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Mastering NT Greek 4. Nouns: Second Declension 4. Nouns: Second Declension By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Mastering NT Greek 4. Nouns: Second Declension 4. Nouns: Second Declension By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mastering NT Greek 4. Nouns: Second Declension 4. Nouns: Second Declension By Ted Hildebrandt © 2003 Baker Academic

2 Intro to English Nouns Gender: –Masculine = he (prince=he) –Feminine = she (ship, princess = she), –Neuter = it (computer = it) –a[marti<a = feminine "sin" –a[martwlo<j = masculine "sinner"

3 Intro to English Nouns Number: –Singular: skate, child, woman, deer –Plural: skates, children, women, deer –ou]rano<j heaven –ou]ranoi< heavens

4 Intro to Nouns Case: –Nominative: subject of sentence (naming designating)—31% (Walllace, 138) (S/he received the award.) –Accusative: object of the sentence (The car hit him.)– 29%

5 Intro to Nouns –Genitive: possessive, (origin, separation, descriptive)—25%; Keyword: of + x – The car of the boy didn’t pass inspection.—poss. –He went to the house of prayer (descriptive) –The writing of the prophet (origin) –The son of Mary (relation)

6 Intro to Nouns –Dative: Indirect object (location, means)—15% (not in modern Greek) –Give the car to her. –indirect obj. –He was hit by the goalie. --agent –She went to the store. –location –2x4 ate (at) with –Keywords: 2x4, at, with (to, by, for, at…) –Vocative: Direct Address –1% (Walllace, 138) –O car, roll on. –direct address

7 The Article Indefinite article: "a" boat not marked in Greek Definite article: "the" boat –o[ = the (masculine) –h[ = the (feminine) –to< = the (neuter) When you learn the noun learn it with the definite article that will tell you what gender it is.

8 First, Second and Third Declensions Shared sets of endings First = " a " or " h " ending nouns (usually fem.) grafh< or w!ra Second = " o " ending nouns (usually masc./neut.) lo<goj Third = consonant ending nouns xa<rij (stem ends in “ r ")

9 Greek Second Declension Nouns Omicron ending nouns –a]po<stoloj –a@ggeloj –lo<goj To get the root take off the j ending –lo<go + j

10 Second Declension Translations: Masculine Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom. lo<goj word lo<goi words Gen. lo<gou of a word lo<gwn of words Dat. lo<g& to/for a word lo<goij to/for words Acc. lo<gon word lo<gouj words Voc. lo<ge O word lo<goi O words

11 Second Declension Chant: Masculine Paradigm Know the following paradigm cold. Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom. lo<goj lo<goi Gen. lo<gou lo<gwn Dat. lo<g& lo<goij Acc. lo<gon lo<gouj

12 Second Declension Chant: Neuter ( i[ero<n = temple) Be able to chant through this paradigm. Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom./Voc. i[ero<n i[era< Gen. i[erou? i[erw?n Dat. i[er&? i[eroi?j Acc. i[ero<n i[era<

13 Declining Nouns Case, number, gender, root, translation lo<g& –Dat. Sg. Masc. lo<goj, "to/for a word" lo<gwn –Gen. Pl. Masc. lo<goj, " of words" lo<goij –Dat. Pl. Masc. lo<goj, " to/for/by/at words" i[ero<n –Nom/Acc/Voc. Sg. Neut. i[ero<n, " temple"

14 Cases another look Another way to look at the cases is: Accusative Dative Genitive Accusative Dative Genitive Motion to/into in Motion away from Motion to/into in Motion away from in

15 Second Declension Chant lo<gojlo<goulo<g&lo<gonlo<goilo<gwnlo<goijlo<gouj i[ero<ni[erou?i[er&?i[eroni[era<i[erw?ni[eroi?ji[era< Nom. Sg. Gen. Sg. Dat. Sg. Acc. Sg. Nom. Pl. Gen. Pl. Dat. Pl. Acc. Pl.

16 Appositional Use of Acc. Appositional use is when 2 adjacent substantives (nouns) refer to the same person, place or thing…piggy-backs, can happen with other cases as well, when you have a string of the same cases in a row (Wallace’s Grammar, 199). Mk 1:16 ‘Andre n a]delfo>n Si n a]delfo>n Si<mwnoj Andrew, the brother of Simon

17 Chapter 4 Vocabulary a]gapa<w – I love

18 Chapter 4 Vocabulary gra<fw – I write

19 Chapter 4 Vocabulary de< – but, and

20 Chapter 4 Vocabulary dou?loj, -ou, o[ – servant, slave

21 Chapter 4 Vocabulary eu[ri<skw – I find

22 Chapter 4 Vocabulary i[ero<n, -ou?, to< – temple

23 Chapter 4 Vocabulary lao<j, -ou?, o[ lao<j, -ou?, o[ – people

24 Chapter 4 Vocabulary no<moj, -ou, o[ no<moj, -ou, o[ – law

25 Chapter 4 Vocabulary Chapter 4 Vocabulary oi#koj, -ou, o[ – house

26 Chapter 4 Vocabulary w[j w[j – as, about, how

27 Memory Verse -- Jn 1:1 ]En a]rx^? h#n o[ lo<goj, ]En a]rx^? h#n o[ lo<goj, in the beginning was the word kai> o[ lo j to>n qeo o[ lo j to>n qeo<n, and the word was with God kai> qeo>j h#n o[ lo qeo>j h#n o[ lo<goj. and the word was God

28 Review

29 Vocabulary Review Chapter 1 a@ggeloj, -ou, o[ a]mh<nHumankinde]gw< qeo<j, -ou, o[

30 Vocabulary Review Chapter 1 kai<heartle<gw profh<thj, -ou, o[ Xristo<j, -ou?, o[

31 Vocabulary Review Chapter 2 a]delfo<j, -ou?, o[ I hear do<ca, -hj, h[ e@xwworld

32 Vocabulary Review Chapter 2 ku<rioj, -ou, o[ ku<rioj, -ou, o[ lo<goj, -ou, o[ lo<goj, -ou, o[ Pe<troj, -ou, o[ Pe<troj, -ou, o[ son son Farisai?oj, -ou, o[

33 Vocabulary Chapter 3 a]lla< a]po<stoloj, -ou, o[ I see ga<r I know

34 Vocabulary Chapter 3 ]Ihsou?j, -ou?, o[ ]Ihsou?j, -ou?, o[ lamba<nw lamba<nw lu<w lu<w heaven heaven pisteu<w pisteu<w

35 lu<w Chant lu<w Chant 1st sg lu<w I loose/am loosing 2nd sg lu<eij you loose/are loosing 3rd sg lu<ei he/she/it looses 1st pl lu<omen we loose/are loosing 2nd pl lu<ete you (all) loose/are loosing 3nd pl lu<ousi(n) they loose/are loosing

36 Second Declension Chant lo<gojlo<goulo<g&lo<gonlo<goilo<gwnlo<goijlo<gouj i[ero<ni[erou?i[er&?i[eroni[era<i[erw?ni[eroi?ji[era< Nom. Sg. Gen. Sg. Dat. Sg. Acc. Sg. Nom. Pl. Gen. Pl. Dat. Pl. Acc. Pl.

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