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Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS High Luminosity Spectrometer for PVDIS in JLab Hall A Rutgers town meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS High Luminosity Spectrometer for PVDIS in JLab Hall A Rutgers town meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS High Luminosity Spectrometer for PVDIS in JLab Hall A Rutgers town meeting

2 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS PVDIS and Hadronic Structure Higher Twist See quark-quark Correlation In higher twist 2 H and Charge Symmetry Measure d/u For 1 H For PVDIS Need multiple sub-% A PV measurements at numerous x-Q 2 bins No nuclear Correction

3 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS High acceptance/ high luminosity Spectrometer for Hall A at JLab Price~$10M xyQ2Q2 pd Higher twist YesNoYesX CSVYes?No X d/uYesNo X SM TestNoYesNoX Projected fractional APV errors in % 60 days ea. 8.8 and 11 GeV Kinematic coverage

4 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS Backups

5 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS Observables in Asymmetries for PV e - DIS f i (x) are quark distribution functions For an isoscalar target like 2 H, structure functions largely cancel in the ratio: e-e- N X e-e- Z*Z* ** Especially for x>0.5 or so A PV becomes independent of x, Q 2, W, and depends only on y (2C 2u -C 2d )/(2C 1u -C 1d )=0.136

6 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS Untangle Many Topics in Hadronic and Electroweak Physics xyQ2Q2 pd Higher twist YesNoYesX CSVYes?No X d/uYesNo X SM TestNoYesNoX Higher Twist See quark-quark correlation Need many points with <0.5% precision

7 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS Charge Symmetry Violation in PV DIS u-d mass difference electromagnetic effects Direct observation of parton-level CSV would be very exciting! Important implications for high energy collider pdfs Could explain significant portion of the NuTeV anomaly For A PV in e - - 2 H DIS: (δA PV =0 without CSV) If not, we need to define new structure functions:

8 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS High acceptance/ high luminosity Spectrometer forHall A at JLab CDF or BaBar Solenoid? Price~$10M

9 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS PV for e - -Nucleon Has Four Couplings C 1 ’s are large and precisely measured (key to measuring hadronic structure) C 2 ’s are small but poorly measured (almost virgin territory for Standard Model test)

10 Jan 12, 2007 Spectrometer for PVDIS Kinematic acceptance θ>35 o Θ<20 o W>2 Large angles required for large x Good resolution needed to maintain integrity of the bins

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