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1.What is the shape of the Universe? 2.How do galaxies evolve? 3.How do stars and planetary systems form and interact? 4.How did the Universe build up.

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Presentation on theme: "1.What is the shape of the Universe? 2.How do galaxies evolve? 3.How do stars and planetary systems form and interact? 4.How did the Universe build up."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.What is the shape of the Universe? 2.How do galaxies evolve? 3.How do stars and planetary systems form and interact? 4.How did the Universe build up it present elemental/chemical composition? 5.What is dark matter? The James Webb Space Telescope will address the following questions:



4 INS Division JWST Training Series, Detectors - Don Figer 410/24/2002 Detectors are at the heart of all astronomical observations and are important for JWST

5 INS Division JWST Training Series, Detectors - Don Figer 510/24/2002 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 0.1110 Wavelength [  m] Signal [e-/sec/pix] Zodiacal Light Sunshield JWST requirement JWST goal R=5 R=1000 Detectors Are Important for JWST

6 INS Division JWST Training Series, Detectors - Don Figer 610/24/2002 JWST Detectors ~80 megapixels of flight- qualified detectors!!! (~10 times all detectors on all telescopes today) HST HST/NICMOS (all astronomical infrared detectors in space today!)

7 INS Division JWST Training Series, Detectors - Don Figer 710/24/2002 IR Arrays are “Hybrid” Sensors lPN junctions are “bump bonded” to a silicon readout multiplexer (MUX). lSilicon technology is more advanced than other semiconductor electronics technology. lThe “bump bonds” are made of indium. from: Bernard J. Rauscher, in “Detectors,” STScI Course on Infrared Instrumentation & Observing Techniques, 2000

8 INS Division JWST Training Series, Detectors - Don Figer 810/24/2002 NIRCam will use detectors from: Rockwell Scientific Company (RSC)/U Hawaii ~$500K per array! 2"

9 INS Division JWST Training Series, Detectors - Don Figer 910/24/2002 STScI Detector Test System Controller Electronics Vacuum Hose He Lines Entrance Window Dewar

10 INS Division JWST Training Series, Detectors - Don Figer 1010/24/2002 IDTL Detector Handling

11 INS Division JWST Training Series, Detectors - Don Figer 1110/24/2002 IDTL Personnel

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