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NeSSI™ Knowledge Network Dave Veltkamp, CPAC. Overview and Goals New NeSSI™ discussion board/information web site Manage NeSSI™ mailing list through user.

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Presentation on theme: "NeSSI™ Knowledge Network Dave Veltkamp, CPAC. Overview and Goals New NeSSI™ discussion board/information web site Manage NeSSI™ mailing list through user."— Presentation transcript:

1 NeSSI™ Knowledge Network Dave Veltkamp, CPAC

2 Overview and Goals New NeSSI™ discussion board/information web site Manage NeSSI™ mailing list through user registration Users can register, modify settings, and remove themselves Users can register, modify settings, and remove themselves Provide up-to-date NeSSI™ hardware component list Manufacturers and vendors can maintain list by posting items to board containing description, links to manufacturers web sites, pictures, etc Manufacturers and vendors can maintain list by posting items to board containing description, links to manufacturers web sites, pictures, etc Dynamic information exchange to stimulate further NeSSI™ development and use On-line discussion forums for questions and answers, example applications, etc. On-line discussion forums for questions and answers, example applications, etc. Provide central location for news, resources, and feedback Provide central location for news, resources, and feedback Minimize time and effort needed to document, maintain, and support the NeSSI™ development efforts Almost all the content creation and maintenance functions can be performed by end-users and board moderators Once it is set up, it should be largely self sustaining

3 NeSSI™ Knowledge Network Main topic page divided into 4 sections News and Information Discussion (NeSSI Q&A) Component List Only Manufacturers group may post here Only Manufacturers group may post here Testing and Examples For each topic the # of posts # of subtopics date of last post and author of last post are shown.

4 User Self-Registration Allows user to enter account data Selecting to join “Manufacturers” user group will queue user’s registration until a moderator approves it. Membership in other user groups automatically approved Profile data used for mailing list Lots of other account options available from the “Edit Profile” link once user activates account Once user submits registration form, they are sent an email with instructions for activating their new account

5 New Registration Notifications Not Queued Queued What administrators and moderators see Approved

6 User Log-on Screen All topics are readable Users and guests can read topics without requiring a log in Ability to post a message depends on the topic Component List topics restricted to Manufacturers group Other topics may require registered users Some are open topics Logging in typically sets a “cookie” on users machine Deleted when user quits

7 Edit Profile Screen Many options for changing how you appear and interact with the board Most Recent Posts Information About You E-mail Notification Pick topics Pick topics Your posts Your posts Replies to your posts Replies to your posts Additional Personal Information Preferences Favorite Topics PictureSignature Change Password Delete Your Account View Profile

8 Start New Tread Screen Example of posting a new message Simple text entry into post dialog box Plain text formatting commands \attach{your file} \attach{your file} \image{your picture} \image{your picture} \red{your text} \red{your text} When done, just hit the preview/post button

9 New Post Preview Screen Top of screen shows preview of your message Placeholders for files to be uploaded Results of formatting commands Lower screen shows unformatted message Clicking the “Post this Message” button starts the actual file upload process

10 Attachment Upload Screen User is able to browse for files to attach, or upload with, their new message In this example there are two files to upload Spec. Sheet Document Spec. Sheet Document Picture of component Picture of component Clicking on the “UPLOAD” button caused files to be transferred to the web board server and associated with the user’s post No need to upload files separately

11 Finished Post Screen The final posted message as it appears on the web Document attachment is shown as a link to the uploaded file Image file shown in the post Bottom of screen shows the form for submitting a reply or follow-up to this post

12 Email Notification – New Post Topics selected to receive email notification for (Profile Editor) Text of the new post, who made it, and when Also instructions for how to reply by email Your email reply gets posted to the board just like it would if you made a new post through the software Look for additional instructions on how to use this feature

13 Conclusion New software and web site ready to be used Need to work on additional instruction sheets Need to move to a faster web server NeSSI Component List is becoming populated Major manufacturers already signed up and starting to supply content Need to get smaller suppliers to do the same Need to get user community to register and start using it Expect Email announcements soon

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