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Lund University Libraries Head Office Open Access, Scholarly Communication & Integrating User Access Presentation at London Online December 3 rd 2003 Lars.

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Presentation on theme: "Lund University Libraries Head Office Open Access, Scholarly Communication & Integrating User Access Presentation at London Online December 3 rd 2003 Lars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lund University Libraries Head Office Open Access, Scholarly Communication & Integrating User Access Presentation at London Online December 3 rd 2003 Lars Björnshauge Lund University Libraries

2 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Agenda  Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ –  Scholarly Communication – Raising Awareness  Swedish Resource Center for Scholarly Communication – SRVK –  Copyright  Impact/Evaluation  SUHF  Integrating User Access to Digital Resources – ELIN@

3 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Directory of Open Access Journals, DOAJ  initiated during the NCSC conference in Lund October 2002NCSC  supported by OSI, Open Society Institute and SPARCOpen Society InstituteSPARC  project started January 2003  service launched 12 th of May 2003

4 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Dissemination/visibility of Open Access journals more usage = more citations = increased impact = more usage etc.  DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals  Phase 1 (completed)  Peer reviewed  All subjects  All languages  Phase 2  Article level search/retrieve  Metadata – creation  Network of editors

5 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge DOAJ is hosted by: DOAJ is supported by: Open Society Institute SPARC

6 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Selection criteria  Agreed upon in the beginning of the project  Open Access  Quality control measures, the journal must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control to be included.  Scientific or scholarly content

7 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Open Access – our definition We define open access journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition of "open access" we take the right of "users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles" as mandatory for a journal to be included in the directory.BOAI definition

8 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Selection policy  Subjects = all  Languages = all  Resource types = periodicals  Target group = researchers  Cost = none for the user

9 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Collection  Start-up phase ( SciX )  Suggestions – enormous response  Sustainability issues  Editorial group  Collaborative model

10 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Some numbers  No. of journals: 587 (and growing)  Successful requests (May- September): 898,249  A lot of countries have requested files from DOAJ e.g.: Sweden, France, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Norway, Lithuania, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Argentina, Japan, Poland, Brazil, Mexico, India, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Iceland, United States, Switzerland, Chile, Singapore, Ireland, Croatia, Israel, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Portugal, Austria, Malaysia, Hungary, Uruguay, Peru, Russia, Czech Republic, Romania, Philippines, Colombia, Slovenia, South Korea, Estonia, Taiwan, Egypt...

11 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Very positive response from journals “ We've already noticed from our usage statistics that the DOAJ has helped to promote our open-access journals, and we know that each of our journals are extremely appreciative!” Jen Sweezie Project Manager Bioline International Bioline International

12 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge DOAJ: phase 2 An article search service  Contact and open discussion with OA journals  Search at article level  Guided harvesting of full text articles  Increasing OAI-compliancy creates other options in the future  Facilitate the creation of article-level metadata for journals  Started September 2003 and will be launched in May 2004  Supported by OSI, SPARC and BIBSAM

13 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Where do we go from here?  Network organisation of editors  Make journals aware of possibilities  Collaboration

14 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge More information   Suggest a journal:

15 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Scholarly Communication Raising awareness: Librarians Researchers University decision makers Research Funders

16 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Problems of Current System  Publishing industry consolidation  New and intricate conditions for ownership, and licensing of e-content  Complicated and very expensive pricing models  Branding – Impact based on journals not articles  Lack of correlation price / quality /cost  Growing gap between price & ability to pay  Copyright – restricting access  Scientific information – a common good or a commodity?

17 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Creating Awareness: Networking  Swedish Resource Center for Scholarly Communication  Operated by Lund University Libraries  A cooperative network  Seminars  Rich Web-site –

18 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Swedish Resource Centre for Scientific Communication  Inform scholars,administrators, funders, and libraries about the scholarly communication crisis  Contribute to a common strategic plan for Swedish HE-libraries to work efficiently with alternative publishing models  Re-establish control of scholarly communication Promote to use of bibliometrics, open citation and other methods to analyse and show the ”impact” of alternative publishing Intellectual Property Rights - Model licenses Arrange seminars and courses

19 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge

20 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Nordic interest!

21 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge SRVK-activities last 9 onths  30+ presentations at seminars, conferences in Sweden and other Nordic Countries  15+ articles, interviews, radiospots etc.

22 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Proposed development  Raise the issue on Nordic and national level  Transform into a Nordic Knowledge Centre for Scholarly Communication  Current initiatives:  Application to NORDINFO & national research funding agencies  NOP:HS application as a follow up of a recent report on the future of Nordic research publications and the Nordic languages. Nordic Council of Ministers

23 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Copyright Model licenses

24 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Why do researchers not retain their copyright ?  Scholarly publishing - main objectives  Dissemination of knowledge  Archiving for posterity  Registration to establish priority  Certification of quality and validation  Publishers ask for assignment of copyright  Scholars believe compliance needed to be published ... Advice is necessary

25 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge IPR-agreements Transfer of copyright = market power  Working group with representatives from the Law Faculty, the University Legal Department, and the Library Head Office have propsed model licenses for Lund University  Interest from Universities in Copenhagen and Aarhus

