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Bank Location Analysis. Identifying Most Profitable Locations for New Bank Branches Identifying Important Variables Correlations of potential variables.

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Presentation on theme: "Bank Location Analysis. Identifying Most Profitable Locations for New Bank Branches Identifying Important Variables Correlations of potential variables."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bank Location Analysis

2 Identifying Most Profitable Locations for New Bank Branches Identifying Important Variables Correlations of potential variables Mapping Existing Banks ESDA Suitability Analysis Trend analysis (Inverse Distance Weighted) Combined Suitability Analysis Further Investigation

3 Correlations Pearson Correlations Tract Deposits # of Banks Per Capita Income Total Populati on (nh) White% (nh) White Aggrega te income % Black & HispanicDensity Tract Deposits 1.777(**).126(**).073(**).189(**).130(**).200(**)-.191(**)-.047(*) # of Banks.777(**)1.144(**).114(**).243(**).170(**).239(**)-.253(**)-.078(**) Percapita Income.126(**).144(**)1-.127(**).585(**).747(**).766(**)-.698(**)-.373(**) Total Population.073(**).114(**)-.127(**)1.340(**)-.109(**).394(**).088(**).150(**) (Nh) White.189(**).243(**).585(**).340(**)1.835(**).814(**)-.758(**)-.292(**) % (nh) White.130(**).170(**).747(**)-.109(**).835(**)1.646(**)-.893(**)-.419(**) Agg Income.200(**).239(**).766(**).394(**).814(**).646(**)1-.617(**)-.273(**) % Black & Hispanic -.191(**)-.253(**)-.698(**).088(**)-.758(**)-.893(**)-.617(**)1.389(**) Density -.047(*)-.078(**)-.373(**).150(**)-.292(**)-.419(**)-.273(**).389(**)1 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).









12 Further Research Commercial Zoning and IDW Suitability Business money flows Expansion to entire SCAG region

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