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Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses E.P. European Datacomm NV IVU Traffic Technologies AG National Technical University of Athens Prometni Institut Ljubljana.

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Presentation on theme: "Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses E.P. European Datacomm NV IVU Traffic Technologies AG National Technical University of Athens Prometni Institut Ljubljana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses E.P. European Datacomm NV IVU Traffic Technologies AG National Technical University of Athens Prometni Institut Ljubljana D.O.O. SCIRO S.p.A. SIGMA Conseil S.a.r.l. Università degli Studi di Genova F-MAN Project – Final Review Genoa, December 2 nd – 3 rd, 2004 Project Overview Deadlines fulfilment, effort and financial situation

2 Final Review Genoa, December 2 nd - 3 rd, 2004 2 Timetable, Milestones and Deliverables D12 D6-D8 D5 Deliverable D10 ready and Milestone M4 achieved on 30.06.2004 User Manual submitted on 14.07.2004 Deliverable D16 submitted and Milestone M5 achieved on 08.11.2004 Deliverable D15 submitted on 14.09.2004 Deliverable D11.2 submitted on 14.10.2004 Deliverable D11.1 submitted on 18.11.2003 Deliverables D5, D6, D8 and D12 revised according to the outcomes of the 2 nd Annual Review and officially submitted to the EC by the beginning of December 2003 Deliverable D13 submitted on 20.10.2004

3 Final Review Genoa, December 2 nd - 3 rd, 2004 3 Administrative deadlines 2 nd Progress Report and 2 nd Cost Statement submitted by the middle of November 2003 once formalised the official withdrawal of Tecnosistemi PR2 9 th, 10 th and 11 th Quarterly Management Reports for 2004 issued as scheduled 3 rd Amendment documentation concerning new budget allocation and time extension request submitted by the beginning of January 2004 and new version of the contract signed by the EC by the middle of May 2004 3 rd Progress Report and 3 rd Cost Statement submitted by the middle of November 2004 Submission Signature

4 Final Review Genoa, December 2 nd - 3 rd, 2004 4 Contractual arrangements Withdrawal of Tecnosistemi  ”Silent” Partner since June 2003  Provision of the OBTs (deadline 31 August 2003)  Development of the remaining activities Solution  3 rd Amendment  Budget reallocation for:  The purchase of 15 OBTs (in addition to the 35 OBTs made available by CP free of charge)  The development of the remaining activities allocated to Tecnosistemi  Request for a time extension of 3 months to complete the project

5 Final Review Genoa, December 2 nd - 3 rd, 2004 5 Effort 1 – 24135507512313.911.4 36994722110319.819.2 48872903310224.824.3 57742857111123.621.3 6266027851057.77.3 730892958968.18.5 8290031401088.68.0 Total3639238783106.5 WPBudgetPercentage [%]Actual Percentage of the WP actual man-hours with respect to the available budget for the WP Percentage of the WP actual man-hours with respect to the total available budget for the project Percentage of the WP budget man-hours with respect to the total available budget for the project

6 Final Review Genoa, December 2 nd - 3 rd, 2004 6 Financial situation Cost figureCost claim [k€]Personnel1533.5 Overheads649.2 Travel and subsistence142.9 Subcontracting123.3 Other specific costs61.8 Durable equipment18.4 TOTAL2529.1BUDGET2553.7 Costs claimed and accepted in the 1 st and in the 2 nd Cost Statement + costs claimed in the 3 rd Cost Statement

7 Final Review Genoa, December 2 nd - 3 rd, 2004 7 Configuration management Documents tracking and tracing During the development of the project to immediately identify the current status of a report At the end of the project to perform the final evaluation and assessment Documents database

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