26 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge

27 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Impact – evaluation

28 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Existing research assesment models  Limited  Biased  Fuels the existing problems in scientific publishing  New & additional measures have to be developed and applied

29 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge New ranking systems  Automatic citation indexing of OA articles  Extract title, abstract, author, and references  Rank results  Citation changes over time/article  Citebase ( , cogprints, BiomedCentral  CiteSeer (  Citations in Economics (  Citation analysis of documents distributed via RePEc, WoPEc, Socionet, EconPapers, IDEAS

30 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Roads for Knowledge – the need for a new strategy for universities and their libraries Report commissioned by the Association of Swedish Universities & University Colleges (SUHF) -

31 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Recommendations  The need for changes in the current system for scholarly publishing  The need to establish conditions for creating professional, publishing services within universities and university colleges  As of today the libraries are the natural choice for the organisation of such activities due to the fact that the necessary competence is at hand

32 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Recommendations  SUHF will  Establish a task force to see to that new intellectual property rights agreements will be drafted and implemented, securing that researchers can publish, disseminate and archive publications on university servers (institutional repositories)  Investigate the long term effects of the current system of scholarly publishing

33 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Recommendations  SUHF will  Investigate and evaluate current research assessment and merit systems and  Highlight current projects and activities promoting new approaches based on university publishing and other initiatives for open access publishing – promote open access

34 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Creating Awareness National level initiatives  SUHF  task force decided  intellectual property rights agreements  initiate discussions with research councils/funders

35 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Integrating User Access to Digital Resources – ELIN@

36 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge New challenges for libraries Publishers plan to disintermediate libraries Publishers want to control user behaviour Publishers want users to be dependent on their own brands Researchers want access to information without intermediaries Libraries run the risk of being regarded only as passive links in the information chain

37 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Libraries become invisible  Users should understand that they are using the library´s services and resources  Libraries´ role to help researchers find relevant and priceworthy information products  Libraries work in the interest of researchers, students, and the general public Science Direct Journals@Ovid Academic Search Elite

38 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Branding  End users exposed to publishers and aggregators  the publisher trap  library bypass  individualization  ”Free on the internet”  Who pays??  Gaining control??

39 Springer Elsevier Wiley EbscoKluwerMCB Publisher trap? A publishercentric vision

40 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Integration  Too many different services  Too many different interfaces  Too much redundancy/overlap  How to promote/integrate Open Access material?  Portals, Linking Software  Adapting commercial software or develop applications ourselves

41 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Libraries and Free Resources  Make free resources visible and accessible  Integrate them with other resources  Often not in OPAC:s  Relevance and quality - not medium or publication model  Support institutional archives - a strategic role  Natural extension of the responsibility for dissemination and archiving of research results

42 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Personalization  The need for taylored library & information services  TOC-alerts,  SDI-alerts,  Quality web resources  Communications to end users  My collection

43 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge User Training  Numerous interfaces  Information literacy  Fighting existing habits, the Google- syndrome  On-line tutorials  In the digital library environment: more user training than ever

44 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge INTEGRATE - make Open Access and niche journals visible in a general portal – ELIN@ Search services and pages library branded The initiative back to the library Increases the library´s visibility on campus A product neutral presentation of resources 12 000 000 records in one user interface Publishers + Open Archives + Open Access Journals Quality web resources – Subject Gateways Personalization – register for all alerts at one site Customization – As simple as Google!

45 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Organising end user access  The goals:  Integration of all services  Development of personalized services  Branding of library services  Principles:  Single sign on – automatic authentification – one login/password to all resources  Remote access

46 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Integration of Library Services – Towards the one stop shop  OPAC –printed collections  Databases, encyclopedias, reference works  Electronic journals  Open access resources  Journals  E- & preprint archives, institutional repositories  Subject gateways – recommended quality web resources

47 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ - Electronic Library Information Navigator  Advantages for end users:  One interface for all content  Cross search documents from multiple sources – free or licensed  Document delivery services for documents not available in Full Text  ToC alerts and SDI´s  Integration with reference management tools

48 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ - Electronic Library Information Navigator  Advantages for librarians:  Enhancing availability and visibility of scientific literature  Increasing e-journal cost efficiency – Usage is boosting  Administrative functions/Management tools: Customization, Statistics, Collection Management, Budgeting, Marketing Subscription administration functionalities

49 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Personalization in ELIN@  TOC-alerts  SDI-alerts from databases, journals etc.  ”My Library”  Recommended resources – selected by subject librarians  Add your personal favourites  Users register at one site for all alerts

50 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge ELIN@ - Electronic Library Information Navigator  Contents (November 2003)  +14,000 journals, whereof  +7,500 journals with metadata (cross searchable on article level)  +12,000,000 records  E-print archives,  Databases

51 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Flexibility Openness Professionalis m Quality Reliability Simplicity A brand-independent brand ELIN@

52 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge ELIN@  The taylored integration tool for your digital library services  Branding the library  Makes life a lot easier for librarians  Administration tools  and for end users  One site for access and alerts

53 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge ELIN@  In operation at  10 Swedish Universities  University of Gent  Freeware version available in January  See latest issue of Serials  Contact:

54 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Basic Search Simple Search Advanced search

55 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge

56 December 3 rd 2003Lars Björnshauge Export to reference management tools Searchable authors Links to fulltext Searchable keywords

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