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NMSU Library: Welcome Graduate Assistants!. What We’ll Cover Physical Library Accessing Resources Research and Teaching Support Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "NMSU Library: Welcome Graduate Assistants!. What We’ll Cover Physical Library Accessing Resources Research and Teaching Support Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 NMSU Library: Welcome Graduate Assistants!

2 What We’ll Cover Physical Library Accessing Resources Research and Teaching Support Questions

3 Physical Library: Two Buildings, One Library

4 Physical Library: Branson Hall Library Business Agriculture Sciences & Engineering Current periodicals & newspapers Media Government documents & maps Archives & Special Collections Information Desk

5 Physical Library: Zuhl Library Arts & Humanities Education Social Sciences ALL Library Reserves Copy Center Information Delivery Services / Interlibrary Loan Reference Desk & Collection

6 Physical Library: Common Services Study space Computers with access to research databases and Microsoft Office software Wireless zones for laptops Circulation/Information desks open 95 hours/week during the school year

7 Accessing Resources: Today’s Research Libraries Print –1,700,000+ volumes –5,000+ subscriptions Online –100+ research databases –10,000+ eBooks –18,000+ ejournals

8 Accessing Resources: Library Website Recall and renew materials Request materials from NMSU campuses & other libraries Access ereserves & ecoursepacks Access catalog, databases, ebooks and ejournals Make contacts and ask questions

9 Accessing Resources: Library Catalog Books, journals, etc. Many search options Recall and renew materials 120 day loan period with 2 renewals Remember document delivery!

10 Accessing Resources: Journals and other Periodicals Print and online access Alphabetical and subject searching Remember document delivery!

11 Accessing Resources: Research Databases Use NMSU Online ID Alphabetical and subject searching Remember document delivery!

12 Accessing Resources: IDS Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Use NMSU online ID No limit to number of items requested Articles delivered electronically Pick up other materials at Zuhl Circulation Desk

13 Accessing Resources: Direct borrowing from other libraries University of Texas at El Paso –Use your NMSU ID Passport Program –NM academic libraries (state supported); requires certificate from Library Circulation Desk Alliance Program –NM national laboratories (Los Alamos & Sandia); requires certificate from Library Circulation Desk

14 Research and Teaching Support We’re here to help! Research appointments with subject specialist for your discipline Extensive reference collection Reference & research support at our reference desk in Zuhl Library or by phone, email, IM)

15 Research and Teaching Support Teaching resources Custom guides and research sessions for your students Electronic reserves and electronic coursepacks Plagiarism website: Citation guides

16 We look forward to working with you! Website: http://lib.nmsu.edu Phone: 505-646-2932 (general) or 505-646-5792 (reference) IM: asknmsulib

17 Questions?

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