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Post-Structuralism: Deconstruction Examples & Some Key Concepts.

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2 Post-Structuralism: Deconstruction Examples & Some Key Concepts

3 Writing and Différance Two chains of signification: 2. Re-contextualization; traces kept. e.g. 1. Pharmakon: 1). poison, 2). Pharmacy 2. Creole: 1). Native, local, ” pure ” ; 2). Native-born whites; 3). Hybrid 3. 《悲情城市》中的 〈幌馬車之歌〉 ; 《好男好 女》 ︰ 1937 蔣碧玉認識鍾浩東﹐ 1940 赴大陸. - 1949 被捕﹐- 1950 年十月十四日鍾浩東被殺﹐ 臨刑前〈幌馬車之歌〉響起.

4 幌馬車之歌 黃昏的時候, 在樹葉散落的馬路上, 目送你的馬車, 在馬路上幌來幌去 地消失在遙遠的彼方。 在充滿回憶的小山上, 遙望故國的天 空, 憶起在夢中消逝的一年, 淚水忍 不住流了下來。 馬車的聲音, 令人懷念, 去年送走你 的馬車, 竟成永別。

5 Writing and Différance (2) 1. Writing as Différance and the endless play of signs. Différance: 1.To differ; A sign is defined by its binary opposition to another sign. 2. To defer. The signifier (black) that is distinguished from the other one (white) is not completely erased; it is only deferred, bracketed. Black. It can subvert the fixed meaning of the sign.

6 Writing and Différance The chain of signification: Signifier 1 (rose) Signified 1 (flower) Signified 2 (love) Signified 2 (rose=love) Signified 3 (rose= woman in love)

7 The other Americans Other Skin colors Other Racial Features What they did Writing and Différance: an Example 1. Signifier Signified 2 Signified 3 Asian PeopleYellow Exotic (Evil or Weak) White Americans White Innocence White Man’s Burden Manifest Destiny God

8 Writing and Différance 1. Writing as a system of difference, or of Différance. * While structualists had treated binary oppositions as stable terms in a formal structure, Derrida sees them as organized in unstable disequilibrium.  because of the presence/absence of tracestraces

9 “Spacing”-- Movement from one Signifier to another -- spacing: Meaning changed when the context is further revealed. --The traces of the old meanings are both present and absent.

10 Questions 1.What is Transcendental Signified? 2.What is presence? 3.What the first step of deconstruction? 1.(Textbook: p. 124) source of meaning and center of existence. e.g. being, unity, truth, the good, reason, progress, identity, continuity, meaning, subjectivity, authenticity, etc.

11 Questions & Answers 2.What is presence? 3.What the first step of deconstruction? 2. (p. 126) Opposite to absence; presence of god, of meaning, essence, etc.; implies fixed and domineering presence. 3. Reverse the “hierarchical” binary of presence/absence, speech/writing, and allow the latters to supplement the formers. (examples later.)

12 Critique of Metaphysics: logocentrism, phonocentrism, phallogocentrism Traditional binaries are hierarchical. Should be reversed. Logocentrism: Logo as center, source, or founding presence of knowledge and human beings. Phonocentrism: In the speech/writing binary, speech is supposed to signal presence of the speaker. Phallogocentrism: Man/Woman= sun/moon, reason/emotion, Subject/Object, etc.

13 Deconstruction: practices 1.(p. 131) 1. Open texts  A text that deconstructs its unity or author. 2.2. Reverse the text’s binaries or expose its undecidability or multiple meanings (131); 3.Study the process of signification of a sign or a text and find out what it tries to erase. 4.Find where the text differs from itself. (critical difference  ambiguity and undecidability) 5.Radical contextualization  to find out its intertextual references and thus undecidability of meanings.

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