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UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 1 UCSB in CMS.

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Presentation on theme: "UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 1 UCSB in CMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 1 UCSB in CMS

2 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 2 CMS Experiment at CERN Most Ambitious Elements: EM Calorimetry & Tracking To a large extent, the Higgs drives the design of the LHC detectors. Nevertheless, other physics of interest require similar capabilities

3 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 3 The Physics Key point is that CMS will enter a new domain Definitive evidence of MSSM or rule it out Discover the Higgs or rule it out Or… Large Extra Dimensions, Black holes … Something unforeseen? Nothing new? No matter what we find, the implications will be profound The LHC is the Michelson-Morley experiment of the 21 st century

4 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 4 CMS Tracker 5.4 m End Caps (TEC 1&2) 2,4 m Inner Barrel & Disks (TIB & TID) Pixels Outer Barrel (TOB) volume 24.4 m 3 running temperature – 10 0 C 10 Million Si Strips! 26 Million Wire connections!

5 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 5 US Responsibility 5.4 m 2.4 m Outer Barrel (TOB) ~105 m 2 End Caps (TEC) 50% Modules for Rings 5, 6,7 and hybrid processing for Rings 2,5,6

6 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 6 Blue = double sided Red = single sided Strip lengths 10 cm (innermost) to 20 cm (outermost) Strip pitches 80  m (innermost) to 200  m (outermost) 500  m high resistivity 320  thick low resistivity Silicon Strips

7 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 7 Rods & Wheels 0.9 m 1.2 m

8 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 8 Components Overview Stockpiling Parts Now ↔ but with some caveats Sensors (500 mm thick) SGS Thomson (ST) ↔ Problems/production stopped/contract closed Hamamatsu (HPK) Excellent quality. Rate may be a problem Sensor Frames from Belgium/Pakistan: on track Problems over the past few years appear to all be worked out for now Hybrids from Cicorel/Hybrid SA/CERN ↔ critical path Several design flaws and processing quality issues uncovered. Technical problems solved ↔ delivery rate and stability an issue Rod Frames from Helsinki/CERN- stockpiling

9 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 9 August ‘03 UCSB finds problem with ST sensors December ‘03 (3 day sensor workshop at CERN) Re-probe ~1000 sensors in US and EU quality has degraded January-February ’04: Place orders with HPK for masks and prototypes STM order cut from 18,000 to 11,000. Place order with HPK for 7000 sensors May-July ’04: ST delivers 1000 sensors, CMS finds long-term instability in 5%. US builds 177 modules. Sees time evolution in 2 modules. Tracker week - July ’04: Evidence of corrosion from phosphorous in surface oxide. STM is not qualified. Autumn ’04: HPK orders increased to 16,000. December ’04: STM order closed Timeline of ST Sensor Issue 16 months of intense technical studies, and struggles…

10 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 10 CMN effect features: Few strips cause all 128 channels to show high noise Later: 2 nd chip develops CMN Situation as of early‘04 1. Common Mode Noise (CMN)

11 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 11 Strip 420 & 421 (4µA 15µA). Switching probe chuck vacuum on and off switches these strips on and off. Effect is reproducible. No visible defect seen. without vacuum with vacuum As of early‘04 2. Vacuum effect ↔ single strips !

12 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 12 OB2 sensors “It’s like no diode I’ve ever seen Gromit” - Wallace late ’03 early ’04 3. Peculiar IV Curves

13 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 13 As of early‘04 30211334388607 4. Long term instability

14 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 14 Good sensor As of early‘04 5. Structure in leakage current

15 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 15 Corrosion Passivation (1 µm) Aluminum (2 µm) Triple oxide layer (1.5 µm) Aluminum corrosion As of July ’04 micro-corrosions of the aluminum surface: Humidity reacts with Phosphorus (present in a 4% concentration into the passivation oxide) and forms an acid (probably H 3 PO 4 ), that corrodes a superficial layer of Aluminum. Discovered by Strasbourg and Karlsruhe then confirmed by STM (this slide)

16 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 16 As of July ’04 Failure rate of qualification sensors in 72 h period is 5%  233 sensors tested 72h (room temperature, r.h.=25-30%) 7a. Long term sensor tests

17 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 17 7b. Long term TOB module tests sec Maxed out ADC Bits at this point nAAfter 7 hours, bias current started to increase New high noise channels seen in subsequent tests  Dark marks on bias ring occur near high noise channels

18 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 18 HPK Met with Yamamoto (VP) in Hamamatsu January 2004 US  CERN  place orders for masks Order 7000 sensors for delivery by end of 2004 Actually ~5600 delivered. Met with Yamamoto Oct. 11 at CERN : problems identified: (One month lost) Poly Silicon over-etching Scratches by handling devices Recently~75% yield but workers on strike… Will visit HPK again next month Negotiate for all 16,700 by Oct. 2005 Options for few thousand

19 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 19 Current HPK schedule

20 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 20 Summer 2003 UCSB finds broken cable traces CERN finds problem is widespread, vendor says flaw is fatal Winter 2004 UCSB/FNAL find new failure mode in modules UCSB traces the problem to the hybrid CERN/Strasbourg/vendor: Vias not properly plated, with breaks occurring at unknown rate Autumn 2004: New Designs and processing - all trials are highly successful! Winter 2004-2005: New hybrid qualified and production started w/ rate problems US asked to secure new production Prof. D. Stuart has agreed to take on this project Timeline of Hybrid Issues

