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1 Presentation 15 WOOD UPON WHICH BUILDING. 2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this meeting, student will expected to be able to : Student earn building.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presentation 15 WOOD UPON WHICH BUILDING. 2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this meeting, student will expected to be able to : Student earn building."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presentation 15 WOOD UPON WHICH BUILDING

2 2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this meeting, student will expected to be able to : Student earn building component in the form of wood.

3 3 Items 1: Source of Nature. Items 2: Nature of Wood. Items 3: Joining. Items 4: Type Joining.

4 4 WOOD UPON WHICH BUILDING. Source of nature. Indonesia represent state producer of many wood, goodness sum up and also kinds of its type ( about 4000 more wood type), so that got easy wood and cheap relative its price. Therefore usage of wood for the construction of building evaluated from economic facet of him very beneficial. Wood represent natural construction material, its meaning can be obtained by nature without having to processed in factory.

5 5 Part of a tree used for the construction of building is from part of bar the core important able to be formed in so many size measure, can in the form of log. That is bar in form of is foursquare or square, or form become flimsy sheet so-called board. Part of branch and stick thrown or used as firewood. These days wood start processed many factory to be made free flimsy sheet, which is usually recognized with : triplek, teakwood, jakarwood, etc.

6 6 Nature of wood Nature of profiting : Easy to got and cheap relative. Easy to done without heavy equipments or special for example is easy to cut, to be attenuated, to be made hole, to be carved or jointed as construction. Its for respecting to experience of so that often its fibers expose as room decoration, for example teak. Hot insulation, so that house which using many wood materials will felt more cold is / balmy. Hold up chemical like salt or acid.

7 7 Electrics insulation. Light weight ( losing weight it self building), so that economize foundation size measure. All purpose its meaning can wear as building construction, or as room decoration or as a means of assist activity whereas like for the bekisting, bouwplank, etc Its secondhand sometime admit of to be re- used, for example unloading easel especially teak admit of to be weared for furniture.

8 8 Nature of Harming : Flammable. Strength and durabel very is base on its tree age and type Quickly destroy by natural influence. Alterable its for, dwindling or depended big contained water rate. Its strength not uniform, although from same birch, caused the existence of wood handicap.

9 9 Wood Dimension In commerce of wood generally have certain size, that is: Balk : in form of is foursquare 6/12, 6/15, 8/12, 8/15, 10/10, 12/12. Board : in the form of flimsy sheet : 2/20, 3/20, 3/25. Louvre : board to make door leaf : 3/10, 3/12. Kaso : small balk size measure 4/6, 5/7. Reng : small wood size measure 2/3. Plepet : small wood size measure 1/3, 1/5 for klem read or plafond list.

10 10 Wood length which met many in commerce is 4 m, while long 5 m admit of to be met but its costlier price usually.

11 11 WOOD JOINING Continued wood one with other to obtain;get required length or to form an construction construct bar. Extension at one particular building construction, good the construction is made from concrete, steel and or wood represent weak dot at construction. Therefore in making extension have to pay attention extension size measure conditions and laboring styles at extension.

12 12 Styles which must be gave attention to extension is : 1.Attractive force : extension have to relating each other in order not to easy to release. 2.Urgent style : surface of extension have to [is] patching each other meeting. of Puntir ( torsi ) : extension have to each other in order not to easy to free terjungkit. 4.Transversal style and momen : transversal style will cause extension [is] shifting each other, momen will cause flexing, hence extension have to be stiff and strong.

13 13 12 34

14 14 To get strong and durabel extension, hence way of extension menerjakan have to pay attention the followings: Wood to be jointed have to represent couple which snugly, its meaning may not too diffuse ( will easy to escape or shift ) as well as may not too boisterous ( if forced there will be part of damage / break )

15 15 Way of doing extension may not destroy its wood ( may not be beated direct but have to give pad, wrong drill will happened useless hole and this hole can represent early decay, wrong saw will lessen wide surface ) Around extension giving materials anti water so that water do not easy to step into extension gap. Extension labored so that seen from outside, to facilitate repair and control.

16 16 Kinds Wood Extention Extension up at length. This extension get required length. Pillar Balk

17 17 Corner Extension This extension consist of some bar which its position not one straight line, for example at construction construct

18 18 Extension breadth ways. This extension is weared to joint boards in width direction to get expanse area, for example for board dance or insulator wall.

19 19 Extension compile. This extension consist of some compiled goods become one unity, get highly ( h ) and big inertia. Extension better compile at the most three bole. This extension usually use bolt and dowel. Launching to fight against style shift to be bar formation not shift, bolt to unite bar formation in order not to release.

20 20 Extension with breach-block. Extension with breach- block made if one extension dot there is more than two bole.

21 21 Extension with breach-block also meant to obtain;get big inertia and strength to fight against transversal style and momen. Extension with breach-block require continued appliance generally weared bolt.

22 22 Extension with breach-block can be executed as follows: Breach-Block to the : When desired side under flattening or there is other bar come from direction to the. Breach-Block under : When desired side to the flattening or there is other bar come from direction under. Breach-Block upper and lower : when desired extension have big inertia. Breach-Block from other side : when used breach-block from other side, hence breach-block bar have to consist of two put down bar is right and is left the than bar to be jointed.

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