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Created By: Brent Strickland, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Questions developed by Brian Luckey, University of Idaho Extension and Carolyn.

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Presentation on theme: "Created By: Brent Strickland, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Questions developed by Brian Luckey, University of Idaho Extension and Carolyn."— Presentation transcript:


2 Created By: Brent Strickland, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Questions developed by Brian Luckey, University of Idaho Extension and Carolyn Ashton, Oregon State University Extension Special Thanks to Matt Hamlyn for permission to use the game board frame







9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 Personal Readiness complete the phrase Is proud of one’s own i-------, and encourages others to do the same.

11 1-100A 1 - 100 Identity 1

12 1-200 Dimensions of Diversity Name three of the five Primary Dimensions of Diversity (more permanent).

13 1-200A 1 - 100 1. Race/Ethnicity 2.Gender & Sexual Orientation 3. Age 4.Physical Differences & Abilities 5. Learning Differences & Ablities 2

14 1-300 Dimensions of Diversity Name three of the five secondary Dimensions of Diversity (easier to change).

15 1-300A 1 - 100 3 1.Religion and Belief Systems 2.Socioeconomic Status 3.Family Structure 4.Language 5.Geographic (urban, rural, suburban)

16 Personal Readiness Complete the phrase: Exhibits s--- a-------- including one’s cultural/social identities, assumptions, values, norms, biases, preferences, and how they shape one’s worldview.

17 1-400A 1 - 100 Self Awareness 4

18 1-500 Personal Readiness What is a common term for seeking out and exploring commonalities and differences beyond one’s own race/ethnicity, gender, religion, etc.?

19 1-500A 1 - 100 Expanding one’s comfort zone 5

20 2-100 1 - 100 Values, Norms & Practices Complete the phrase: Understands d-------- values, norms, practices & traditions

21 2-100A 1 - 100 Differing 1

22 2-200 Values, Norms & Practices True or False? Body language and verbal expressions are universally understood.

23 2-200A 1 - 100 False 2

24 2-300 Pluarlistic Thinking Complete the phrase: Recognizes the validity of multiple p-----------

25 2-300A 1 - 100 Perpectives 3

26 2-400 Power, Privilege & Policy Complete the phrase: Understands the effects of differences in historical power & privilege, including i------------ privilege & internalized o---------

27 2-400A 1 - 100 Institutional & Oppression 4

28 2-500 Power, Privilege & Policy True or False? Historical events have no effect on present day behavior towards diverse groups

29 2-500A 1 - 100 False 5

30 3-100 1 - 100 Open Attitude Interrupting oppressive behavior helps to preserve what?

31 3-100A 1 - 100 The dignity of all people 1

32 3-200 Open Attitude When addressing conflict in a cross-cultural setting, it’s important to take what into consideration?

33 3-200A 1 - 100 Communication Style Differences (e.g., direct vs. indirect, linear vs. circular, and low context vs. high context 2

34 3-300 Speaking Consciously True or False? It is possible to disagree respectfully.

35 3-300A 1 - 100 True 3

36 3-400 Active Listening Complete the phrase: Provides feedback in order to check for m----- u------------

37 3-400A 1 - 100 Mutual understanding 4

38 3-500 Open Attitude In a cross-cultural interaction, it is important to reserve this.

39 3-500A 1 - 100 Judgment 5

40 4-100 1 - 100 Needs Assessment When conducting needs assessment, it is important to involve what in the entire process?

41 4-100A 1 - 100 Community 1

42 4-200 Program Design True or false? When creating program design, it is important to use applications and activities appropriate for the learner’s needs.

43 4-200A 1 - 100 True 2

44 4-300 Program Implementation Complete the phrase: Involve leaders in p----- -- in learning

45 4-300A 1 - 100 Partners 3

46 4-400 Collaboration With whom is it important to collaborate in order to create relevant programming?

47 4-400A 1 - 100 Community-based individuals and grass-roots organizations 4

48 4-500 Needs Assessment True or False? Data and statistics are the only input that should be considered when conducting a needs assessment.

49 4-500A 1 - 100 False 5

50 5-100 1 - 100 Policies & Procedures Complete the phrase: Fosters an i-------- work environment where human differences & similarities are welcomed, valued & utilized at all levels.

51 5-100A 1 - 100 Inclusive 1

52 5-200 Staffing and Staff Development Complete the phrase: Provides t-------, r-------- & s------ for faculty & staff at all levels

53 5-200A 1 - 100 Training, Resources & Support 2

54 5-300 Community Outreach True or False? Placing a person of a particular race/ethnicity on an advisory committee will give sufficient input from diverse communities.

55 5-300A 1 - 100 5-300A False 3

56 5-400 Policies & Procedures True or False? A homogeneous volunteer force attracts diverse audiences.

57 5-400A 1 - 100 False 4

58 5-500 Community Outreach In order to achieve community outreach, it is important to forge constructive alliances with who?

59 5-500A 1 - 100 Local, grassroots community-based organizations 5

60 6-100 1 - 100 These organizations were the forerunner of the 4-H program today.

61 6-100A 1 - 100 Boys Corn and Girls Canning Clubs 1

62 6-200 The National 4-H Center is located here.

63 6-200A 1 - 100 Chevy Chase, Maryland 2

64 6-300 The first U.S. President to serve as honorary chairman of the 4-H National Committee.

65 6-300A 1 - 100 Calvin Coolidge 3

66 6-400 Use of the 4-H name and emblem is governed by this.

67 6-400A 1 - 100 Congressional Action 4

68 6-500 This is the National 4-H club slogan.

69 6-500A 1 - 100 “Learn by doing” 5

70 The category is Stakeholders Write down how much you want to wager.

71 In 2001, over 640,000 individuals were volunteer 4-H leaders. This is approximately the total monetary value placed on their time, mileage and out- of-pocket expenses.

72 Over $2 billion

73 How much do you want to wager?

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