group leadership, etc.) In what area (s) do you need to step out of the boat? (e.g., join a life group, actively make your life group grow, prepare yourself for life group leadership, etc.) REFLECTION

29 REFLECTIONREFLECTION Review the revolutionary mode of reasoning that EVERYONE CAN facilitate a cell group.Review the revolutionary mode of reasoning that EVERYONE CAN facilitate a cell group. Do you believe that everyone can be a cell leader? Why or why not?Do you believe that everyone can be a cell leader? Why or why not? Review the revolutionary mode of reasoning that EVERYONE CAN facilitate a cell group.Review the revolutionary mode of reasoning that EVERYONE CAN facilitate a cell group. Do you believe that everyone can be a cell leader? Why or why not?Do you believe that everyone can be a cell leader? Why or why not?

30 REFLECTIONREFLECTION What is (are) your spiritual gift(s)?What is (are) your spiritual gift(s)? What kind of gifted people do you need in your cell to compliment your own gifts and to help your small group grow?What kind of gifted people do you need in your cell to compliment your own gifts and to help your small group grow? What is (are) your spiritual gift(s)?What is (are) your spiritual gift(s)? What kind of gifted people do you need in your cell to compliment your own gifts and to help your small group grow?What kind of gifted people do you need in your cell to compliment your own gifts and to help your small group grow?

31 REFLECTIONREFLECTION How do you feel about the fact that having an outgoing personality is not necessary to make you a good cell leader? How do you feel about the fact that having an outgoing personality is not necessary to make you a good cell leader?

32 REFLECTION REFLECTION What is your reaction to the finding that the level of education does not determine your effectiveness as a cell leader? What is your reaction to the finding that the level of education does not determine your effectiveness as a cell leader?

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