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1 Exact and Approximate Distances in Graphs – A Survey Uri Zwick Tel Aviv University
2 Distances and Shortest Paths u v
3 Variations unweighted non-negative integer weights integer weights non-negative real weights real weights undirected directed exact results additive error multiplicative error given pair(s) single source all pairs Spanners Distance oracles deterministic randomized
4 Models of Computation Integer weights: word RAM model Each weight is contained in a w-bit word. Allowed to perform additions, subtractions, comparisons, shifts, ANDs, ORs, XORs, and other bit operations. Real weights: addition-comparison model The only operations allowed on edge weights are additions (subtractions) and comparisons. We again assume random access capabilities.
5 Single-Source Shortest Paths “Classical” results BFS m+n Unweighted graphs Dijkstra ’59 Fredman-Tarjan ’87 m+n log n Nonnegative real edge weights Bellman ‘58 Ford ‘62 m nm n General real edge weights Goldberg ’95 (Gabow-Tarjan ’89) mn 1/2 log N Integer edge weights
6 SSSP, Priority queues and Sorting Time of Dijkstra = m*(decrease key) + n*(extract min). Monotone priority queues are enough. Dijkstra’s algorithm sorts the distances. If n elements can be sorted in nf(n) time, then SSSP can be solved in mf(n) time. [Thorup ’96] For undirected graphs, the sorting bottleneck can be avoided! [Thorup ’97]
7 Single-Source Shortest Paths directed graphs, nonnegative integer edge weights, randomized algorithms Thorup ’96 m loglog n Thorup ’96 m+(n log n)/w 1/2- Raman ’97, Cherkassky-Goldberg- Silverstein ’97 m+nw 1/4+ Raman ’97 m+n(log n) 1/3+
8 Single-Source Shortest Paths undirected graphs, nonnegative integer edge weights, deterministic algorithm Thorup ’97 m+n
9 Single-Source Shortest Paths deterministic algorithms Pettie- Ramachandran ’01 m (m,n)+n loglog R undirected m+n log R directed R – ratio between largest and smallest edge weights positive real weights nonnegative integer weights Hagerup ’00 m log w directed
10 Open Problems: SSSP 1.Directed SSSP with real edge weights in o(mn) time? 2.Directed SSSP with integer edge weights in o(mn 1/2 log N) time? 3.Directed SSSP with non-negative integer edge weights in linear time? 4.What is the complexity of the SSSP problem with non-negative weights in the addition-comparison model?
11 All-Pairs Shortest Paths ReferenceComplexity WeightsDirected? Johnson ‘77mn+n 2 log n real Yes Kar-Kol-Phi ’93 McGeoch ‘95 m * n+n 2 log n real + Yes Hagerup ’00mn+n 2 loglog n integer Yes Thorup ’97mn integer No Pettie-Rama. ’01 mn (m,n) real No
12 Min-Plus (Distance) Product
13 Algebraic Product The algebraic product of two n by n matrices over a ring can be computed using n algebraic operations (additions, subtractions, multiplications), where <2.376. Strassen ’69, …, Coppersmith-Winograd ’90
14 APSP and DP If D is an n by n matrix containing the edge weights of a graph, then D n is the distance matrix. APSP(n) DP(n) log n APSP(n) 6 ( DP(n/2) + 2 DP(n/4) + 4 DP(n/8) + …) + O(n 2 ) DP(n) APSP(3n) Furman ’70, Munro ’71, Fischer-Meyer ’71
15 All-Pairs Shortest Paths directed graphs, real weights Floyd ’62 Warshall ’62 n3n3 Fredman ‘76 *** n 5/2 *** Fredman ’76 Takaoka ’92 n 3 (loglog n/log n) 1/2
16 All-Pairs Shortest Paths undirected graphs, weights from {1,2,…,M} Galil-Margalit ’92 Alon-Naor ’92 Seidel ’92 Shoshan-Zwick ’99 Mn < Mn 2.367 – exponent of fast matrix multiplication Coppersmith-Winograd ’90]
17 Seidel’s Algorithm unweighted undirected graphs running time: n log n Algorithm Seidel(A) if A=J then return J-I else C Seidel(A 2 ) X CA, deg Ae-1 d ij 2c ij – [x ij < c ij deg j ] return D endif
18 All-Pairs Shortest Paths directed graphs, weights from {-M,…,0,…,M} (Galil-Margalit ’91) Zwick ‘98
19 Rectangular Matrix Multiplication n n nn n n nn nn - The largest constant such that these algebraic products can be computed using n 2+o(1) operations. >0.294 Coppersmith ‘97
20 Sampled Distance Products F D for i 1 to log 3/2 n do { s (3/2) i B rand(V,(10n ln n)/s) F min{ F, F[V,B]*F[B,V] } } n n n |B|
21 All-Pairs Shortest Paths directed graphs, weights from [1,W] (1+ )-approximate distances and paths Zwick ’98(n / ) log(W/ )
22 Open Problems: APSP 5.Are n 5/2 additions-comparisons needed? 6.An n 3- time algorithm in the add-comp model, counting all operations? 7.An n 3- logM time algorithm? 8.An n 5/2 time algorithm for unweighted directed graphs?
