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S. Kraml (CERN) 1-3 Dec 2006 The Quest for SUSY : issues for collider physics and cosmology
Supersymmetry (SUSY) is the leading candidate for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Symmetry between fermions and bosons Q |fermion> = |boson> unique extension of relativistic symmetries of space-time! This combines the relativistic “external” symmetries (such as Lorentz invariance) with the “internal” symmetries such as weak isospin.
recall Arkani-Hamed‘s comments on the unification of space and time...
... predicts a partner particle for every SM state ________________________________________________________ The motivations for TeV-scale SUSY include the solution of the gauge hierachy problem the cancellation of quadratic divergences gauge coupling unification a viable dark matter candidate ________________________________________________________
The search for SUSY is hence one of the primary objectives of the CERN Large Hadron Colider and a future int. e + e _ linear collider!
This talk 1. SM problems and SUSY cures Naturalness and hierachy problems Gauge coupling unification 2. The minimal supersymmetric standard model Particle spectrum Collider searches: LHC, ILC 3. The cosmology connection Dark matter EW phase transition and baryon asymmetry
SM problems and SUSY cures
The hierachy and naturalness problems To break the electroweak symmetry and give masses to the SM particles, some scalar field must acquire a non-zero VEV. In the SM, this field is elementary, leading to an elementary scalar `Higgs' boson of mass m H. However, where is the scale (=cut-off) up to which the theory is valid.
These large corrections to the SM Higgs boson mass, which should be m H =O(m W ), raise problems at two levels: to arrange for m H to be many orders smaller than other fundamental mass scales, such as the GUT or the Planck scale ― the hierarchy problem, to avoid corrections m H 2 which are much larger than m H 2 itself ― the naturalness problem.
The supersymmetric solution XXX
A light Higgs XXXX c.f. talk by W. Hollik
2 fit of the Higgs boson mass from EW precision data as of Summer 2006
Heavy top effect, drives m H 2 < 0 Radiative electroweak symmetry breaking EW scale GUT scale
Grand unification. GUTs attempt to embed the SM gauge group SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) into a larger simple group G with only one single gauge coupling constant g. Moreover, the matter particles (quarks leptons) should be combined into common multiplet representations of G. Prediction: Unification of the strong, weak and electro- magnetic interactions into one single force g at M X. NB: If M X is too low → problems with proton decay
1-loop renormalization group evolution of gauge couplings: SM: MSSM:
One can also re-write this as
XX Can also be turned into a prediction of the weak mixing angle.....
Minimal supersymmetric model MSSM = minimal supersymmetric standard model SM particles spin Superpartners spin quarks 1/2 squarks 0 leptons 1/2 sleptons 0 gauge bosons 1 gauginos 1/2 Higgs bosons 0 higgsinos 1/2 gauginos + higgsinos mix to 2 charginos + 4 neutralinos 2 Higgs doublets → 5 physical Higgs bosons: neutral states: scalar h, H; pseudoscalar A charged states: H +, H - Lightest neutralino = LSP 1 superpartner for each d.o.f.: q L,R and l L,R L-R mixing ~Yukawas ~ ~
Heavy top effect, drives m H 2 < 0 Minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) charginos, neutralinos, sleptons gluinos, squarks Universal boundary conditions @ GUT scale univ. gaugino mass univ. scalar mass
Recall: Light Higgs XXXX c.f. talk by W. Hollik
R parity: symmetry under which SM particles are even _ and SUSY particles are odd If R parity is conserved SUSY particles can only be produced in pairs Sparticles always decay to an odd number of sparticles the lightest SUSY particle (LSP) is stable any SUSY decay chain ends in the LSP, which is a dark matter candidate
The scale of SUSY breaking
Goldstino and Gravitino
Gravitino mass
SUSY @ colliders
Large Hadron Collider New accelerator currently built at CERN, scheduled to go in operation in 2007 pp collisions at 14 TeV Searches for Higgs and new physics beyond the Standard Model „discovery machine“, typ. precisions O(few%)
SUSY searches at LHC
Events for 10 fb -1 signal background Tevatron reach E T (j 1 ) > 80 GeV E T miss > 80 GeV signal Events for 10 fb -1 background ATLAS From M eff peak first/fast measurement of SUSY mass scale to 20% (10 fb -1, mSUGRA) Spectacular and large signal Caution: also other BSM models lead to missing energy signature → need spin determination
Compare with Higgs search c.f. talk by G. Dissertori
Mass measurements: cascade decays Mass reconstruction through kinematic endpoints [ATLAS, G. Polesello] [Allanach et al., hep-ph/0007009] Typical precisions: (a) few %
International Linear Collider e+e- collisions at 0.5-1 TeV Tunable beam energy and polarization Clean experimental env. Precision measurements of O(0.1%), c.f. LEP Global initiative, next big accelerator after LHC?
ILC: Precision measurements with tunable beam energy and polarization [TESLA TDR]can reach O(0.1%) precision see talk by H.-U. Martyn
High-scale parameter determination c.f. talk by W. Porod
Higgs? SUSY? 1 GeV ~ 1.3 * 10 13 K The cosmology connection dark matter dark energy baryon asymmetry inflation....
What is the Universe made of? Cosmological data: 4% ±0.4% baryonic matter 23% ±4% dark matter 73% ±4% dark energy Particle physics: SM is incomplete; expect new physics at the TeV scale Hope that this new physics also provides the dark matter Discovery at LHC, precision measurements at ILC ?
WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) DM should be stable, electrically neutral, weakly and gravitationally interacting WIMPs are predicted by most theories beyond the Standard Model (BSM) Stable as result of discrete symmetries Thermal relic of the Big Bang Testable at colliders! Neutralino, gravitino, axion, axino, LKP, T-odd Little Higgs, branons, etc.,... BSM dark matter
Relic density of WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) (1) Early Universe dense and hot; WIMPs in thermal equilibrium (2) Universe expands and cools; WIMP density is reduced through pair annihilation; Boltzmann suppression: n~e -m/T (3) Temperature and density too low for WIMP annihilation to keep up with expansion rate → freeze out Final dark matter density: h 2 ~ 1/ Thermally avaraged cross section of all annihilation channels
Neutralino LSP as dark matter candidate
Neutralino system Neutralino mass eigenstates Gaugino m´s Higgsino mass → LSP
Neutralino relic density h 2 = 0.1 with 10% acc. puts strong bounds on the parameter space LSP as thermal relic: relic density computed as thermally avaraged cross section of all annihilation channels → h 2 ~ 1/
Annihilation into gauge bosons → WW / ZZ mainly through t-channel chargino / neutralino exchange; typically also some annihilation into Zh, hh Does not occur for pure bino; LSP needs to be mixed bino-higgsino (or bino-wino) Pure wino or higgsino LSP: neutral and charged states are a mass-degenerate triplet, (co)annihilation too efficient Right relic density for ( -M 1 )/M 1 ~ 0.3, (M 2 -M 1 )/M 1 ~ 0.1 [hep-ph/0604150]
Coannihilations Occur for small mass differences between LSP and next-to-lightest sparticle(s); efficient channel for a bino-like LSP Typical case: coann. with staus Key parameter is the mass difference = m NLSP −m LSP Other possibilities: Coannihilation with stops ( ~20-30GeV), coann. with chargino and the 2nd neutralino (in non-unified models)
mSUGRA parameter space GUT-scale boundary conditions: m 0, m 1/2, A 0 [plus tan , sgn( )] 4 regions with right h 2 bulk (excl. by m h from LEP) co-annihilation Higgs funnel (tan ~ 50) focus point (higgsino scenario)
Prediction of h 2 from colliders: Requires precise measurements of LSP mass and decomposition bino, wino, higgsino admixture Sfermion masses (bulk, coannhilation) or at least lower limits on them Higgs masses and widths: h,H,A tan Required precisions investigated in, e.g. Allanach et al, hep-ph/0410091 and Baltz et al., hep-ph/0602187 c.f. talks by H.U. Martyn & B. Allanach NB: determination of also gives a prediction of the (in)direct detection rates
For a precise prediction of h 2 we need precision measurements of most of the SUSY spectrum (masses and couplings) → LHC+ILC ← WMAP LHC ILC
Recall: If m 3/2 > m LSP, the gravitino does not play any role in collider phenomenology However, it is possible that the gravitino is the LSP Phenomenology as before, BUT all SUSY particles will cascade decay to the next-to-lightest sparticle (NLSP), which then decays to the gravitino LSP. Note 1: the NLSP may be charged Note 2: since the couplings to the gravitino are very weak, the NLSP can moreover be long-lived → Gravitino as dark matter candidate → Collider pheno characterized by the nature and lifetime of the NLSP
Implications from cosmology The most popular model for explaining the apparent baryon asymmetry of the Universe is LEPTOGENESIS → out-of-equilibrium decays of heavy singlet neutrinos Leptogenesis requires a reheating temperature T R > 10 9 GeV At high T R an unstable G is severely constrained by BBN ► Leptogenesis is OK if the gravitino is the LSP [Buchmüller et al] ~
Gravitino dark matter Neutralino NLSP is excluded by BBN Best studied alternative: stau NLSP Need to confirm spin-3/2 [L. Covi et al] c.f. talk by H.-U. Martyn
instead of conclusions...
„Since its discovery some ten years ago, supersymmetry has fascinated many physicists“ Hans-Peter Nilles, Phys. Rept. 110 (1984)
„The discovery of supersymmetry is tantamount to the discovery of quantum dimensions of space-time“ David Gross, CERN Colloq., 2004
whether or not it is SUSY.... The exploration of the TEV energy scale at the LHC and a future ILC will lead to fundamental new insights on physics at both the smallest and the largest scales.
PS: SUSY phenomenology is extremly rich, and this talk could only scratch on the surface. SUSY at this meeting: MSSM predictions W. Hollik Charginos at the ILC T. Robens Parameter determination H.-U. Martyn, W. Porod SUSY CP violation T. Kernreiter, K. Rolbiecki Neutrino masses F. Deppisch SUSY breaking N. Uekusa SUSY dark matter A. Provenza, B. Allanach
Assume we have found SUSY with a neutralino LSP and made very precise measurements of all relevant parameters: What if the inferred h 2 is too high?
Solution 1: Dark matter is superWIMP e.g. gravitino or axino
Solution 2: R-parity is violated after all RPV on long time scales Late decays of neutralino LSP reduce the number density; actual CDM is something else Very hard to test at colliders Astrophysics constraints?
Our picture of dark matter as a thermal relic from the big bang may be to simple Universe after Inflation radiation dominated? Non-thermal production? Assumptions in WMAP data ↔ h 2 ? Solution 3: Cosmological assumptions are wrong
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