21 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 21 Cu Example of a good via Example of a bad via Bad Cables and Good Vias and Bad Vias Flex cable fragility

22 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 22 US CMS Tracker Group Brown University R. Hooper, G. Landsberg, C. Nguyen, H. Nguyen University of California, Riverside (UCR) P. Gartung, G. Hanson, G.Y. Jeng, G. Pasztor University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) A. Affolder, S. Burke, C. Campagnari, F. Garberson, D. Hale, J. Incandela, P. Kalavase, S. Kyre, J. Lamb, R. Taylor, D. Stuart, D. White + technicians University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) E. Chabalina, C. Gerber, L. Nigra, T. Ten Fermilab (FNAL) M. Demarteau, A. Ronzhin, K. Sogut, L. Spiegel, S. Tkaczyk + technicians University of Kansas (KU) P. Baringer, A. Bean, L. Christofek, D. Coppage Mexican Consortium: Cinvestav: H. Castilla, R. Perez, A. Sanchez Puebla: E. Medel, H. Salazar San Luis Potosi: A. Morelos University of Rochester (UR) R.Demina, R. Eusebi, E. Halkiadakis, A. Hocker, S. Korjenevski, P. Tipton 20 joined group this past year – more needed at UCSB 10 left the group (includes KSU) 20 joined group this past year – more needed at UCSB 10 left the group (includes KSU)

23 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 23 US Preparations Good parts in large quantities are arriving Deliveries will not be smooth – hybrids especially – Andrea Allen of UCSB to go to CERN for 5-6 months as of February Meeting the schedule will require Higher than expected peak production rates Extremely robust and stable production lines Well trained personnel Previous module rate in US is 15/day/site Must be able to build faster Very few additions/changes in tooling and infrastructure - completed Extended day will be required Rates now possible: FNAL: 18/day sustainable and 21-24/d peak UCSB: 21/d sustainable and 27-30/d peak

24 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 24 PlanningOverview Commissioned a variety of studies Capacity expansion at FNAL and UCSB Many new ideas for gaining efficiency Failure modes Preparations to minimize downtime Manpower issues Focus in 2004 - FNAL Brown University and Mexican consortium Focus 2005 – UCSB Hiring post-docs now – crucial to project startup in US and installation and commissioning at CERN Need technicians

25 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 25 UCSB TEC Production Miscellaneous info Have built all required types successfully: R5S, R5N, R6, R7 25 shipping boxes (20 modules each) built All carrier plates (~100 per type) and all wirebond fixtures complete Capacity We will need to saturate UCSB production capacity with TEC modules Split 60% - 40% TOB-TEC until TOB finished 100% TEC production last 3 months of schedule

26 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 26 Rods Rod assembly understood Single rod testing is under control Multi-rod Have had and resolved many problems with software and hardware Achieved major milestones Still have some problems to solve Need experience with many rods to determine if there are issues with components.

27 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 27 Mechanics:Tracker Outer Barrel 0.9 m Full Prototype Wheel (for MSGCs) Final Cylinders at CERN Rods before/after modules installed

28 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 28 S/N > 32 Test Beam Results

29 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 29 ORCA reconstruction of tracks

30 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 30 SST Schedule Completion: Jan. 2006 An aggressive schedule

31 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 31 Management Project Management at CERN came under fire Delays have put CMS experiment at risk CERN Summit held Jan 6-12 44 hours of meetings in 4 days Reviewed all project aspects Discussed project management Outcome New managerial structure New group leaders meeting New CERN tracker week schedule

32 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 32 Management Overview Proposed Tracker Management Structure Project ManagerGigi Rolandi Deputy Project ManagerGeoff Hall Tracker Construction ManagerPeter Sharp Resource ManagerRoberto Tenchini Project Board TIB/TIDTOBTECPixel Guido Tonelli Joe Incandela Didier Contardo Roland Horisberger TBC Duccio Abbaneo Stefan SchaelTBC Module Production Gian-Mario Bilei + TBCaaabbbcccddd Tracker Integration Ariella Cattai + ME + EEeeefffggghhh Electronics Integration Sandro Marchioro + Patrice Siegristiiijjjkkklll Software Integration Lucia Silvestris + TBCmmmnnnoooppp

33 ROD INTEGRATION Aachen Karlsruhe Strasbourg ZurichWien PETALS INTEGRATION Aachen Brussels Karlsruhe Louvain LyonStrasbourg Brussels Wien Lyon TECassembly TECassembly CERN Frames: Brussels Sensors: factories Hybrids: Strasbourg Pitch adapter: Brussels Hybrid: CF carrier TK ASSEMBLY At CERN Louvain Strasbourg Pisa PerugiaWien BariPerugia BariFirenzeTorinoPisaPadova TIB-TID INTEGRATION FNAL UCSB TOBassembly TIB-IDassembly At CERN PisaAachenKarlsruhe.--> Lyon Karlsruhe Pisa Sensor QAC Module assembly Bonding & testing Sub-assemblies FNAL US in the tracker Integration into mechanics RU FNAL UCSB

34 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 34 Tracker Weeks

35 UCSB CMS Group, DOE Site visit, Jan 18, 2005 J. Incandela 35 Summary Manpower needs to rise quickly Have studied all possible threats to production stability Purchased or manufactured spares Further increased capacity to ~50 modules/d Requires manpower (~ 4-5 FTE total) Systems All stages of production have been exercised and are near to final except rod testing Multi-rod stands rapidly converging UCSB Role in CMS has been extremely important

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