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CEET 8 th Annual National Conference 29 October 2004 Ascot House Melbourne The current priorities: following the money trail Gerald Burke CEET

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1 CEET 8 th Annual National Conference 29 October 2004 Ascot House Melbourne The current priorities: following the money trail Gerald Burke CEET

2 Background Australia  Fast growing high income economy  Exposed to global forces  A less equal society than northern Europe  High rate of immigration and of int’l students  Ageing – but more slowly than most rich countries

3 Education system  Growing private funding  High average rates of participation  High average quality  Good lifelong pathways for most people  Provision for less advantaged needs to improve  Trying to align education, training and economy

4 Government objectives  Education and training responsive to the economy  Encouraging achievement of disadvantaged  Encouraging older persons to stay at work  Making the education system more efficient  Increasing choice in education and training  Achieving these while containing public expenditure  Means some reallocation of public monies and changed organisation

5 Which priorities are being pursued One way of seeing the relative importance given to a policy or an area of education is to look at the money spent on it

6 Distribution of spending

7 Changes in spending

8 Spending on Youth Allowance and Apprenticeships

9 Some good outcomes, some problems Reallocation of public and increased private More choice Maybe more efficiency – concerns for quality Needs of the economy – criticism and some shortages Equity  little change in low income groups in universities  proportion of young people ‘at risk’ not much changed  expansion of private schools and the effects  initiatives for disadvantaged - but not a big share of funds  example of Indigenous people and social cohesion

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