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Summary of Action Items from CI Directors Meeting June 7-8, 2004 Held in Fort Collins, CO Preliminary Summary of 2005 Action Items Presented at The CI.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of Action Items from CI Directors Meeting June 7-8, 2004 Held in Fort Collins, CO Preliminary Summary of 2005 Action Items Presented at The CI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of Action Items from CI Directors Meeting June 7-8, 2004 Held in Fort Collins, CO Preliminary Summary of 2005 Action Items Presented at The CI Directors Meeting June 2-3, 2005 New York City Mark DeMaria Acting Director, Cooperative Research Program (CoRP)

2 2004 Meeting Agenda Marie Colton – NOAA/NESDIS Updates Al Powell – ORA Updates Fran Holt – CoRP Admin Issues CI Directors - Cooperative Institute Highlights –CIRA, CREST, CIOSS, CICS, CIMSS –General Discussion Fran Holt – CoRP Program Plan Poster Session Al Powell – Performance Measures All - General Discussion of CI issues M. DeMaria - Meeting Summary and Action Items Day 1 Day 2

3 On-Going Issues and Action Items-1 2004 Meeting Computer security at the institutes and remote access to NESDIS data Science and Technology Roadmaps from ORA by June 30 2004 ORA review policy for abstracts, papers, proposals Lists of available data from the CIs –Is this done? NESDIS research was not well represented in the NOAA research summary

4 On-Going Issues and Action Items-2 2004 Meeting New CoRP web page Additional universities want to join CREST Student exchange between CREST and other CIs –Goal of at least one joint project with each CI Should federal positions be at CIOSS? Better communication of NESDIS research needs to the CIs is needed Research at the CIs to operations is cumbersome Exchange of research, recent PhDs etc between CIs could be improved

5 On-Going Issues and Action Items-3 2004 Meeting What is the future of real time data availability (direct readout, etc)? What is a good topic for the 2005 Science Symposium? –Cal/Val, July, 2005, University of Wisconsin Should a climate stewardship team be established for SST? The JCSDA should have an educational component

6 On-Going Issues and Action Items-4 2004 Meeting More computer scientists should be assigned to NESDIS problems –(Compression, data storage, databases, etc) Should NESDIS CI directors be better represented at CI/JI meeting?

7 On-Going Issues and Action Items-1 2005 Meeting Mark will post all presentations on the web CI Renewal Policy –Comments from CIs and NESDIS provided on April 2005 draft policy in the federal register, response will be posted soon –CI renewal policy handbook currently being drafted –CIs need to be kept in the loop as the handbook is being drafted

8 On-Going Issues and Action Items-2 2005 Meeting The CIs should get be provided with NOAA budget info so that they don’t have to respond from the “sky is falling” issues every year (TVH) Mark with input from Marilyn and Al will provide rules for annual reporting. There will no longer be semi-annual reports, but a less formal semi-annual e-mail report will be provided on possible problems, new opportunities and ideas

9 On-Going Issues and Action Items-3 2005 Meeting Marie will provide Mark with the briefing on the Information Policy Act for distribution to the CIs Is the targeted list of NESDIS priorities provided to the CIs adequate? The higher level requests tend to have short fuses (Tony B. windsat example) Is the template shown by Marie for reporting complete?

10 Helpful Template for Highlights to Report Outcome Statement from Strategic Plans Mission Goals being addressed NESDIS or NOAA Performance measure being supported Category of Activity in Satellite Program –Definition of scientific and operational requirements for new instruments –Observation system simulation experiments –Instrument calibration –Algorithm developments and data analysis –Forward model development –Quality assurance and product validation –Data assimilation and numerical modeling testing –Analysis of impacts on forecast applications –Implementation and delivery of improved forecasts and products to user communities Results and explanation Impact to users, the “so what” question answered!

11 On-Going Issues and Actions - 4 2005 Meeting Upcoming Science Symposium at CIMSS –Cal/Val Topics and Location for 2006 symposium Location for 2006 CI admin/directors meeting CI conference calls 3 per year?

12 Beginning of 2004 Summary Slides

13 On-Going Issues and Action Items-4 2005 Meeting Performance Measures for the CIs still need to be worked out (Al/Mark and CI directors) –NRC report requested by Mahoney’s office may be helpful –DOD 6.1 measures might also be helpful –OMB web site has some info GOES-R algorithm working groups need to be formed. The CIs can contribute to the science teams IT infrastructure group recommend pilot test of collaborative computing environment. Some CIs should participate to test remote capabilities.

14 NOAA/NESDIS Updates – M. Colton NOAA Research Review –Marie: Cooperative Institute Recommendation from NOAA Research Review should be sent out to CI Directors when done. Performance Management at NOAA 3 rd Quarter FY04 Highlights from ORA –Eric: Send a few copies of special Backscatter issue on NOAA's Satellite Oceanographic Program to CI directors

15 NOAA/NESDIS Updates – M. Colton Funding Sources IT Security – major break-in March 04 –Consider security at federal systems at Cooperative Institutes. –How will CIs obtain access ORA databases? Science and Technology Road Maps – 10 -20 year outlook. –Draft sent out by 6/30 by Marie Colton/Al Powell to Center Directors for comment Use caution when commenting on ORA representation in NOAA Research Plan –A) Highlight as good example of applied research – B) Don’t drag it in to the discussion

