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M87 interaction between a SMBH and gas rich atmosphere

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1 M87 interaction between a SMBH and gas rich atmosphere
Outbursts from Supermassive Black Holes Forman, Churazov, Jones, Bohringer, Begelman, Owen, Eilek, Nulsen, Vihlinin, Markevitch, Heinz, Kraft M87 interaction between a SMBH and gas rich atmosphere Shocks, Buoyant plasma bubbles, Jet, Cavities, Filaments Unambiguous signature of an AGN triggered shock Outburst energy Outburst duration Energy channels for heating Cool X-ray filamentary structure Clear evidence for bubbles Cooling flows - gas cooling times as short as 10^8 years so systems with ages 100 times longer should be cooling Rates of cooling for most luminous clusters were as large as 1000 solar masses per year. For 10^10 years this mass is 10^13 solar masses and is unseen Where does this go; only a fraction of this material seen as some star formation or cold gas Reread peterson et al. for details of xmm grating argument for no cool gas Outbursts growth of black hole at recent epochs explanation for cooling flows a quarter century later - where does all the cooling gas go add some details of accretion onto black hole and measurement of black hole mass e.g., allen, dimatteo, HST and bondi radius, and accretion modes ADAF ADIOS as relevant to M87 Add more agn survey at start - m87 is not unusual just more spectacular - ther “normal” galaxies have Similar properties Try to reconstruct nulsen enthalpy argument Add galaxies to beginning - intro as well Get some more new examples of interesting galaxies Get new T® for m87 and insert Thoughts for aas talk is such happens - or for general talk - m87 is laboratory - add hst image and any figure Showing measuring black hole mass; show getting to bondi accretion radius, show seeing behavior of individual knots To understand agn outbursts Outbursts from galaxies to (M87 to) rich clusters Outbursts range from < ∆E < 1062 ergs See growth of SMBHs - ∆MSMBH ∝ ∆ EOUTBURST / c2 ∆MSMBH up to 3x108 solar masses per outburst

2 SMBH and Parent Galaxy Mbulge-M M -  M M Magorrian et al.
Gebhart et al. Ferrarese & Merritt Velocity Dispersion MBulge Hot X-ray emitting atmospheres - “fossil record” of SMBM activity Observe outburst frequency Measure total power - mechanical vs. radiative (cavities) Understand interaction of outburst with surroundings Insight into high redshift, early universe Growth/formation of galaxies Growth of SMBH Through the close correlation of the black hole mass and that of the bulge, clear connection to initial star formation in the galaxy and the growth The supermassive black hole. Speculation that feedback from the supermassive black hole controls star formation and terminates star formation In the high redshift Universe. Mechanical power from the black hole - total output - greatly exceeds the radiative luminosity by several orders Of magnitude. Black hole of radius 2GM/c^2 controls its environment to many 10’s of kpc - for M87 - 2GM/c^2= 9e14 and cooling radius Is 40 kpc = 1.2e23 cm with ratio 1.3e8. Earth = 4000 mi = 6.7e3km=6.7e8cm scaled by ratio gives 5 cm radius or size of your fist. How can this work X-ray atmospheres provide fossil record of outbursts - so in present epoch universe we can observe the interaction of black holes, measure their Total energy output. Magorrian et al. 1997 Tremaine et al. 2002 Ferrarese et al. Gebhardt et al

3 Millenium Run + Semi-analytic Galaxy Evolution
Croton et al. 2006 1010 particles of 109 Msun extract merger trees of dark matter halos from z=20 to z=0 z=0 dark matter z=0 light Croton et al. 2006 “The many lives of active galactic nuclei: cooling flows, black holes and the luminosities and colours of galaxies” Downsizing - transition comes when r_cool > R_vir and rcool determined when gas cooling time longer than the halo dynamical time - sound crossing time > cooling time so gas can no longer cool FAST Man yo hter presecriptions - just want to note that the feedback I will describe is fundamental to Current models Through the close correlation of the black hole mass and that of the bulge, clear connection to initial star formation in the galaxy and the growth The supermassive black hole. Speculation that feedback from the supermassive black hole controls star formation and terminates star formation

