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Trying New Things. Trying new things is a skill in life that will allow you to grow and become the best possible you! Trying New Things.

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Presentation on theme: "Trying New Things. Trying new things is a skill in life that will allow you to grow and become the best possible you! Trying New Things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trying New Things

2 Trying new things is a skill in life that will allow you to grow and become the best possible you! Trying New Things

3 One of the best ways to practice trying something new is to put your hands together so one thumb is on top of the other and… Change Your Thumbs

4 What does it feel like to change your thumbs ? Change your thumbs

5 What do you think it feels like to try something new ? Try new things

6 Every chance you can you should change your thumbs, and try something new… “You never know what you can do until you try!!”

7 I am courageous! I allow myself to grow! I enjoy trying new things! I like to become better!

8 Everyday and everyway I am getting better and better!

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