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ALLOWABLE EVENTS. HOSPITALITY – Allowed Events  Student Events –Hosted by students –For the benefit of students –Graduation receptions –Student recognition.

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Presentation on theme: "ALLOWABLE EVENTS. HOSPITALITY – Allowed Events  Student Events –Hosted by students –For the benefit of students –Graduation receptions –Student recognition."— Presentation transcript:


2 HOSPITALITY – Allowed Events  Student Events –Hosted by students –For the benefit of students –Graduation receptions –Student recognition receptions

3 HOSPITALITY-Allowed Events  Recruitment –Hosting prospective students (undergraduate and graduate) –Hosting potential faculty

4 HOSPITALITY-Allowed Events  Guests(speakers, guest lecturers, etc.) –Meal(s) only for the guest Note: IU Foundation funds should be used to cover meals of employees.

5 HOSPITALITY-Allowed Events  Organized Departmental Meetings –Half day or more –Retreats

6 Hospitality – Allowed Events  Meals (but not entertainment) expense for University employees and outside reviewers required for accreditation activities and peer or administrative reviews.

7 HOSPITALITY-Allowed Events  Faculty/Staff Recognition –Retirement, Termination –Longevity –Praise

8 HOSPITALITY-Allowed Events  Training –Staff: Must have representative from UHR or facilitator from outside the IU Community –Faculty: Must be approved by Dean of Faculties

9 HOSPITALITY-Allowed Events  Search & Screen –Campus Guideline: Reimbursement only for Table of 4 –Reasonable refreshment expense for Committee –Students may host candidates –Units may have their own guidelines

10 HOSPITALITY – Allowed Events  Conferences, Workshops, etc. –Only IF a fee was collected from attendees –Only IF an outside vendor provides funds to support the hospitality events –Fees collected MUST be enough to cover all hospitality expenses

11 HOSPITALITY-Allowed Events  Auxiliary Units –Events for students –Promotional activities

12 HOSPITALITY- Merchandise Allowed  Floral arrangements (only for the event)  Recruiting items (reasonable cost per item)

13 HOSPITALITY – UNALLOWED Events  No hospitality for conferences or workshops unless a fee is collected from attendees  No hospitality for fundraisers  No games, door prizes, or raffles  No flowers for funerals, get well, birthdays, or special days  No meals for employees, unless part of an allowed event

14 HOSPITALITY - Object Codes  Normal hospitality expenses: 4025  Merchandise for allowed events: 4020  Conferences and workshops that have collected a fee: 4026  Auxiliary promotional events: 4868  Student activity fee accounts: 4028

15 Reasonable Cost per Meal  The University approved per diem rates will be applied to check for the reasonableness standard.  Bloomington & Indianapolis per diem rates: –Breakfast $8. –Lunch $13. –Dinner $24.

16 C&G Accounts  Campus Does not provide prior approval for hospitality events  C&G Admin approves based on the transaction

17 Requesting a Hospitality Code  To request a hospitality code, go to the Hospitality Website:  Be sure to use the assigned hospitality code on all transactions relating to the expense

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