23 An estimated distance ’(u,v) is of stretch t iff (u,v) ’(u,v) t (u,v) An estimated distance ’(u,v) is of surplus t iff (u,v) ’(u,v) (u,v) + t
24 All-Pairs Almost Shortest Paths unweighted, undirected graphs ReferenceTime * Surplus Aingworth-Chekuri- Indyk-Motwani ’96 n 5/2 2 Dor-Halperin- Zwick ’96 n 3/2 m 1/2, n 7/3 2 “ n 5/3 m 1/3, n 11/5 4 “ kn 2-1/k m 1/k kn 2+1/(3k-4) 2(k-1) Ignoring polylogarithmic factors
25 All-Pairs Almost Shortest Paths weighted undirected graphs ReferenceTime * Stretch Cohen-Zwick ‘97 n 3/2 m 1/2 2 “ n 7/3 7/3 “ n2n2 3
26 Multiplicative/Additive Approximations For every >0, there is b=b( ), such that an estimated distance ’(u,v) satisfying (u,v) ’(u,v) (1+ ) (u,v) + b( ), for every u S and v V, can be computed in O(mn +|S|n 1+ ) time. (Elkin-Peleg ’01), Elkin ‘01
27 Open Problems: Approx. APSP 9.Improve the surplus/time tradeoff. Finite surplus in n 2+o(1) time? 10.Improve the stretch/time tradeoff. Stretch < 3 in n 2+o(1) time? 11.Further explore multiplicate/additive approximations.
28 Spanners Let G be a weighted undirected graph. A subgraph H of G is a t -spanner of G iff u,v G, H (u,v) t G (u,v). Awerbuch ’85 Peleg-Schäffer ‘89
29 Example
30 Theorem For every k>1, every weighted undirected graph on n vertices has a (2k-1)-spanner with at most n 1+1/k edges. Tight for k=1,2,3,5. Conjectured to be tight for any k – equivalent to a girth conjecture of Erdös.
31 Proof/Algorithm: Consider the edges in non-decreasing order of weight. Add each edge to the spanner if it does not close a cycle of size at most 2k. The resulting graph is a (2k-1)-spanner and it does not contain a cycle of size at most 2k. Hence the number of edges is at most n 1+1/k. [Althöfer, Das, Dobkin, Joseph, Soares ‘93]
32 If |cycle| 2k, then red edge can be removed.
33 (a,b)-Spanners Let G be an unweighted undirected graph. A subgraph H of G is an (a,b)-spanner of G iff u,v G, H (u,v) a G (u,v) + b. (Dor-Halperin-Zwick ’96, a=1) Peleg-Elkin ‘01
34 ReferenceSize(a,b) Dor-Halperin- Zwick ’96 n 3/2 (1,2) Elkin-Peleg ‘01 n 1+ (1+ ,b( )) (a,b)-Spanners
35 Open Problems: Spanners 12.Are there b 0, such that every unweighted undirected graph on n vertices has a (1,b)-spanner with n 3/2- edges?
36 All-Pairs Shortest Paths APSP algorithm n by n distance matrix The output matrix may be much larger than the input graph !!! Input graph
37 (Approximate) Distance Oracles Preprocessing algorithm Compact data structure (u,v) ’(u,v) Query answering algorithm Input graph
38 Approximate Distance Oracles Reference Preproc. time Space Query time Stretch Awerbuch- Berger-Cowen- Peleg ‘93 kmn 1/k kn 1+1/k kn 1/k 64k Cohen ‘93kn 1/k 2k+ Thorup- Zwick ‘01 k2k-1
39 Open Problems: Distance Oracles 13.Deterministic construction of (2k-1,n 1+1/k,k)-distance oracles in o(mn) time? 14.Constructing a (3,n 3/2,1)-distance oracle in n 2+o(1) time? 15.Distance oracles with additive errors?
40 A Slightly updated version of the survey can be found at papers/ Please send suggestions/corrections/comments to
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