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Working With Persons Of All Sizes

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1 Working With Persons Of All Sizes
Exam Emphasis Stereotypes (1) How does fat prejudice affect people (1) What laws protect obese workers (1) Beauty myth (1) Who are the overweight (1) What rights do activists want (2) What rights do employers want (1) Leadership opportunities (1)

2 Stereotypes & Realities
People get overweight when they overate and don’t exercise People are overweight because they lack willpower Obese people just need the right diet Dieting may be hazardous to your health Being obese poses health risks, being thin does not Underweight is associated with greater risk of death

3 Stereotypes & Realities
People who diet are healthier & live longer Weight is not always an indicator of longevity Obese people are less productive About the same as other workers but they may need some accommodation Poor persons are more likely to be obese More likely than they are poor because they make less money

4 How Does Fat Prejudice Affect People?
The message: you’re inferior Implies a lack of character The assumption: you are your body Dieting is based on idea that the personality becomes the body Devaluation and rejection Cultural obsession with thinness – Barbie role model Women: hardest hit

5 The Beauty Myth People must fit into an narrow range of acceptable appearance Cultural conflicts Weight loss industry We love fast food but hate fat people New self-affirming patterns Size acceptance movement - accepting who you are gives you confidence to fend off discrimination

6 Who Are The Overweight and Obese?
64% or 1/3 of American adults 3% are considered morbidly obese Overweight = BMI 25 to 29.9 Obese = BMI 30 or more Obesity is increasing significantly % of population was obese % of population was obese

7 What Do Activists Want? People have a right to be valued for their potential and actual performance. People who are overweight have a more difficult time finding and keeping jobs and they earn less Men lose $1,000 per pound in annual salary Overweight women are 2-3 times more likely to be in poverty category than in $50,000 category 12% pay gap between the homely & the attractive

8 What Rights Do Employers Want to Retain?
Employee size & appearance may affect the success of certain businesses Some employers say that customers won’t do business with obese people and co-workers won’t respect them or work well with them Circular reasoning This viewpoint is unethical Such actions signal employers accept prejudice and accept it No studies show obese persons cost more due to health reasons

9 What Laws Protect Obese Workers?
Legislation Similar to civil rights discrimination laws re: race, gender, etc. Rare. Court ruling Obesity = disability, requires reasonable accommodation. Current basis for protection from discrimination. Administrative policy Government agencies can set polices. Discrimination claims under ADA act must be filed with the EEOC first.

10 Leadership Opportunities
Look below the surface Set policies on obesity harassment and discrimination Make reasonable accommodations Enlighten the corporate culture Consider new marketing opportunities

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