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Augustine on Marriage and Virginity 1.NT on marriage. 2.Ascetic tendencies in early Christianity. -- Sexual abstinence in the NT -- later church tradition.

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Presentation on theme: "Augustine on Marriage and Virginity 1.NT on marriage. 2.Ascetic tendencies in early Christianity. -- Sexual abstinence in the NT -- later church tradition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augustine on Marriage and Virginity 1.NT on marriage. 2.Ascetic tendencies in early Christianity. -- Sexual abstinence in the NT -- later church tradition 3.Augustine: life and work. 4.Augustine, The Good of Marriage & Holy Virginity.

2 Marriage in the NT Mk 10: 2-11 no divorce Mt 19: 3-9 no divorce, except for unchastity 1 Cor 7: 12-16 unbelieving partner may separate Eph 5: 22-33 subordination of wives to husbands; mutual love (cf. Col 3: 18-19)

3 Sexual abstinence in the NT Virginity of Christ & Mary ‘Eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven’ Mt 19: 12. Paul: ‘It is well for a man not to touch a woman.’ 1 Cor 7: 1.

4 Sexual renunciation in early Christianity Propaganda of sexual abstinence in marriage in some apocryphal writings Manicheans & some Gnostics: sexuality and reproduction are evil Monasticism Views of Jerome and Jovinian

5 Augustine timeline 354 Born in Thagaste 371 Begins his studies at Carthage 374 Becomes involved with Manicheans 384 Prof. of rhetoric in Milan 387 Baptism after long conversion 395 Ordained bishop of Hippo 413 Begins writing The City of God 418 Becomes involved in Pelagian controversy 430 Dies in Hippo Regius

6 Marriage Covenant Sacrament of love Goals: –self-giving love –Procreation Heterosexual & monogamous union

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