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Energy Efficiency made in Germany Energy Efficiency in Germany – Status & Perspectives May 6 th, 2010, Århus, Denmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficiency made in Germany Energy Efficiency in Germany – Status & Perspectives May 6 th, 2010, Århus, Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Efficiency made in Germany Energy Efficiency in Germany – Status & Perspectives May 6 th, 2010, Århus, Denmark Meike Wächter, eclareon GmbH Management Consultants on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

2 Energy Efficiency made in Germany I. “Energy Efficiency Made in Germany“ – You are invited to start Business!

3 I. Energy Efficiency Export Initiative Activities and services:  Foreign Trade Fairs  Information Events  Trade Missions  Fact-Finding Missions  Know-how Transfer  Training/ Education

4  Umbrella Brand “Energieeffizienz - made in Germany“  Information on the Website  Network Decision Makers and “Advocates”, Private Companies I. The Energy Efficiency Export Initiative at a Glance

5 Energy Efficiency made in Germany II. Governmental Strategies and Projects to rise Energy Efficiency– Overview on German Activities

6 II. Governmental strategies and projects Coalition agreement between CDU, CSU and FDP, 26.10.2009  Climate protection as a drive for competition in the field of new technologies  Target: main share of RES in energy supply  Continuation of CO2-program for modernizing insulation of buildings  Increase of modernized building proportion Integrated energy and climate change programme with 30 targeted measures, 23.08.2007  40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 compared to 1990  Share of 25-30% of electricity produced from renewable energy sources by 2030  Share of 25% of electricity produced from CHP by 2020  Increase share of bio fuels to 17% by 2020 Government declaration, 26.04.2007  Reduction of electricity consumption by 11% through a massive increase of energy efficiency  Increase share of renewable energy sources in the heat sector by 14% October 29, 2009, European Council, Brussels Objectives of the new federal government

7 Approaches for increase of energy efficiency in buildings  Legal Requirements for buildings  Obligation of replacement  Key instrument: EnEV  Loans and subsidies  Tax incentives  Key instrument: Building Refurbishment Programme Regulatory policyFinancial supportPromotion  Creation of market transparency  Pilot projects  Information  Qualification of experts Source: eclareon adapted from dena presentation II. Governmental strategies and projects

8 Energy Efficiency made in Germany III. Energy Efficiency in Buildings and the passive house

9 Source: from presentation of German Energy Agency (dena) Cost structure for a building over its life cycle Project development Construction Use Recycling 1-22-5 20-40 years 0-1 80% costs (whereof up to 50% energy costs) 20% costs III. Energy efficiency in (residential) buildings

10 Energy efficiency in residential buildings – key aspects III. Energy efficiency aspects in buildings 1.Type of building 2.Geographical position 3.Building materials and insulation 4.Windows 5.Ventilation 6.Heating systems Source: Brochure „Bauen für die Zukunft“, published by German Energy Agency (dena)

11 III. Energy efficiency in buildings – the passive house Source: PHI & Scherz &Scherz Architekten heating requirement: 15 kWh/m²a1,5 l Haus

12 III. A passive house compared to a low energy house

13 Source: Friedl Architektenbüro electricity Hot water (without solar thermal) heating

14 Energy efficiency made in Germany V. The Companies

15 V. Participating German Companies I CompanyRepresentativeBusiness segment REHAU AG & CoMr. Dennis Eskildenenergy-efficient insulation materials Paul Wärmerückgewinnung GmbH Mr. Eberhard Paulheat recovery systems ISOQUICK GmbH & Co. KG Mr. Peter Schröderenergy-efficient insulation materials 4greenArchitecture – Koch Architekten Ms. Charlotte Juhl KochArchitects and designers primarily specialising in energy efficient buildings

16 V. Participating German Companies II CompanyRepresentativeBusiness segment Ludwig Häußler GmbHMr. Mathias Häußlerenergy-efficient window technique STEICO AGMr. Klaus Drückerenergy-efficient insulation materials e.g. made of wood or hemp Fa. Ökologischer Holzbau Sellstedt GmbH Mr. Thomas Reinckeproducer and seller of low- energy houses and passive houses Pazen Fenster und Technik GmbH Mr. Pazen & Mr. Dohmenergy-efficient window technique

17 Energy Efficiency made in Germany Thank you for your attention!

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