16 Polices, Procedures and Guidance – A. Powell Publication Policy –Recommendation to put time limit for review, also tracking system needed. –Al Powell: Need to send final version of approved text to Center Directors Internal NOAA Proposals –Must have government representative, uniform template –Proposals from universities to NESDIS, same as before PPBES – more later Collaborators – ARL, NRO, Air Force, Navy Coordinating Scientific Research – range of plans from internal RPPs to 20-year NOAA Research Council plan Recent Progress – Several examples presented

17 CoRP Project –F. Holt Review of Action items from last meeting – –1. Directors provide student and course lists (completed) –2. NESDIS will compile course list for possible certificate in remote sensing Draft provided for this meeting Discussion needed how to proceed. University programs differ. –3. Directors will provide data listed (draft provided) CI Directions: Guidance on how to organize input (by satellite, data type etc). Is the current level of information adequate? Are there glaring omissions? –4. Report on CI research programs, plans, integration

18 CoRP Project –F. Holt ORA Guide to Procedures for Sponsoring Temporary Scientific Staff Science Colloquium – June 14-16, to enhance collaboration between institutes. New CoRP web page – in progress Cooperative Research Program Plan - action item from last year, discussed later

19 CI Overviews Tom Vonder Haar- CIRA Summary –Tom: Report from CIRA review, draft released, response still pending. Keep ORA posted on progress. Reza Khanhilrardi - CREST Overview –Additional universities want to join –Could enhance/provide diversity at other Cooperative Institutes through student exchange. –“Election Year” Conference CCNY, fall 2004

20 CI Overviews Ted Strub - CIOSS Summary –Clarification of Task II vs. Task III –Ted: 5-year proposal in progress –Hosting vector wind workshop, Part I, late July 04, Part II TBD –Should federal positions be at CIOSS? –When does satellite research fall in 5-year NOAA ?? Review, good example on lap???

21 CI Overviews Tony Busalacchi - CICS Summary –Coordination of global observing system, climate data record re-analysis activities is needed –Improvement in communicating NESDIS needs to Cooperative Institutes, especially 4-5 year time frame –Improved process by which CI activities, algorithms, products conveyed to NESDIS operations (PSDI?) –Personnel exchange – CIs should exchange information of recent and forthcoming PhDs and thesis topics. –OMB Progress Assessment Rating Tool, treats research grants like performance contracts. Where and when to charge extra overhead required for this extra reporting? –NESDIS research not visible in NOAA Research Review (related to Marie's comment)

22 CI Overviews Steve Ackerman- CIMSS Summary –Getting experimental products into operations sometimes bigger pull from ECMWF than NCEP. –CIRA/CIMSS Tropical Cyclone contributions not represented in NOAA Science Review –Future of real time data availability? Direct readout conference is a source of info. How to avoid "Versionitis" of algorithms

23 Review of CoRP Program Plan- Fran Holt CoRP Research Plan –Directors: Draft in preparation, input needed by end of June. –How much growth is desired? –Directors: Input needed for CI brochure (w\ help from new visualization lab) Science Colloquium –What are possible themes for 2005 Science Colloquim, Calibration/validation? Water theme?

24 Measuring Success – A. Powell Performance Management Overview –It is not going away so get used to it How to measure success –Guidelines for good performance measures Sample software provided by Al Examples NOAA Grants and Mgt Office selected as “testing ground” –CI Directors should provide feedback ORA/CI Directors will iterate on performance measures over next 4 to 6 months

25 Cooperative Institute/Center Activities and Milestones Location of the next CI Directors meeting? –Hampton? –Need to choose dates soon CI Director Issues –Ted Strub, CIOSS Wind workshop, what is future technology be?, input to NPOESS process, relationship to performance measure GOES-R coastal imager development Establish Climate stewardship team for SST?

26 Cooperative Institute/Center Activities and Milestones CI Director Issues –Tom Vonder Haar, CIRA Responding to CIRA review, in-house workshop next week Data assimilation will be a highlight –Need for educational component to JCSDA –2000K for training, post docs –Special role for CIs in satellite data assimilation

27 Cooperative Institute/Center Activities and Milestones CI Directors Issues –Tony Busalacchi, CICS Hosting CLIVAR conference in 2 weeks (Baltimore) –750 abstracts Efforts on new NOAA and University buildings –Advanced study institute for environmental modeling »NCEP is not getting into this field »NCEP is proposing climate testbed JCSDA is not linked to NESDIS and NCEP websites Need to bring in more computer scientists (data storage, database management, etc) –Put this idea in CORP Research Plan Additional guidance on next Directors Meeting

28 Cooperative Institute/Center Activities and Milestones CI Directors Issues –Steve Ackerman, CIMSS 5 year review in August Good communication with regard to ORA performance measures, don’t want additional demands on PIs Suggest Cal/Val or data assimilation for next colloquium CI Directors Meetings are useful Should NESDIS CI Directors be better represented at NOAA CI/JI directors?

29 Cooperative Institute/Center Activities and Milestones CI Directors Issues –Reza Khanhilvardi, CREST Take care of items from recent review Candidates for new position? Goal of at least on project will all other NESDIS CIs Creation of data acquisition center for CREST PIs Institutional plan, input from other CIs on data management, etc Student activity list to share between institutes, opportunities for student exchange

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