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Emergence of the Modern West The State as Sovereign.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergence of the Modern West The State as Sovereign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergence of the Modern West The State as Sovereign

2 A war of all against all Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, 1660 “Life is nasty, brutish and short”

3 I. Reformation of the Radicals, 1530s - The Democratization of Christianity

4 A. Geneva and John Calvin 1. The Institutes of the Christian Religion - Predestination: grace is free, but not always accepted

5 B. The Ghost of John Calvin 1.Problem of Predestination 2.Modern capitalism(?) 3.Theocratic Puritanism Visible Saints “Protestant Work Ethic”

6 II. Europe at War

7 A. French Civil War 1. Calvinism (Huguenots) 2. Henry (IV) of Navarre 1572 - “Paris is worth a mass” - Edict of Nantes 1598

8 B. Hapsburg Hullabaloo 1. Legacy of Charles V - Peace of Augsburg, 1555

9 2. Revolt of the Netherlands - Philip II (Spain) - Council of Blood 1566 - Spanish Fury 1576

10 3. Spanish Armada 1588 - Henry VIII Act of Supremacy 1535 - Elizabethan Age 1558-1603 - Protestantism spreads to N. America

11 C. The 30 Years War 1618-1648 1.Prelude to WWs E ngland, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, N. Germany, (France) v. HRE, Spain, Pope 2.Peace of Westphalia 1648 - sovereignty - End of the Middle Ages

12 Era of the Nation-State - Church(es) served state Modernization of government - competition / colonization / science Enlightenment and Atlantic Revolutions - LiberalismEngland 1680s America & France 1770s- 90s

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