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Class 18 Team Meeting (at regular class time) Team President will arrange the location Team Secretary will take attendance Everyone MUST attend!

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Presentation on theme: "Class 18 Team Meeting (at regular class time) Team President will arrange the location Team Secretary will take attendance Everyone MUST attend!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 18 Team Meeting (at regular class time) Team President will arrange the location Team Secretary will take attendance Everyone MUST attend!

2 This is a very important meeting! Meeting Agenda: MOST IMPORTANT! Discuss which companies each student has selected to analyze. TWO STUDENTS in the same group MAY NOT select the same company Discuss progress on Semester Project Complete “Cultural Exercise” and Team President is to give it to his/her professor Group secretary is to record minutes of meeting including who attended and who was absent and submit the report to his/her professor

3 This counts as a class! Meeting should last at least the length of a regular class. Missing this meeting will be counted as a missed class. Secretary must report the names of everyone in attendance. Click here for Team Culture exercise.Click here for Team Culture exercise

4 Assignment: Read Chapter 9: Performance Perception: Performance Perception: A Stakeholder Perspective


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