4 Millenium Run + Semi-analytic Galaxy Evolution Croton et al. 2006
Rapid Cooling Hot Halo For massive galaxies/halos, AGN feedback into hot coronae is long-lived phase Study this long-lived phase of outbursts and feedback into the hot coronae Massive halos/galaxies Form hot gas coronae at early times Growth/merging continues with little star formation Oldest systems become “red and dead” - but still growing via mergers AGN heating is key Downsizing - more massive galaxies end star formation at higher z; appears “anti-hierarchical” Downsizing - transition comes when r_cool > R_vir and rcool determined when gas cooling time longer than the halo dynamical time - sound crossing time > cooling time so gas can no longer cool FAST Man yo hter presecriptions - just want to note that the feedback I will describe is fundamental to Current models

5 Setting the stage Family of increasing mass, temperature, and luminosity
E/S0 Galaxies Groups Clusters Lx (ergs/sec) Gas Temp keV 1-3 keV 2-15 keV Mgas/Mstellar 0.02 1 5 Gas is just a tracer in galaxies while in clusters it is the dominant baryonic component

6 Setting the stage Family of increasing mass, temperature, and luminosity
Hot gas seen ONLY in X-ray band - thermal bremsstrahlung + lines Gas provides a fossil record of mass ejections and energy outbursts For clusters, 16% of mass is luminous baryons (mostly hot gas) Measure heavy element enrichment - history of star formation See reflections of energy outbursts in cavities over cosmic times Gas is just a tracer in galaxies while in clusters it is the dominant baryonic component

7 Cooling Flows Allen/Fabian
Cowie & Binney (1977) Fabian & Nulsen (1977) “Cooling gas in the cores of clusters can accrete at significant rates onto slow-moving central galaxies” Strong surface brightness peak  dense gas  short cooling time Hot gas radiates – gas must cool unless reheated, then compressed by ICM Mass Deposition rates are large ( M/yr) - more than 50% But large amounts of cool gas were not detected Emission lines from cooling gas NOT SEEN byXMM-NEWTON OGS (cool gas only 10% of prediction) (e.g., Peterson et al. 2001, 2002; Peterson & Fabian 2005)

8 Virgo Cluster - X-ray/Optical
Central galaxy in Virgo cluster D=16 Mpc 1’=4.65 kpc; 2o=0.5 Mpc Boeringer ROSAT Mdot from peres et al. NGC4388 Sy 2 INTEGRAL source 1’ = 5 kpc (roughly) Jet studied indetail here at MIT by Herman Marshall and collaborators: B field equipartition is 300 mu G, requiring X-ray emitting particles with gamm=3e7, and synchrotron lifetimes of 3-10 yrs (10^18-10^17 Hz) Add dan harris knot image here Add hess image spectrum 3x109Msun supermassive black hole Spectacular jet (e.g. Marshall et al.) Nearby (16 Mpc; 1’=4.5 kpc, 1”=75 pc) Classic cooling flow (24 Msun/yr) Ideal system to study SMBH/gas interaction

9 Chandra-XMM-VLA View Two X-ray “arms” X-ray (thermal gas) and radio (relativistic plasma) “related” Eastern arm - classical buoyant bubble with torus (Churazov et al 2001) XMM-Newton shows cool arms of uplifted gas (Belsole et al 2001; Molendi 2002) Southwestern arm - less direct relationship - radio envelops gas M87 Many nice simulations of buoyant bubbles - get all refs from Eugene’s talk perhaps Multiple outbursts - timescales for outer are 10^8 years and possible longer note that they show NO effects of radio aging (change in size with frequency) buoyant bubbles are 50-70x10^7 years 1-10 Msun uplifted (2x in R), if τbubble=107 yrs (Mcool~20Msun/yr)

