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Kinematics of Rotation of Rigid Bodies

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1 Kinematics of Rotation of Rigid Bodies
Angular displacement Δθ = θ – θ0 Δθ > 0 if rotation is counterclockwise Δθ < 0 if rotation is clockwise z Angle of rotation s s’ Angle of rotation θ is a dimensionless quantity, but it is a vector r’ r If θ is in radians, then s=rθ and s’=r’θ with the same θ.

2 Example: A total eclipse of the sun

3 Angular Velocity and Acceleration
z z Average angular velocity Instantaneous angular velocity ωz>0 ωz<0 Instantaneous angular speed is a scalar Average angular acceleration Instantaneous angular acceleration

4 Rotational motion Quantity Linear motion θ Displacement x ω0z
Kinematic Equations of Linear and Angular Motion with Constant Acceleration (1) (3) (4) (2) Rotational motion Quantity Linear motion θ Displacement x ω0z Initial velocity v0x ωz Final velocity vx αz Acceleration ax t Time


6 Ice-skating stunt “crack-the-whip”
Relations between Angular and Tangential Kinematic Quantities Ice-skating stunt “crack-the-whip”

7 Centripetal and Tangential Accelerations in Rotational Kinematics

8 Exam Example 22: Throwing a Discus (example 9.4)

9 Rotational Kinetic Energy and Moment of Inertia
Kinetic energy of one particle Rotational kinetic energy is the kinetic energy of the entire rigid body rotating with the angular speed ω ω Definition of the moment of inertia Total mechanical energy h Translational kinetic energy Rotational kinetic energy Potential energy 0cm Parallel-Axis Theorem Proof: =0

10 Rotation about an Axis Shifted from a Center of Mass Position

11 Solution: (a) Work-energy theorem Wnc = - μk m1g Δy , since FN1 = m1g,
Exam Example 23: Blocks descending over a massive pulley (problem 9.83) ω Data: m1, m2, μk, I, R, Δy, v0y=0 m1 R Find: (a) vy; (b) t, ay; (c) ω,α; (d) T1, T2 Solution: (a) Work-energy theorem Wnc= ΔK + ΔU, ΔU = - m2gΔy, Wnc = - μk m1g Δy , since FN1 = m1g, ΔK=K=(m1+m2)vy2/2 + Iω2/2 = (m1+m2+I/R2)vy2/2 since vy = Rω x m2 ay Δy y (b) Kinematics with constant acceleration: t = 2Δy/vy , ay = vy2/(2Δy) (c) ω = vy/R , α = ay/R = vy2/(2ΔyR) (d) Newton’s second law for each block: T1x + fkx = m1ay → T1x= m1 (ay + μk g) , T2y + m2g = m2ay → T2y = - m2 (g – ay)

12 Moments of Inertia of Various Bodies
Scaling law and order of magnitude I ~ ML2

13 Moment of Inertia Calculations
Cylinder rotating about axis of symmetry The total mass of the cylinder is Result:

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