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員工訓練與發展 教 師:林昌榮 員工訓練與發展 Employee Training & Development Training DevelopmentEducation.

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2 員工訓練與發展 教 師:林昌榮

3 員工訓練與發展 Employee Training & Development Training DevelopmentEducation

4 員工訓練與發展 Design Effective Training (ADDIE Model)

5 員工訓練與發展 What is Needs Assessment?  It is the process used to determine if training is necessary.  Needs Assessment typically involves organizational analysis, person analysis, and task analysis.

6 員工訓練與發展 Legislation Lack of basic skills Poor performance New Technology Customer Requests New Products Higher Standards New Jobs The Process of Needs Assessment Organization Analysis + Person Analysis + Task Analysis ReasonOutcomes What trainees need to learn Who receives training Type of training Frequency of training Buy vs. build Training vs. other HR options such as selection of job redesign

7 員工訓練與發展 Organization Analysis  Company’s Strategic Direction  Resources Available  Attitudes of Managers and Peers

8 員工訓練與發展 Person Analysis  Determining whether performance deficiencies is a training problem  Identifying who needs training  Determining employees’ readiness for training (verbal, quantitative, reasoning, reading,...etc.)

9 員工訓練與發展 Task Analysis  Identifying the important tasks and knowledge, skill, and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training training for employees to complete their tasks

10 員工訓練與發展 Methods -- Observation  Generates data relevant to work environment  Minimizes interruption of work Advantages Disadvantages  Needs skilled observer  Employees’ behavior may be affected by being observed

11 員工訓練與發展 Methods -- Questionnaires  Inexpensive  Can collect data from a large number of persons  Data easily summarized  Required time  Possible low return rates, inappropriate responses  Lack details Advantages Disadvantages

12 員工訓練與發展 Methods -- Read technical manual and records  Good source of information on procedure  Objective  Good source of task information for new jobs  May be unable to understand technical language  Materials may be obsolete Advantages Disadvantages

13 員工訓練與發展 Methods -- Interview Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)  Good at uncovering details of training needs, as well as causes and solutions of problems  time-consuming  Difficult to analyze  Needs skilled interviewer Advantages Disadvantages

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