10 Chandra-XMM-VLA View Churazov et al. 2001 M87
Many nice simulations of buoyant bubbles - get all refs from Eugene’s talk perhaps Multiple outbursts - timescales for outer are 10^8 years and possible longer note that they show NO effects of radio aging (change in size with frequency) buoyant bubbles are 50-70x10^7 years 1-10 Msun uplifted (2x in R), if τbubble=107 yrs (Mcool~20Msun/yr) Churazov et al. 2001

11 Density and Pressure Maps
Gas Pressure ( keV) Gas Density ( keV) ACIS - X-ray CCD 500 ksec about 1 week - a typical very long pointing E(T)/T^2 is roughly constant as curve shows, so this energy band is crudely just a pressure map See the shock - nearly circular - not perfect as inner cocoon is not a sphere, but is elongated since jet has steep angle with respect to the plane of the sky WHAT IS THE VALUE AND GET REFERENCE Central Piston Shock Filamentary arms

12 Schematic Shock ICM Bubble ICM

13 Central Region of M87 - the driving force
SMBH 3x109Msun 6cm VLA 6 cm Nucleus, jet (knots) Cavities surrounding the jet and the (unseen) counterjet Bubble breaking from counter jet cavity Perpendicular to jet axis; Radius ~1kpc. Formation time ~4 x106 years Piston driving shock X-ray rim is low entropy gas uplifted/displaced by relativistic plasma Fine rim of counter jet cavity Bud Oriigin of the east and southwest arms Get some more detail about Bondi radius from DiMatteo or Allen is M87 an ADAF/ADIOS Jet power ergs/sec Total radiation 4x1042 erg/sec

14 Projected Deprojected
Shock Model I - the data Hard ( keV) pressure soft ( keV) density profiles Projected Deprojected

15 Deprojected Gas Temperature
Shock Rarefaction See shock clearly again and mean profile for model along with rarefaction region trailing shock No hot shocked region interior to shock Gives temperature jump - so second measure of shock parameters No hot shocked region interior to shock

16 Consistent density and temperature jumps
Rankine-Hugoniot Shock Jump Conditions T2/T1= 1.19 FIX EQUATIONS Weak shock m=1.2 and separately implies that gamma = 5/3 if both jumps from a shock I.e., single fluid component Agreement is good but caution since central driving piston isn’t really a sphere; and statistics poor when Taken in sectors yield same Mach number: (MT=1.20 Μρ=1.24) M~1.2

17 Outburst Energy Series of models with varying initial outburst energy
2, 5, 10, 20 x 1057 ergs Match to data E = 5 x ergs Determined by jumps Series of models - doesn’t matter what timescale since after sufficiently long time, only Deposited energy matters. Derive consistent temperature and density jumps

18 Derive outburst timescale
Fast - large shock heated region Absence sets outburst duration 2-5 million yrs Slow - cool rim Cool gas surrounding relativistic plasma bubble No large region of hot shocked gas Bound the outburst timescale - need much more detailed simulations because of the geometry Shock-heated gas if τoutburst is too short Absence of hot region limits duration of outburst Must be longer than 2 million years

19 Fast Slow Slow Fast/Slow Cartoon Fast Radio Lobes Radio bright
Hot, dim Radio Lobes Fast Slow Radio Lobes Radio bright X-ray dim Small Large Shock heated gas Radio dim Yes No Cool rims Rarefaction region Outer shock Cool, bright Key difference is relative size of radio emitting piston, absence of hot shocked region and presnce of cool rim Radio Lobes Slow

20 Where does the energy go ?
Sedov Slow (2-5 Myr) Kinetic energy in the shock ~6x1056 ergs (11%) Will be carried away ~12x1056 ergs (22%) ~12x1056 ergs (22%) Enthalpy of the central bubble ~1.7x1056 ergs (3.4%) ~ x1057 ergs (46%-64%) Heating 100-22=78% >100-22=78% (eventually) Rest of energy must be in shock heated gas that we don’t see - so really not relevant BUT …. Kinetic + thermal carried away if no dissipation - all the rest is trapped and recovered

