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Mahjong Game Server Clients. Mahjong Game Server Clients.

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Presentation on theme: "Mahjong Game Server Clients. Mahjong Game Server Clients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mahjong Game Server Clients

2 Mahjong Game Server Clients

3 Mahjong Game  Good design will pay off in the long run Item  Identify appropriate classes and interfaces

4 Mahjong Game  Design a communication protocol Server Clients JOIN, PlayerName

5 Mahjong Game  Design a communication protocol Server Clients PLAYER_JOINED, PlayerName

6 Mahjong Game  Design a communication protocol Server Clients READY

7 Mahjong Game  Design a communication protocol Server Clients TILE_SET, … … …

8 Mahjong Game  Design a communication protocol Server Clients GUESS, 9, 2

9 Mahjong Game  Good design will pay off in the long run Item  Identify appropriate classes and interfaces  Design a communication protocol Server Clients SCORE, +1

10 Mahjong Game  Design a communication protocol Server Clients NEW_TILES, 8, 3

11  Design communication protocol – packets of data of agreed upon format  Join Request: Mahjong Game JOINPlayerName

12  Design communication protocol – packets of data of agreed upon format  Join Request:  Ready Request: Mahjong Game JOINPlayerName READY

13  Design communication protocol – packets of data of agreed upon format  Join Request:  Ready Request:  Player Joined: Mahjong Game JOINPlayerName READY PLAYER_JOINEDPlayerName

14  Design communication protocol – packets of data of agreed upon format  Join Request:  Ready Request:  Player Joined:  Player Guess: Mahjong Game JOINPlayerName READY PLAYER_JOINEDPlayerName GuessTile 1Tile 2

15  Design communication protocol – packets of data of agreed upon format  Join Request:  Ready Request:  Player Joined:  Player Guess:  Replace Tiles: Mahjong Game JOINPlayerName READY PLAYER_JOINEDPlayerName GuessTile 1Tile 2 REPLACEOld Tile 1New Tile 1Old Tile 2New Tile 2

16  Design communication protocol – packets of data of agreed upon format  Join Request:  Ready Request:  Player Joined:  Player Guess:  Replace Tiles:  Initial Tiles: Mahjong Game JOINPlayerName READY PLAYER_JOINEDPlayerName GuessTile 1Tile 2 REPLACEOld Tile 1New Tile 1Old Tile 2New Tile 2 TILESCountTile 1Tile 2Tile N

17  Design communication protocol – packets of data of agreed upon format  Join Request:  Ready Request:  Player Joined:  Player Guess:  Replace Tiles:  Initial Tiles:  Update Score: Mahjong Game JOINPlayerName READY PLAYER_JOINEDPlayerName GuessTile 1Tile 2 REPLACEOld Tile 1New Tile 1Old Tile 2New Tile 2 TILESCountTile 1Tile 2Tile N UPDATE_SCOREAmount

18  Design communication protocol – packets of data of agreed upon format  Join Request:  Ready Request:  Player Joined:  Player Guess:  Replace Tiles:  Initial Tiles:  Update Score: Mahjong Game JOINPlayerName READY PLAYER_JOINEDPlayerName GuessTile 1Tile 2 REPLACEOld Tile 1New Tile 1Old Tile 2New Tile 2 TILESCountTile 1Tile 2Tile N UPDATE_SCOREAmount

19  Server listening thread while (...) { int action = input.readInt(); if (action == JOIN) { processPlayerJoin(); // <-- read rest of data } else if (action == READY) { processPlayerReady(); // <-- read rest of data } else if (action == GUESS) { processPlayerGuess(); // <-- read rest of data } Mahjong Game

20  Client listening thread (similar structure as server) while (...) { int action = input.readInt(); if (action == REPLACE) { processReplaceTiles(); // <-- read rest of data } else if (action == TILES) { processTileSet(); // <-- read rest of data } else if (action == UPDATE_SCORE) { processUpdateScore(); // <-- read rest of data } Mahjong Game

21  Class design Mahjong Game players SERVER round tiles

22  Class design (server side) Mahjong Game players SERVER round tiles PLAYER name score socket connection input channel output channel

23  Class design (client side) Mahjong Game user interface widgets MIDLET (main app) round TILES CANVAS name score displayed tiles selected tiles TILE selected image ulx, uly

24  Class design (client side) Mahjong Game SOCKET IO (Thread) input steam (reads in run method) output steam (writes as needed)

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