21 Soft Filamentary Web 90 cm (Owen et al.) M87
4.65 kpc 90 cm (Owen et al.) keV Sequence of buoyant bubbles Many small bubbles (comparable to “bud”) Effervecent heating - Begelman PV ~ ergs τrise ~ 107 years Arms - resolved Eastern arm - classical buoyant bubble Southwestern arm - overpressured and “fine” (~100pc, like bubble rims) - limit bulk gas velocities in core

22 Organized and Disorganized
4.65 kpc Ruszkowski/Begelman Simulation for Perseus Both large scale bubbles AND Small scale chaotic bubbles So ar mostly organized simutlations- lots of opportunity for more detailed simulations with magnetic fields to Produce the “real thing”

23 M87 shocks and bubbles contribute to heating
Both naturally arise from AGN outbursts Shock carries away ≤ 20-25% of energy 75% of outburst available to heat (eventually) Filaments Cool thermal rims of bubbles Southwestern arm - interaction with radio plasma Shock (and trailing rarefaction region) R, jump in T or ρ => Total deposited energy 5x1057 erg Lobes and shock radius => Age ≈ 14x106 yr Cool/bright rims => “slow” energy deposition 2-5x106 years Average energy release: few x 1043 erg/s ≈ Cooling losses Dunn et al cluster sample, 20 have <3x109 yrs and 75% show bubbles Rafferty - 33 clusters; 50% withbubbles and sufficient energy to quench cooling Radio (blue) Chandra X-ray (red) MULTIPLE OUTBURSTS

24 Hot Gas in Early-type Galaxies - The Einstein Era
Pre-Einstein early type galaxies Gas free - Stellar mass loss removed by SN driven winds. Einstein Observatory images showed extended, hot coronae: ~1 keV temperatures; masses to M , Strong correlation of LX and LB but much scatter. (e.g. Forman et al. 1979, 1985, Canizares et al. 1987) High central gas densities => short cooling times Accretion rates of Msun/year (Nulsen et al. 1984, Thomas et al )

25 A Chandra survey of ~160 early type galaxies to measure outburst energy, age, frequency, plus diffuse/gas luminosity and nuclear emission (Jones et al.) 1’=5kpc Radio from birkinshaw/Davies and Stanger/Warwick Study hot gas - as a function M, velocity dispersion, …. Measure cavities - determine outburst energies (PV) and timescales Derive nuclear luminosities - correlate with gas density

26 Chandra resolution required!

27 In luminous ellipticals, most of the X-ray emission is from hot gas, In fainter systems, emission from LMXBs makes nearly all of the “diffuse” emission Everything correlates for bulges - bulge luminosity with Lx, bulge luminosity with SMBH and galaxy velocity dispersion Galaxies with little hot ISM Gas dominates “diffuse” emission Correlation of Lx with L and Land  Mostly unresolved LMXB’s (hard specta)

28 Exploding Elliptical -NGC4636
1’=5kpc Radio from birkinshaw/Davies and Stanger/Warwick Look at exico and new figures and add here as appropirate not obvious wht is best order survey/clusters Jones et al 2001 Strange X-ray structure in an otherwise normal Virgo elliptical galaxy Double pin wheel-like structure in X-rays! X-ray arms ~8 kpc long. Nuclear outburst 3 x 106 years ago with energy 6 x 1056 ergs But small weak radio source

29 Gas surrounding bubble is cool
Bubbles in a galaxy -- M84 Radio X-ray For Perseus, M87, M84, and for almost all others Gas surrounding bubble is cool Usually no shock heating in lobe H-shaped gas has kT~ 0.6 keV Ambient gas temperature increases from 0.6 to 0.8 keV with increasing radius Lobes ~ 4 kpc diameter outburst ~ x 106 yrs ago Interaction with radio lobes of 3C272.1 Tail to south & northern lobe compression motion of M84 to the north .

30 Galaxy rims are (generally) cool (like cluster) - no shocks Bubbles (seen as cavities) gently uplift and impart energy to the gas NGC4636 years years years years 107 years years NGC507 NGC5846 years

31 How Common are AGN Outbursts in Galaxies
How Common are AGN Outbursts in Galaxies? Determine fraction of Galaxies with Cavities Galaxies with diffuse gas Galaxies with cavities In luminous ellipticals (including some poor groups), 30% have cavities

32 In galaxies, outbursts are recent (=> frequent) and impart significant energy to the ISM
PV (ergs) 1’=5kpc Radio from birkinshaw/Davies and Stanger/Warwick AGE of outbursts Ages and outburst energy for the 27 systems with cavities

33 Nuclear activity - “AGN” Determine fraction with nuclear X-ray emission
In “normal” early-type galaxies X-ray emission detected from the nucleus for ~80% of early-type galaxies Nucleus now - not diffuse emission - correlation much cruder - partially results from selection of normal galaxies

34 Conclusions Energy input from AGN is common in galaxies
- reheats cooling gas, drives gas from their halos, and is important for galaxy evolution In luminous ellipticals, ~30% have cavities => recent outbursts - typical ages are 3x106 to 6x107 years - typical outburst energies (estimated from cavity sizes) are ergs ~80% of all early type galaxies have weak X-ray “AGN”

35 Small cavities in core, medium cavities and a shock
Hydra A (Nulsen et al 2005) Small cavities in core, medium cavities and a shock Shock front kpc from AGN Shock energy 1061 ergs X 108 years since outburst

36 Chandra radio contours on X-ray
Hydra A (Nulsen et al 2005) Chandra radio contours on X-ray Small cavities in core , medium cavities and a shock Shock front kpc from AGN Shock energy 1061 ergs X 108 years since outburst

37 Cluster Scale Outbursts MSO735
Cluster Scale Outbursts MSO X 1061 ergs driving shock (McNamara et al 2005) Cluster Lx = 1045 ergs/sec z=0.22 X-ray bright region - edge of radio cocoon lies at location of shock Radio lobes fill cavities (200 kpc diam) - displace and compress X-ray gas Work to inflate each cavity ~1061 ergs; age of shock 1 X 108 years Average power 1.7 X 1046 ergs/sec

38 Outbursts from Clusters to Galaxies
SOURCE SHOCK RADIUS (kpc) ENERGY (1061 erg) AGE (My) MEAN POWER (1046 erg/s) ∆M (108 Msun) MS0735.6 Hercules A Hydra A M87 NGC4636 230 160 210 14 5 5.7 3 0.9 0.0005 104 59 136 1.7 1.6 0.2 0.0012 0.0007 0.5 0.0003 Growth of SMBH by accretion in “old” stellar population systems (Rafferty et al solar mass/yr) with star formation to maintain MBH-Mbulge relation Mechanical power balances cooling in 50% of clusters AGN outbursts deposit energy into gas through shocks and bubbles Mcnamara nulsen rafferty claims for a set of 33 objects, enough accretion to balance cooling in half sample, Same as Birzan with smaller sample AND maintain MBH-Mbulge correlation with the right amount of star Formation

39 Impact of AGN outbursts on hot gas
M87 outburst ~14x106 years, ~2-5x106 years; inflates inner region “classical shock - seen in density/temperature & rarefaction region slow expansion of “piston” (no large shock heated region) Outburst energy matches cooling M87 arms from buoyant bubbles; soft filamentary web; complex (magnetic field) interactions of radio plasma bubbles with ISM Galaxy outbursts and mini AGN are common (see talk by Christine Jones) Outbursts from galaxies to clusters ergs which grow SMBH NGC4636 M87 Hydra A

40 Impact of AGN outbursts on hot gas
Reheat cooling gas through shocks/buoyant bubbles in all gas rich systems i.e. those with bulges and black holes Critical to galaxy evolution/downsizing models Massive galaxies are “red and dead” Evolution continues but not (appreciable) star formation Hot coronae “contain” AGN feedback energy over cosmological times X-ray observations allow study of the outbursts and exactly how energy is injected into the hot surrounding atmosphere Critical to understanding the new view of galaxy and black hole evolution M87 NGC4636 Hydra A


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